C- Alaska Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 15, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Carmel. A Moravian mission at the mouth of Nushagak r., Alaska (Bruce, Alaska, map, 1885); pop. 189 in 1890, 381 in 1900.

Chaahl-lanas (Tc!ā′ał lā′nas, Chaahl town people). A Haida family of the Eagle clan, one of those which moved to Alaska and constituted the Kaigani. They are said to have branched off from the Kaiahl-lanas, but derived their name from the place on North id. where their town stood before they moved to Alaska. In the .latter country they owned the town of Howkan. There are said to have been 4 subdivisions: Stulnaas-hadai, Lanagukunhlin-hadai, Skahene-hadai, and Hotagastlas-hadai. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 276, 1905.

Chagvagchat. A Kaiyuhkhotana village near the headwaters of Anvik r., Alaska.

Chaik. A Kaviagmiut village on the N. shore of Norton sd., Alaska.

Chainruk. A Kaviagmiut village at Pt Clarence, Alaska. 11th Census, Alaska, 162, 1893.

Chalit. A Magemiut Eskimo village near Kuguklik r., Alaska; pop. 60 in 1880, 358 in 1890.

Chaliuknak. A former Aleut village on Beaver bay, Unalaska id., Alaska. Baker, Geog. Diet, Alaska, 1901.

Chamisso. A village of the Malemiut Eskimo on Chamisso id., in Eschscholtz bay, Alaska. Nelson in 18th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1899.

Charnrokruit. A Sidarumiut Eskimo village 011 Seahorse ids., Arctic coast, Alaska. 11th Census, Alaska, 162, 1893.

Chatchini. A camping place not far from the Haida town of Kasaan, s. w. Alaska. As John Work gives it as the name of a town, the people of Kasaan may have had a permanent settlement there at one time. In 1836-41 it contained 249 inhabitants and 18 houses. Swanton, field notes, 1900-01.

Chatinak. A Chnagmiut Eskimo village near the mouth of Yukon r., Alaska; pop. 40 in 1880. Petroff, 10th Census, Alaska, 12, 1884.

Chefoklak. A Chnagmiut village near the head of the Yukon delta, Alaska; pop. 26 in 1880.

Chentansitzan. A Yukonikhotana village on the N. bank of Yukon r., 30 m. below the mouth of Melozi r., Alaska.

Chernofski. An Aleut village on Unalaska, Aleutian ids., Alaska; pop. 44 in 1833 according to Veniaminoff; 70 in 1874 according to Shiesnekov; in 1880, 101; in 1890, 78.

Chibukak. A Yuit Eskimo village at Northwest cape, St Lawrence id., Bering sea. Nelson in 18th Rep. B. A. E., map, 1899.

Chichinak. A Kaialigmiut Eskimo village on a small river flowing into Etolin str., Alaska; pop. 6 in 1880, 84 in 1890.

Chifukluk. A Magemiut Eskimo village on the left bank at the head of the Yukon delta, Alaska.

Chigmint. A subtribe of the Chugachugmiut Eskimo inhabiting Montague id., Prince William sd., Alaska.

Chikak. An Aglemiut village on Iliamna lake, Alaska; pop. 51 in 1880. Petroff, 10th Census, Alaska, 17, 1884.

Chilkat (said to be from tcĭł-xāt, store houses for salmon ). A Tlingit tribe about the head of Lynn canal, Alaska; noted for the manufacture of the famous blankets to which they have given their name, pop. 988 in 1880, and 812 in 1890. Winter towns: Chilkoot, Katkwaahltu, Klukwan, Yendestake. Smaller towns: Deshu, Dyea, Skagway. Social divisions: Daktlawedi, Ganahadi, Hukahadi, Kagwantan, Nushekaayi, Takestina.

Chilkat. According to Petroff (Comp. 10th Census, pt. 2, 1427, 1883) a Tlingit town, or aggregation of towns, on Comptroller bay, E. of the mouth of Copper r., Alaska. It belonged to the Yakutat and had 170 inhabitants in 1880. Probably it was only a summer village.

Chilkoot. A Tlingit town on the x. E. arm of Lynn canal, Alaska. Pop. at Chilkoot mission in 1890, 106. These people are often regarded as a separate division of Koluschan, but are practically the same as the Chilkat.

Chimiak. A Kuskwogmiut village on Kuskokwim r., Alaska; pop. 71 in 1880, 40 in 1890.

Chingigmiut. An Eskimo tribe inhabiting the region of C. Newenham and C. Peirce, Alaska. Their women wear birdskin parkas; the kaiaks have no hole through the bow like those of the Kuskwogmiut. The villages are Aziavik and Tzavahak.

Chiniak. A Kaniagmiut village at the E. end of Kodiak id., Alaska; pop. 24 in 1880. Petroff, 10th Census, Alaska, map, 1884.

Chinik. A Kaviagmiut village and mission on Golofnin bay, Alaska; pop. 38 in 1890, 140 in 1900.

Chinik. A Kaiyuhkhotana village on the E. bank of Yukon r., at the junction of Talbiksok.

Chinila. A Knaiakhotana village of 15 persons in 1880, on the E. side of Cook inlet, Alaska, near the mouth of Kaknu r.

Chitklin’s Village. A summer camp of one of  the Taku chiefs (Koluschan family) named TclītLēn (big tc!īt, ‘a bird). 113 people were there in 1880. Petroff in 10th Census, Alaska, 32, 1884.

Chitnak. A Yuit Eskimo village on the s. shore of St Lawrence id., Bering sea.

Chiukak (pike village). A Kaviagmiut village on the peninsula inclosing Golofnin bay, Alaska; pop. 15 in 1880.

Chlachaik. Given by Krause as a Koluschan town occupied by the Tukdentan. Actually a summer camp on an island called Łā′xa, near Chichagof id., Alaska.

Chnagmiut (coast people) . An Alaskan Eskimo tribe occupying the shore of Pastol bay, the Yukon delta, and both banks of Yukon r. as far as Razboinski, Alaska. They hunt the seal and beluga, trap mink and musk rat, have fish in abundance, eggs, and berries, and no lack of driftwood; yet they often suffer privations, and their carelessly built villages are sometimes demolished by freshets. Sub-tribes are Ankachagmiut, Chukchagemiut, Koshkogemiut, Teletagmiut, and Ukagemiut. Their villages are Aiachagiuk, Aimgua, Alexief, Andreafski, Ankachak, Apoon, Ariswaniski, Avnulik, Chatinak, Chefoklak, Chukchuk, Claikehak, Fetkina, Ikuak, Ingichuk, Kanig,  Kashatuk, Khaik, Kochkok, Komarof, Kotlik, Kusilvak, Kwiahok, Kwikak, Nigiklik, Ninvok, Nokrot, Nunapithlugak, Onuganuk, Pastoliak, Pastolik, Razboinski, Ribriaia, Staria, Selenie, Starik, Takshak, Tiatiuk, Tlatek, and Uglovia. The tribe numbered 621 in 1890.

Chuarlitilik. A deserted Kuskwogmiut Eskimo village on Kanektok r., Alaska. Spurr and Post quoted by Baker, Geog. Diet. Alaska, 1901.

Chukela. A Yuit Eskimo village in Siberia, w. of C. Chukoshki. Jackson, Reindeer in Alaska, map, 145, 1894.

Chulik. A fishing station of the Nunivagmiut on Nunivak id., Alaska. Pop. 62 in 1890, comprising two villages called Chuligmiut and Upper Chuligmiut (11th Census, Alaska, 114).

Claikahak. A Chnagmiut village on the right bank of Yukon r., near Ukak, Alaska; perhaps identical with Khaik.

Claikehak. A Chnagmiut Eskimo village on the N. bank of Yukon r., above Tlatek, Alaska.


Villages of the Untied States | Alaska Indian Villages

This site includes some historical materials that may imply negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record and should not be interpreted to mean that the WebMasters in any way endorse the stereotypes implied .

Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, Frederick Webb Hodge, 1906

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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