Utah Indian Agencies and Schools

Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state.  Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.

Kaibab Day School, Utah.
Post-office: Moccasin, Arizona
Telegraph address: Marysvale, Utah; Western Union, 150 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Marysvale, Utah, on Denver and Rio Grande Rwy.; thence stage to Kanab, Utah, 150 miles; thence hired team, 18 miles; time, 45 hours. Or Marysvale, Utah; thence daily stage 105 miles to Orderville, Utah; time, 34 hours; thence hired team, 1 day.

Shivwits Day School, Utah.
Post-office: Santa Clara, Utah.
Telegraph address: Modena, Utah; Western Union, 60 miles from sub-agency; thence telephone, 3 to 12 hours.
Railroad station: Modena, Utah, on San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Rwy.; thence stage and hired teams, 60 miles. (Ship freight to Modena, Utah.)

Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah.
Post-office: Whiterocks, Utah.
Telegraph address: Fort Duchesne, Utah; Uintah Rwy. telegraph office, 13miles from agency; thence telephone. (Message is relayed from Mack, Colorado, where there is a Western Union office.)
Railroad station: Dragon, Utah, terminal Uintah Rwy.; thence daily stage to Fort Duchesne, Utah; thence daily stage except Sunday) to Whiterocks, Utah. Distance from Dragon, 83 miles. Uintah Rwy. connects with Denver and Rio Grande Rwy. at Mack, Colorado, 18 miles west of Grand Junction, Colorado Or Price, Utah, on Rio Grande Western Rwy.; thence 110 miles; no stage line.

Ouray sub-agency.
Post-office: Ouray, Utah. Telegraph address: Fort Duchesne, Utah; Uintah Rwy.
Telegraph Co., miles from sub-agency; thence telephone. (Message is relayed from Mac Colorado, where there is a Western Union office.)
Railroad station: Dragon, Utah; terminal Uintah Rwy.; thence daily stage (en route to Fort Duchesne), 50 miles.

Uintah school.
Post-office: Whiterocks, Utah.
Telegraph address: Fort Duchesne, Utah; Uintah Rwy. Telegraph Co.; thence telephone. (Message is relayed from Mack, Colorado, where there is a Western Union office.)
Railroad station: Same as agency.

History, Schools,

Department Of The Interior. Routes To Indian Agencies And Schools, Office Of Indian Affairs, Corrected To April 1, 1910. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1910.

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