Jaffrey East Congregational church.- On the first of December, 1849, the following named persons requested letters of dismission from the church at the Center, for the purpose of organizing a church at East Jaffrey: Jonas M. Melville, Betsey Mellville, Liberty Mower, Mary Ann Mower, William Morse, Salmon H. Rand, Emeline A. Rand, Martha W. Lacy, Mary Bacon, Rebecca Bacon, John Verder, Sarah J. Verder, Samuel Marble, Lucy Marble, Roxanna J. Mower, Angelina S. Mower, Phineal Spaulding, Lyman Spaulding, Susan M. Spaulding, Thomas A. Stearns, Sarah E. Stearns, Samuel N. Laws and Abigail. Parker. On the 9th of January, 1850, the new church was organized, and their first pastor, Rev. J. E. B. Jewett, was installed September 25, 1854Their church building, which will seat 350 persons, and is valued at $5,000.00, was built in 1850. The society now has seventy-two members, with Rev. E. J. Riggs, pastor. They have a Sabbath-school with an average attendance of fifty.