HOTELS – Benjamin Barton and Reuben Carroll at Four Corners, and Nathan Hall, William Allen and David A. Sargent, at the East village, have been hotel-keepers.
STORES – The following are among those who have been engaged in trade:
William Cheney, Solomon Clement, Henry Breck, Peter Barton, Hiram Smart, at Four Corners; Putnam & Cooper, Edward Hall, Ruel Durkee, Joel Ferry, George Dunbar and Rufus Hall, at East village, and James Breck, Simeon Edson, Stephen Eastman, Henry Hurd, James and Lyman Hall, Paul J. Wheeler, M. L. Barton, D. N. Adams, Daniel R. Hall, and Harriet Pillsbury at the Flat; Edward Hall, on the hill between Four Corners and East village. A store was run for awhile at the Flat by an association of individuals.
Woolen–Nathan Clark, Jr., and Samuel Morse at East village.
Knife-Joel Ferry, East village.
Starch-Paul Jacobs at the Flat.
Kit Factory–Moses Humphrey at Flat.
Excelsior–Pillsbury Brothers at the Flat.
There was a distillery at the Flat, where cider brandy in quantities was made for a number of years by James Hall.
TANNERIES – Rufus and Ruel Durkee at East Village, and Silas Kempton at Flat. The former was continued for many years.
BLACKSMITHS – Levi Dodge, Four Corners; Jasper Back, John Spiller, Harry Leeds, East village; Jacob Dwinnells, Leavit Humphrey, Obid Kempton, Gardner Woodbury, Dennison Humphry at the Flat; David Fletcher, in Brighton district, William G. Huntley.
SHOEMAKERS – Perley Dodge at Four Corners; Charles Day, David W. Frye, Mr. Pickernale, East Village; Jeremiah Kempton, Chase Noyes, Silas Kempton at the Flat.
COOPERS – Folansbee Carroll, John P. Carroll at Four Corners.
CLOTHIERS – Israel Goodwin and Stephen Eastman had an establishment at the Flat, and Nathan Clark one at East village.
CORDING – James Perkins had a cording-mill at the Flat.
CARPENTERS – Joseph Kempton, Edward Kempton, Obediah Dow, Jarvis Adams, Clark Stockwell, Joseph Eastman, William Darling, Charles Partridge, Hubbard Cooper, P. G. Minor, S. O. Powers, H. J. Hurd.
MILLS – The first mill in town was a saw-mill at East village; soon after a grist-mill at the same place, both of which have been in continuous operation ever since, owned by William Sherman, Colonel Boyce, Joel Ferrey, Dana Boston and others. In 1815 James Perkins came from Leominster, MA, and built a saw-mill and grist-mill at the Flat. The former, now owned by Humphrey & Hanson, turns out a large amount of lumber annually.
TAILORS – Elizabeth Sanger, Susan Humphrey, Hannah Harding. Dr. D. D. Marsh had a laboratory for a number of years at Four Corners.
LITERATURE – Among those who have made contributions to literature are Samuel Read Hall, who wrote a History of Vermont in 1827, a History of the United States in 1836, and numerous other volumes of interest, relating mainly to schools and educational matters. Baron Stow, D.D., was editor of the Columbian Star at Washington, D.C, and was the author of several books and pamphlets, and wrote much for the public press. John Cooper, Esq., published an "Historical and Statistical Sketch of Croydon" in 1852. Alanson L. Cooper, whose few footprints left indicate that, had his life, been spared, he would have been a favorite with the muses. Hon. Cyrus Barton edited, with much ability, the New Hampshire Spectator, at Newport, NH, and the New Hampshire Patriot, State Capital Reporter and Old Guard, at Concord, NH. Vashti Towne, a sister of John, was a vigorous writer, as her contributions to the press, while at Washington, D. C., amply testify. Rev. Luther J. Fletcher wrote "Gloria Patria" and several textbooks, and contributed much to the journals of his denomination. Augusta Cooper Bristol indulges her pen freely, both in prose and poetry. A volume of the latter, embracing her choicest gems, was published in 1868. Alonzo Allen wrote "Croydon’s Military Record."
Edmund Wheeler published the "Croydon Centennial" in 1866, and the "History of Newport" in 1879. Solomon M. Whipple, M.D., was a member of the editorial staff of the New Hampshire Patriot for several years, and his address, while president of the New Hampshire Medical Society, and other matters have been published.
Hubbard A. Barton early indicated a taste for literature, and, besides his many offerings to the press, he has been, and now is one of the editors and proprietors of the Arqus and Spectator, at Newport, NH. Sullivan Barton, a brother, has, from boyhood. been a liberal contributor to the press. Elizabeth A. Harding, who wrote the " Welcome Ode" at the " Centennial," indulges her pen in prose as well as verse. Mary Cooper Gardiner’s " European Tour," 1884-85, indicates a ready pen and ripe scholarship. Josiah Ide makes frequent contributions to the weekly press and also to many popular magazines of the day. James C. Grandy is a ready writer, makes frequent contributions to the press, and is entitled to credit for valuable assistance rendered in producing this historical sketch.
LIBRARY – The Croydon Social Library was established in 1806. It contained many standard works of great merit, and exerted a decided influence in moulding the character of the young men of the town.
EDUCATION – Early, the wife of Moses Whipple, an intelligent lady, received the children of the first settlers at her house, and taught them free of charge. The first school-house, a small structure twenty feet square, was built in 1771, and eight pounds was raised for the purpose of education. The second district was formed in 1780, and one hundred and fifty dollars assessed for school purposes. In 1834 the town was divided into ten districts for school purposes. From the beginning Croydon has paid due attention to mental culture; has taken much interest in the schools, and, for the most part, has employed only the most competent and efficient teachers and superintendents.
The following are a few of the many noted teachers the town has furnished:
Samuel Blanchard | John Wheeler. |
Lemuel P. Cooper. | Horace Powers. |
Moses Haven | John Towne. |
Baron Stow. | Alexander Metcalf. |
Abijah Powers. | Levi W. Barton. |
Calvin Kempton. | James Powers. |
Moses Eastman. | Lyman Hall. |
Samuel Powers. | Alonzo Allen. |
Griswold Ward. |
Mrs. Moses Whipple. | Mrs. Anna W. Metcalf. |
Mrs. General Emory. | Mrs. Augusta C. Bristol. |
Vashti Towne. | Mrs. Harriet A. Loverin. |
Mrs. M Cooper Gardiner. | Mrs. Nellie L. Barton. |
Mrs. Ellen C. Danforth. |
The following have been superintendents of schools:
Jacob Haven. | William Barton. |
Moses Haven. | Hubbard A. Barton. |
Lemuel C. Cooper. | Sullivan Barton. |
John Cooper. | Harriet A. Loverin. |
Dellavan D. Marsh. | Harriet Fowler. |
PHYSICIANS – Reuben Carroll, Nathaniel Leavitt, Dellavan D. Marsh, Ezra Gustin, Williams Barton, Sherman Cooper, Albina Hall, and Drs. Alden and Cooper, have been resident practicing physicians. F.S. Putnam, son of Stillman, after graduation at the dental college, opened an office in town. He is now at Newport, NH
The following is an imperfect list of native and former residents who have turned their attention to the medical profession:
William Barton, born August 6th, 1820; graduated at Hanover, in 1845; located at Croydon, NH
Ira W. Bragg, born July 28, 1833; graduated at Harvard in 1859; located at Chelsea, MA, died October 21, 1864.
Alanson L. Cooper, born October 16, 1804; graduated at Brunswick 1827; located at Auburn, NY; died in 1841.
William F. Cooper, born September 20, 1801; graduated at Brunswick; located at Kelloggsville, NY; died in 1847.
Orville M. Cooper, born July 28, 1821; graduated at Dartmouth in 1845; located at Hollis, NH; died 1845.
Elijah Cooper, graduated at Dartmouth in 1845; located at Newark, O., 1854.
Sherman Cooper, born August 20, 1833; graduated at New York Medical College in 1856; located at Claremont, NH.
Herman Cooper, born February 6,1859; graduated at Dartmouth; located at Meriden, NH.
Reuben Carroll, died in 1840.
Albert Carroll, located at Boston, MA Adolphus Cutting, born June 25, 1811; graduated in 1833.
John L. Cain, born September 26, 1857; graduated at Dartmouth in 1833; located at Grantham, NH
William B. Cain, born September 26, 1859; graduated at Dartmouth in 1883; located at Chesterfield, NH
William W. Darling, born November 20,1834; graduated at Dartmouth in 1859; located at Newport, NH
Ezra Gustin, born 1788; located at Croydon, NH; died October 29, 1818.
Willard P. Gibson, born September 2, 1798; graduated at Castleton in 1822; located at Newport, N. IL; died October 23, 1837.
Otis Gibson, born June 8, 1807; graduated at Woodstock in 1830; located at Wellsboro, Pa.
Bushrod R. Gibson, located at Pomfret, VT
John Hall, born October 3, 1814; graduated at Bowdoin in 1842; located at Newark, 0.; died in 1852.
Silas Hall, born December, 1792; located at Monrovia, NY
Albina Hall, born October 16, 1800; graduated at Berkshire in 1823; located at Croydon, NH
Dellavan D. Marsh, born May 8, 1808; graduated at Dartmouth in 1834; located at Croydon, NH; died 1867.
William W. Marsh, born July 29, 1850; graduated at Harvard.
Frank D. Marsh, born October, 1852.
Marshall Perkins, born March 13, 1823; graduated at Harvard in 1850; located at Marlow, NH
Horace Powers, born October 28, 1807; graduated at Woodstock in 1832; located at Morristown, VT; died 1867.
David C. Powers, born June 30, 1822; graduated at Amherst in 1848; located at Auburn, NY
Darwin A. Stewart, born April 5, 1842; graduated at New York Medical College in 1869; located at Winona, Minn.
Daniel Ward, born June 6, 1810; graduated at Castleton in 1834; located at Marsailles, Ill..
Griswold W. Wheeler, born February 22, 1808; graduated at Dartmouth in 1836; located at Perryville, Mo.; died June 7, 1865.
Solomon M. Whipple, born July 28,1820; graduated at Woodstock in 1849; located at New London, NH; died 1875.
Henry W. Brown, born November 15,1847; graduated at Harvard in 1873; located at Newport, NH, died 1875.
Carlos J. Adams, born September 17, 1837; graduated at Ann Arbor in 1868; located at Chicago, 111.
William H. Hurd, born August 29, 1829; graduated at Dartmouth in 1854; located at Carlton Place, Ont.
Willard 0. Hurd, born December 7, 1838; graduated at Albany Medical College in 1860; located at Grantham, NH
Willard C. Kempton, born October 13,1840; graduated at Dartmouth; located at Grantham, NH
Lyman Hall, born in 1804; graduated at Dartmouth in 1833; located at Cornish, NH; died in 1862.
LAWYERS – Samuel Morse was the only practicing lawyer that ever located in town. He was a native of Dublin, NH; graduated at Dartmouth in 1811; came to Croydon in 1815; was elected representative in 1834, and delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1850; he died January 1, 1865, aged eighty-one years.
The following is an imperfect list of natives and former residents who have turned their attention to the legal profession:
Levi W. Barton, born March 1,1818; graduated at Dartmouth, New Hampshire, in 1848; located at Newport, NH
Jonas Cutting, born November 3, 1800; graduated at Dartmouth, New Hampshire, in 1823; located at Bangor, Me.; died August 26, 1876.
Gershom Powers, born June 11, 1789; not a graduate; located at Auburn, NY; died June 25, 1831.
Franklin Putnam, born September 8, 1833; gradated at Bowdoin, Maine, 18,59; located at Kansas City, Mo.; died November 3, 1865.
George F. Putnam, born November 6,1841; graduated at Norwich, VT, in 1866; located at Kansas City, Mo.
Wilbur H. Powers, born January 22, 1849; graduated at Dartmouth in 1875; located at Boston, MA.
William P. Wheeler, born July 31, 1812; graduated at Harvard, Massachusetts, in 1842; located at Keene, NH; died May 10, 1876.
CLERGYMEN – The following are among those who have given their attention to theology:
Jacob W. H. Ames, born May 7, 1838; graduated at Wesleyan in 1864; located at Chelsea, MA; died June 12, 1866.
Otis Dunbar, born June 11, 1812; graduated at Dartmouth; located at Holderness, NH
Lester H. Elliot, born August 1, 1835; graduated at Burlington in 1861; located at Winooski, VT
Luther J. Fletcher, born November 25, 1818; graduated at Norwich in 1841; located at Bath, Me.; died January 20, 1884.
Samuel R. Hall, born October 27, 1795; graduated at Academy Bridgeton, Me.; located at Craftsbury, VT.
Josiah W. Powers, born June 19, 1799; graduated at Andover in 1837; located at Kennebunk, Me.; died in 1839.
Dennis Powers, born May 24, 1808; graduated at Amherst in 1835; located at Abington, MA
Urias Powers, born May 12, 1791; graduated at Dartmouth in 1818; located at Big Lick, Va.; died in 1870.
Austin Putnam, born March 6, 1809; graduated at Dartmouth in 1827; located at Harnden, Conn.
James W. Putnam, born December 15, 1822; graduated at Norwich; Danvers, MA; died November 3, 1864.
Nathaniel F. Putnam, born February 2, 1839; graduated at Bowdoin in 1803; located at St. Johnsbury, VT.
Baron Stowe, born June 16, 1801; graduated at Columbian in 1825; located at Boston, MA; died December 27, 1869.