Sacred Heart Mission and Church, Konawa, Oklahoma

Sacred Heart Mission and Church

When hearing of Konawa, many people immediately associate the town with the Sacred Heart Mission and Church, the cornerstone of Konawa history. Sacred Heart is located in the southeast corner of Pottawatomie County in Oklahoma approximately 9 miles east of Asher and 4 miles northwest of Konawa and approximately 1 mile north of Oklahoma Highway 39 on Sacred Heart Road.

Use Of Tobacco Among North American Indians

Pawnee Priests Making a Smoke Offering

Tobacco has been one of the most important gifts from the New World to the Old. In spite of the attempts of various authors to prove its Old World origin there can be no doubt that it was introduced into both Europe and Africa from America. Most species of Nicotiana are native to the New World, and there are only a few species which are undoubtedly extra- American. The custom of smoking is also characteristic of America. It was thoroughly established throughout eastern North and South America at the time of the discovery; and the early explorers, from Columbus on, speak of it as a strange and novel practice which they often find it hard to describe. It played an important part in many religious ceremonies, and the beliefs and observances connected with it are in themselves proof of its antiquity. Hundreds of pipes have been found in the pre-Columbian mounds and village sites of the eastern United States and, although these remains cannot be dated, some of them must be of considerable age. In the southwestern United States the Basket Makers, an ancient people whose remains are found below those of the prehistoric Cliff Dwellers, were smoking pipes at a time which could not have been much later than the beginning of our era.

Narrative of the captivity of Alexander Henry, Esq – Indian Captivities

Narrative of the captivity of Alexander Henry, Esq., who, in the time of Pontiac’s War, fell into the hands of the Huron Indians. Detailing a faithful account of the capture of the Garrison of Michilimacki-Nac, and the massacre of about ninety people. Written by himself. When I reached Michilimackinac I found several other traders, who had arrived before me, from different parts of the country, and who, in general, declared the dispositions of the Indians to be hostile to the English, and even apprehended some attack. M. Laurent Ducharme distinctly informed Major Etherington that a plan was absolutely conceived for … Read more

War Between the Colonies and The Western Indians – From 1763 To 1765

Map of Pontiacs War

A struggle began in 1760, in which the English had to contend with a more powerful Indian enemy than any they had yet encountered. Pontiac, a chief renowned both in America and Europe, as a brave and skillful warrior, and a far-sighted and active ruler, was at the head of all the Indian tribes on the great lakes. Among these were the Ottawas, Miamis, Chippewas, Wyandott, Pottawatomie, Winnebago, Shawanese, Ottagamie, and Mississagas. After the capture of Quebec, in 1760, Major Rodgers was sent into the country of Pontiac to drive the French from it. Apprised of his approach, Pontiac sent … Read more

Treaty of July 29, 1829

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Prairie du Chien, in the Territory of Michigan, between the United States of America, by their Commissioners, General John McNeil, Colonel Pierre Menard, and Caleb Atwater, Esq. and the United Nations of Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatamie Indians, of the waters of the Illinois, Milwaukee, and Manitoouck Rivers. Article 1. The aforesaid nations of Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatamie Indians, do hereby cede to the United States aforesaid, all the lands comprehended within the following limits, to wit: Beginning at the Winnebago Village, on Rock river, forty miles from its mouth, and running thence … Read more

Treaty of September 19, 1827

A treaty between the United States and the Potawatamie Tribe of Indians. In order to consolidate some of the dispersed bands of the Potawatamie Tribe in the Territory of Michigan at a point removed from the road leading from Detroit to Chicago, and as far as practicable from the settlements of the Whites, it is agreed that the following tracts of land, heretofore reserved for the use of the said Tribe, shall be, and they are hereby, ceded to the United States. Two sections of land on the river Rouge at Seginsairn’s village. Two sections of land at Tonguish’s village, … Read more

Pottawatomie Theology

It is believed by the Pottawatomies, that there are two Great Spirits, who govern the world. One is called Kitchemonedo, or the Great Spirit, the other Matchêmonedo, or the Evil Spirit. The first is good and beneficent; the other wicked. Some believe that they are equally powerful, and they offer them homage and adoration through fear. Others doubt which of the two is most powerful, and endeavor to propitiate both. The greater part, however, believe as I, Podajokeed do, that Kitchemonedo is the true Great Spirit, who made the world, and called all things into being; and that Matchêmonedo ought … Read more

Indian Confederacy Of 1781

Michikinikwa, LIttle Turtle

The spring of 1781 was a terrible season for the white settlements in Kentucky and the whole border country. The natives who surrounded them had never shown so constant and systematic a determination for murder and mischief. Early in the summer, a great meeting of Indian deputies from the Shawanees, Delawares, Cherokees, Wyandot, Tawas, Pottawatomie, and diverse other tribes from the north-western lakes, met in grand council of war at Old Chilicothe. The persuasions and influence of two infamous whites, one McKee, and the notorious Simon Girty, “inflamed their savage minds to mischief, and led them to execute every diabolical scheme.”

Illinois Indian Land

Black Hawk

With the rapid increase of a white population between the Lakes and the Mississippi, which followed the conclusion of hostilities with England and her Indian allies, new difficulties began to arise between the natives and the settlers. Illinois and Wisconsin were inhabited by various tribes of Indians, upon terms of bitter hostility among themselves, but united in their suspicions and apprehensions at the unprecedented inroads of emigrants from the east. The Winnebago, dwelling in Wisconsin; the Pottawatomie, situated around the southern extremity of Lake Michigan; and the Sac, (afterwards mingled with the Foxes, and usually coupled with that tribe,) of … Read more

Shau-be-na Potawatami Chief


The following incidents in the early history of Shau-be-na are principally taken from his own statements, and the truth of them, no person acquainted with the old chief will doubt. My first acquaintance with Shau-be-na occurred nearly forty years ago, while his whole band, one hundred and forty-two in number, were hunting on Bureau River, Illinois. Being encamped near my father’s residence, I visited them almost daily for many weeks, and always felt myself at home in the old chief’s wigwam. Shau-be-na was above the medium size, tall and straight, with broad shoulders and intelligent face, while his bearing and … Read more

Treaty of February 27, 1867

Articles of agreement concluded at Washington, D. C., on the twenty-seventh day of February, 1867, between the United States, represented by Lewis G. Bogy, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, W. H. Watson, special commissioner, Thos. Murphy, supt. of Indian affairs for Kansas, and Luther R. Palmer, U. S. Indian agent, duly authorized, and the Pottawatomie tribe of Indians, represented by their chiefs, braves, and head-men, to wit: Mazhee, Mianco, Shawgwe, B. H. Bertrand, J. N. Bourassa, M. B. Beaubien, L. H. Ogee, and G. L. Young Whereas the Pottawatomies believe that it is for the interest of their tribe that a … Read more

Treaty of March 29, 1866

Whereas certain amendments are desired by the Pottawatomie Indians to their treaty concluded at the Pottawatomie agency on the fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1861, and amended by resolution of the Senate of the United States dated April the fifteenth, A. D. 1862; and whereas the United States are willing to assent to such amendments, it is therefore agreed by and between Dennis N. Cooley, commissioner, on the part of the United States, thereunto duly authorized, and the undersigned business committee, acting on behalf of said tribe, and being thereunto duly authorized, in manner and form following, that is … Read more

Treaty of November 15, 1861

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the agency on the Kansas River, on the fifteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, by and between Wm. W. Ross, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the undersigned chiefs, braves, and head-men of the Pottawatomie Nation, on behalf of said nation. Article 1. The Pottawatomie tribe of Indians believing that it will contribute to the civilization of their people to dispose of a portion of their present reservation in Kansas, consisting of five hundred and seventy-six thousand acres, which … Read more

Treaty of September 20, 1828

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Missionary Establishments upon the St. Joseph, of Lake Michigan, in the Territory of Michigan, this 20th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, between Lewis Cass and Pierre Ménard, Commissioners, on the part of the United States, and the Potowatami tribe of Indians. Article 1. The Potowatami tribe of Indians cede to the United States the tract of land included within the following boundaries: Beginning at the mouth of the St. Joseph, of Lake Michigan, and thence running up the said river to … Read more

Treaty of October 2, 1818 – Potawatomi

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at St. Mary’s, in the state of Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, commissioners of the United States and the Potawatamie nation of Indians. Article I. The Potawatamie nation of Indians cede to the United States all the country comprehended within the following limits: Beginning at the mouth of the Tippecanoe river, and running up the same to a point twenty-five miles in a direct line from the Wabash river—thence, on a line as nearly parallel to the general course of the Wabash river as practicable, to a point on … Read more

Treaty of December 16, 1834

Articles of a treaty, made and concluded at the Potawattimie mills, in the State of Indiana, on the sixteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, between William Marshall Commissioner on the part of the United States and the Chiefs, headmen, and warriors of the Potawattamis Indians. Articles 1.The chiefs, head men and warriors aforesaid agree to cede to the United States their title and interest to a reservation made to them at the treaty on the Tippecanoe river on the 27th day of October 1832 of two sections of land to … Read more

Treaty of December 10, 1834

Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at a camp on Tippecanoe river, in the State of Indiana, between William Marshall, Commissioner on the part of the United States and Muck Rose, a Chief of the Potawattamie tribe of Indians, and his band, on the tenth day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four. Article 1.The above named chief and his baud hereby cede to the United States, six sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Pottawattamie Indians on Tippecanoe river, on the twenty-sixth day of … Read more

Treaty of December 4, 1834

Articles of a Treaty, made and concluded at a camp, on Lake Max-ee-nie-kue-kee, in the State of Indiana, between William Marshall, Commissioner on the part of the United States, and Com-o-za, a Chief of the Potawattimie tribe of Indians and his band, on the fourth day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four. Article 1.The above named chief and his band hereby cede to the United States, the two sections of land reserved for them by the 2d article of the treaty between the United States and the Pottawattimie Indians on Tippecanoe river on the 26th day of … Read more

Treaty of February 11, 1837

Treaty of 11 Feb 1837 - Page 1

The said bands assent to the provisions of the treaties concluded on Aug. 5 and Sept 23, 1836, in which were ceded to the U.S. certain lands in the State of Indiana reserved for said bands by the treaties of Oct 26 and 27 1832, and hereby cede to the U.S. all their interest in said lands and agree to remove to a country that may be provided for them by the President of the U.S., SW of the Missouri river, within two years from the ratification of this treaty.

The U.S. agree to convey by patent to the Potawatomies of Indiana a tract of country, on the Osage river SW of the Missouri river sufficient in extent and adapted to their habits and wants.

The U.S. agree to purchase the “five sections in the prairie, near Rock Village” reserved for Qui-qui-to in the second article of the treaty of October 20th 1832 for the sum of $4,000.

Treaty of April 11, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at a camp on Tippecanoe river, in the State of Indiana, between Abel C. Pepper commissioner on the part of the United States, and Pau-koo-shuck, Aub-ba-naub-ba’s oldest son and the head men of Aub-ba-naub-ba’s band of Potawattimie Indians, this eleventh day of April in the year, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The aforesaid Pau-koo-shuck and the head men of Aub-ba-naub-ba’s band, hereby cede to the United States the thirty-six sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the Treaty between the United States and the Potawattimie Indians on Tippecanoe … Read more