B- Michigan Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Big Rock. A point on Shiawassee r., in lower Michigan, at which in 1820 the Chippewa had a reservation. Saginaw treaty (1820) in U. S. Ind. Treaties, 142, 1873. Blackbird. A Chippewa village, commonly known as Black Bird’s town from a chief of that name, which formerly existed on Tittibawassee r., Saginaw co., lower Michigan, on a reservation sold in 1837. (J. M.) Brownstown. A former Wyandot village in Wayne co., Mich., included in a reservation of about 2,000 acres … Read more

B- Massachusetts Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Baston. La Salle in 1681 speaks of the Indians of Baston, by which he means those adjacent to Boston and that part of New England. La Salle (1681) in Margry, Dec., ii, 148, 1877. Betty’s Neck. A place in Middleboro, Plymouth co., Mass., where 8 Indian families lived in 1793, and took its name from an Indian woman (Drake, Bk. Inds., bk. 3, 10, 1848). The people seem to have been Nemasket and subject to the Wampanoag. (J. M.)

B- Mexican Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Babasaqui. A ruined village, probably of the Papago, 3 m. above Imuris, between Cocospera and Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico. Babiacora. A pueblo of the Teguima Opata and the seat of a Spanish mission established in 1639; situated on the Kio Sonora, Sonora, Mexico, 110 m. s. of the Arizona boundary; pop. 445 in 1678, 294 in 1730. Babispe (from babipa, the point where the river takes a new course. Hardy). An Opata pueblo and the seat of a Spanish mission founded … Read more

B- Indiana Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Black Hawk. A village marked on Royce s map (First Rep. B. A. E., 1881) about Mount Auburn, Shelby co., Ind., on land sold in 1818. Probably a Delaware settlement. (j. M.)

B- Delaware Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Buckstown. A Delaware (?) village marked on Royce’s map (1st Rep. B. A. E., 1881) as on the s. E. side of White r. , about 3 m. E. of Anderson, Madison co., Ind., on land sold in 1818.

B – Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of American Indians of North America. Beauport. A village established in 1650 in Quebec County, Canada, by fugitive Huron, who removed in the next year to the island of Orleans. Shea, Cath. Miss., 196, 1855. Bécancour. A village on St Lawrence River, in Quebec province, settled by Abnaki who removed from Maine in 1713 when that state was ceded to England by the treaty of Utrecht. In 1736 they were estimated at about 300; in 1858 they numbered 172, with French admixture, and in 1884 … Read more