Military History of Croydon NH

Last Updated on August 3, 2012 by Dennis

Revolutionary War

The sympathies of the first settlers of Croydon were early enlisted in the Revolutionary struggle. Soon after the Battle of Lexington, they sent Eleazer Leland and Abner Brigham to join the Provincial army; enrolled a company of twelve minute-men; raised eight pounds to purchase a town supply of ammunition, and chose Moses Whipple, Stephen Powers, Phineas Sanger, Abner Brigham and Joseph Hall a "committee of safety." In 1777 nine men from Croydon joined a company of militia, commanded by Captain Solomon Chase, of Cornish, and marched to Ticonderoga. Eight men joined the company of Captain Hardy, of Hanover, and united with the forces of General Stark, at Charlestown. Captain Moses Whipple, with a company composed partly of men from Cornish, "turned out" to stop the progress of Burgoyne. Croydon maintained its interest and contributed its full share of men and means until the close of the war.

   The following is an imperfect list of those citizens who served in the Revolutionary War:


Bazaleel BartonStephen Powers
Benjamin BartonUrias Powers
Abner BrighamDavid Powers
Cornel ChaseSamuel Powers
John Cooper, Jr.David Putnam
Joel CooperCaleb Putnam
Sherman CooperJacob Hall
Ezra CooperBenjamin Sherman
Benjamin CuttingEzekiel Rooks
John DruceDaniel Rooks
Amos DwinnellDavid Stockwell
Enoch EmersonPhineas Sanger
Timothy FisherJohn Sanger
Ezra HallIsaac Sanger
Daniel EmersonRobert Spencer
Edward Hall, Jr.Benjamin Swinnerton
Amos HagarBenjamin Thompson
Bazaleel GleasonGreshorn Ward
Jonas CuttingAaron Warren
James HowMoses Warren
Abijah HallMoses Whipple
James HallThomas Whipple
Joseph HallAaron Whipple
Samuel R. HallIsaac Woolson
Eleazer LelandNathaniel Wheeler
Rufus KingSamuel Whipple
Rufus KemptonSeth Wheeler
Phineas Newton

War of 1812

The following is an incomplete list of the citizens of Croydon who served in the War of 1812.


Major, Abijah PowersEnsign, Amasa Hall
Private, Nathaniel WheelerPrivate, Samuel Powers
Private, Charles CuttingPrivate, Elijah Darling
Private, Levi WinterPrivate, Sibley Melendy
Private, Isaac CooperPrivate, Abijah Dunbar
Private, Tyler Walker

The Rebellion

The following is an imperfect list of those citizens who served in the Union Army during the Rebellion:

Chaplains Robert Stinson, Anthony C. Hardy; Captains John W. Putnam, E. Darwin Comings; Lieutenants Paine Durkee, Albert Miner, (wounded at Fair Oaks); Sergeants Oscar D. Allen, (wounded at Antietam, killed at Gettsyburg), Lloyd D. Forehand, (wounded at Fair Oaks), John Blanchard, (wounded), Hiram K. Darling, William D. Angell, (died in the service); Corporals George E. Frye, (killed at Chancellosville), Alvah K. Davis, Henry H. Haynes, Irving D. Tobie, Ephraim Plympton; Privates Alonzo Allen, (wounded at Fair Oaks), Thomas Ames, (died in service), George Angell Jr., Sanford T. Barton, (wounded at Fair Oaks), Henry Barton, (killed in battle), Frederick J. Burge, William Bushy, Charles Baggatt, Charles L. Bryant, Rufus W. Clark, Alonzo C. Crooker, John Cabner, James P. Darling, (wounded), Warren K. Darling, Walter P. Darling, George S. Davis, (died), Robert Dinsmore, Leroy Forehand, Stephen G. Ford, George H. Goodhue, Jeremiah Haynes, Charles C. Howard, (wounded), Franklin J. Hersey, (killed at Fair Oaks), Philip Harding, (killed at second battle of Bull Run), Edward Hall, Hiram C. Hall, Charles N. Harridon, Herman Jacobs, Ambrose Jerome, Charles K. Jackson, (died), John A. Johnson, W. Wallace Kidder, Thomas Mack, Abraham Nutting, Elias F. Powers, (died at Poolesville, MD., February 17, 1863), Charles S. Partridge, Theodore H. Payne, Nathan Peyton, Isaac P. Rawson, George H. Ross, Albert F. Robbins, John Riley, Henry H. Stockwell, (killed at Fair Oaks), John G. Stockwell, (died at Harper’s Ferry), Henry H. Squires, Charles L. Stockwell, (mortally wounded), George N. Smith, George Tasker, Austin L. Whipple, (died in service), Emile Warren, (died at Andersonville Prison).

A few of the above were substitutes, and not actual citizens of the town. Twenty-five of them enlisted in the early part of the war, and received but ten dollars bounty. They were all volunteers. The highest bounty paid by the town was one hundred dollars per year. No citizen of Croydon is known to have deserted from the army during the war. Many of them re-enlisted and served until the close of hostilities.

The following are a few of the many natives of Croydon who enlisted from other places during the war:

Chaplain Joseph Sargent, (died in the service); Surgeons Ira W. Bragg, (naval surgeon, died in the service), Sherman Cooper, David C. Powers, Marshall Perkins, Willard O. Hurd, Willard C. Kempton; Captain Walter Forehand; Liutenant Edward Dow; Shapr-Shooter Sergeant Walter P. Blanchard; Privates Leonard Barton, (mortally wounded in battle), Peter Barton, Hiram E.W. Barton, Edward W. Collins, (wounded at first Bull Run battle), David R. Eastman, Marshall P. Hurd, (killed at Antietam), Henry Humphrey, (died in the service), Orren Marsh, Simeon Partridge, Dexter Stewart, Stephen M. Thornton, John Thornton, George H. Thornton, (died in the service), Horace P. Hall.

Croydon has furnished to the militia of the State the following officers:

Maj.-Gen. N. Emery



Jarvis AdamsCalvin Kempton
Otis CooperSamuel Powers
Freeman DunbarNathan Wheeler, Jr.
Daniel R. HallMoses Whipple



Abijah PowersLemuel P. Cooper
Peter Stow

The Croydon Light Infantry, and subsequently the Rifle Company, with their tasty uniforms and equipments and fine drill, were for many years a source of pride to the town.


AccessGenealogy. History of Sullivan County New Hampshire: A collection of material from a variety of sources. Web. 2013

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