Biographical Sketch of Elijah Cooper

Last Updated on August 27, 2012 by

ELIJAH COOPER, an intelligent physician, was son of Horatio Cooper, and grandson of Nathaniel Cooper, the oldest son of Dea. John Cooper. He graduated at Dartmouth College. After completing his studies, he practiced for a while with decided success at Newport, N. H., but subsequently removed to Columbus, Ohio, where he had an extensive practice for two years, when he removed to Newark, in the same State, where he also had a practice extending over a large section of country, but which so wrought upon his health that he abandoned it altogether in 1833, entered into a large mercantile business, and amassed a considerable fortune. He married the eldest daughter of Nicholas Farwell, of Claremont, by whom he had seven children. She died in 1847, and he married her sister, the second daughter of Nicholas Farwell. In September, 1854, Dr. Cooper, his wife, a daughter four years old, and a servant in his family, died of cholera. The second daughter of Dr. Cooper married Maj. John L. Farwell, Cashier of Claremont National Bank.



Partridge, Dennis N. Croydon New Hampshire Genealogy.

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