
Biography of Dr. Nathaniel Polhill Jelks

Dr. Nathaniel Polhill Jelks, fourth son of James Oliver Jelks and Mary Polhill, was born July 18, 1845, in Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, Georgia, where he died March 28, 1911. When six years old his family moved to Oglethorpe, Georgia, after two years moving to Hamilton County, Florida, where he received his early education, later studying in

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Indian Removal and the Legacy

[177]The articles of removal of the 1830 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek were set into motion immediately. By 1831 and 1832 when Removal was in full force mixed bloods still maintained their positions of trust and authority within the tribe. During Removal the percentage of mixed-blood captains — the headmen and leaders of the organized emigrant

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From Alliance to Removal

[138]Throughout the Jeffersonian period and later, the white countrymen and mixed bloods expanded their influence over the full-blood tribal members. One aspect of this can be seen by analyzing the ratio of full-blood to mixed-blood Choctaw signers of treaties with the United States. CHART 19 Breakdown of Choctaw treaty Signers Year Treaty Full Bloods Mixed

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Jefferson, Mixed Bloods and Frontier Defense

[102]By the beginning of the nineteenth century at least two major changes had altered the political environment affecting the Choctaw Indians. Within the Choctaw tribe several countrymen were beginning to exert influence in tribal decisions. Although not yet accepted as equals to the chiefs, white men such as Nathaniel Folsom and John Pitchlynn were respected

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Sample of Mixed Blood Ubiquity: Representative Family Histories

The extant records concerning the traders and other countrymen are uneven in their coverage of mixed-blood families. Although only the better-known families were chronicled in the works of early regional historians and authors commenting on the Indian tribes, the existence of scores of surnames within these records indicates that mixed-blood families were widespread in the

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Choctaw Trade and Coexistence in the Nation

After the discovery of the new world, trade quickly became the most important interaction between the American natives and the colonists. For the Indians it was an extension and continuation of their inter-tribal practices. Reuben Gold Thwaites, an early nineteenth-century student of the American frontier, stated that “the love of trade was strong among the

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An Affinity For Trade

Despite their early encounters with Hernando DeSoto, whose ruthless exploitation of the Native Americans was unabashedly cruel, the Southeastern Indians greeted white men with peaceful cooperation. Later European arrivals found that their success in the Gulf wilderness depended largely upon peace with the native inhabitants, or at least peace with one of the larger tribes.

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Introduction, Choctaw Mixed Blood

One of the most controversial areas of American history is that of Indian/white relations and the federal policies, which led to Indian Removal. In the early and middle nineteenth century the United States government embarked upon a program of wholesale government-sponsored emigration of tribes residing within the various states and territories. Later called the “Trail

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Georgia Vital Records

Vital records, as their name suggests, are connected with central life events: birth, marriage, and death. Maintained by civil authorities, they are prime sources of genealogical information; but, unfortunately, official vital records are available only for relatively recent periods. These records, despite their recent creation in the United States, are critically important in genealogical research,

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Georgia Light Infantry – Columbus Muscogee County Georgia

J. S. CALHOUN, Captain. E. R. GOULDING, 1st Lieutenant. H. C. ANDERSON, 2d Lieutenant. W. B. PHILLIPS, 1st Sergeant. ASA B. HOXIE, 2d Sergeant. W. T. SMITH, 3d Sergeant. M. H. BLANDFORD, 4th Sergeant. R. R. HOWARD, 1st Corporal. A. SCOTT, 2d Corporal. TH. REYNOLDS, 3d Corporal. GEO. LINDSAY, 4th Corporal. Privates E. C. Allen

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Canton Volunteers – Canton Cherokee County Georgia

K. GRAMLING, Captain. A. KEATH, 1st Lieutenant. W. F. MULLENS, 2d Lieutenant. W. G. GRAMLING, 1st Sergeant. S. J. COOK, 2d Sergeant. D. F. DANIEL, 3d Sergeant. N. F. STRAIN, 4th Sergeant. JOHN G. RHODES, 1st Corporal. ALLEN MOODY, 2d Corporal. ROBT. S. KNOX, 3d Corporal. JOSHUA HUGHES, 4th Corporal. Privates William T. Archer George

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Macon Guards

ISAAC HOLMES, Captain. E. L. SHELTON, 1st Lieutenant. E. S. RODGERS, 2d Lieutenant WM. D. GRIFFIN, 1st Sergeant. J. B. CUMMING, 2d Sergeant J. A. McGREGOR, 3d Sergeant P. J. SHANNON, 4th Sergeant. A. B. ROSS, 1st Corporal. EDWIN HARRIS, 2d Corporal THOS. E. ORCUTT, 3d Corporal R. T. McGREGOR, 4th Corporal Privates James A.

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