Biography of Frank A. Jordan

Frank A. Jordan, a veteran of the Civil War, who is carrying on a thriving business as a stone cutter in Plainfield, N.H., was born in this town, April 19, 1840, son of Anthony W. and Mercy (Root) Jordan. It is known that some of his ancestors served in the Revolutionary War. His grandfather was James Jordan, who died May 10, 1860, aged eighty-two years. He was a native of Plainfield and a son of the first member of the family to settle here. James Jordan was a contractor for the construction of roads and bridges, and also carried on a farm. He married Waitte Kenyon, of Plainfield, born in January, 1782, and reared seven sons, namely-Anthony W.; William Riley, first, Raymond K.; Wardner; Lester; Kenyon; and Jarvis -none of whom are living. The majority of them were farmers; and all became heads of families except Kenyon, who died at the age of twenty years.

William Riley Jordan, first, married a Miss Esther Spaulding, of Plainfield; and six of his eight children survive. Wardner, who was overseer of the poor farm for seventeen years, married Lucy Whittaker, of Grantham, N.H.; and of his four children two are living. Lester married Luzina Stone, and had a family of eight children, none of whom are living. Jarvis was Sergeant of Company C, Fifth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, during the Civil War. Three of his sons were also soldiers, and two died while in service. He was prominent in public affairs, and served as a Selectman for some time. Raymond K. Jordan was a cooper by trade and a hard-working temperate man. He and his wife, Sophia Waller, had a family of thirteen children, who are all deceased but one son. Two of the boys were in the war of the Rebellion, serving in Company C, Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers. The Jordans and Kenyons were early settlers in Plainfield, coming here from Connecticut.

Anthony Wayne Jordan, father of Frank A., was born in Plainfield, February 1, 1804. He learned the stone-mason’s trade, which he followed industriously during his active years, and provided his family with a good living and a practical education. He died March 10, 1870. His wife, Mercy Root, born April 30, 1807, and died February 11, 1878, aged seventy-one, who was a daughter of Allen Root, of Plainfield, became the mother of nine children, namely: Albert; Calista; William Riley, second; Louisa; Francis G.; Frank A., the subject of this sketch; James; Marcia; and Electa. Albert Jordan, born March 21, 1824, was employed in a stone-mill in Manchester, Vt., for many years, or until losing his arm during a Fourth of July celebration. He 1879. He married Mary French, of Plainfield, and reared a family. Calista, who was born April 26, 1826, married Alanson Hadley, of Plainfield, N.H. Riley Jordan, born June 26, 1828, was a marble cutter, following his trade in various parts of this county; and he served as a soldier in the Civil War in the Sixth New Hampshire, Company G. He died July 3, 1881, aged fifty-three years. The maiden name of his wife was Laura French. Francis G., who was born August 6, 1830, was burned to death in his cradle, December 7, 1831. Louisa, who was born July 17, 1833, married Byron Sanborn, a native of Lisbon, N.H., and a farmer in Plainfield, and died in March, 1872, leaving one child. James, who was born June 13, 1843, and served for a time in the Fifth New Hampshire Regiment, Company C, during the Civil War, died February 21, 1896. Marcia was born October 29, 1845, and was accidentally killed June 25, 1856. She had returned to the school-house for something left there, and while attempting to enter through the window it fell upon her neck. Electa, who was born in October, 1848, married a Mr. Allen Root, foreman of a sash and blind factory in Fitchburg, Mass., and has one child.

Frank A. Jordan began his education in the common schools of Plainfield, and completed it in Newbury, Vt. He learned the stonecutter’s trade, and for a time was employed in the construction of the Woodstock Railway. He enlisted in Company B, Second Regiment Vermont Volunteers, and after the first battle of Bull Run was transferred with five hundred and fifty others to the marine service. He did duty as fireman upon the gunboats “Cincinnati” and “Benton” in the Cairo expedition under Commodore Foote up the Tennessee and Cumberland and on the upper Mississippi. After the expiration of his first term he reenlisted in the Third Vermont Regiment, and took part in the battles of Culpeper Courthouse, the Rappahannock, Bristoe Station, Rapidan, Brandy Station, and all along that line, at Pittsburg Landing, Fort Henry, and Island No. 10. Since the war he has been engaged in the stone-cutting business in Plainfield, and has executed some excellent work upon several large estates in this locality. He is a skilful workman and an able business man, and aside from his everyday calling he carries on a farm.

Mr. Jordan married Cornelia E. Davis, who was born in Bethel, Vt., April 3, 1847, daughter of Joseph R. Davis, of that town. Mrs. Jordan is the mother of four children, namely: Sherman T., born August 1, 1865, who assists his father in business; Mabel M., born March 6, 1870; Emma Z., born May 20, 1873, married Edwin Milliner, of Plainfield, and has five children; and Parker C., born March 11, 1875, who is employed by his father. Politically, Mr. Jordan is a Republican, but is prevented by business pressure from taking an active part in public affairs.


Biography, Civil War,

Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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