The Congregational Church in Acworth was organized March 12, 1773, with eight members, as follows: Henry Silsby, Betbiah Silsby, Thomas Putnam, Rachel Putnam, Samuel Silsby, Elizabeth Silsby, Dean Carlton, Anna Cross.
During the first fifteen years the church was supplied by George Gilmore, David Goodale, Isaiah Kilburn and others. The first pastor was settled on the second Tuesday of November, 1789. The first meeting-house, erected in 1784, in front of the present house, was not ready for use till 1789. The present edifice was built in 1821. The Confession of Faith and Covenant were revised by direction of the church, and adopted in their present form by vote of the church, on the 13th of April, 1884.
The following is a list of the pastors and ministers
Rev. Thomas Archibald, ordained November 1789, dismissed June 13, 1794
Rev. John Kimball, ordained June 14, 1797, dismissed May 4, 1813
Rev. Phineas Cooke, ordained September 7, 1814, dismissed February 18, 1829, died April 28, 1853, buried in Acworth
Rev. Moses Grosvenor, installed October 14, 1829, dismissed April 25, 1832
Rev. Joseph Merrill, installed October 16, 1833, dismissed July 11, 1838
Rev. Thomas Edwards, installed August 19, 1841, dismissed February 16, 1843
Rev. R. W. Fuller, acting pastor, 1843-1845
Rev. Edwin S. Wright, ordained January 7, 1846, dismissed March 10, 1856
Rev. Amos Foster, installed February 18, 1857, dismissed June 13, 1866
Rev. J. L. Merrill, installed June 13, 1866, dismissed March 1, 1870
Rev. S. V. McDuffee, acting pastor, June 7, 1870-71
Rev. Nathan R. Nichols, ordained February 1., 1872, dismissed September 30, 1873
Rev. James Marshall, installed June 9, 1874, dismissed April 25, 1877
Rev. Benjamin H. Labaree, D.D., acting pastor April, 1877-November, 1878
Rev. Albion H. Johnson, acting pastor, November, 1878-September, 1882
Rev. Edward G. Stone, acting pastor, November 26, 1882 to present time.