Biography of R. F. Buller

Last Updated on March 26, 2012 by

In modern ages, and to a large extent in the past, banks have constituted a vital part of organized society, and governments, both monarchical and popular, have depended upon them for material aid in times of depression and trouble. Their influence has extended over the entire world and their prosperity has been the barometer which was unfalteringly indicated the financial status of all nations. Of this important branch of business R. F. Buller is a worthy representative. In April 1892, he came to Hailey, and is now president of the First National Bank, which has become one of the leading and reliable financial concerns in southern Idaho.

Mr. Buller is a native of Coburg, Canada, his birth having there occurred March 10, 1840. He is of English descent, and his father, Charles G. Buller, a native of England, emigrated to Canada in 1830. He was married in Coburg to Miss Frances Boucher. He had been educated, in Oxford College, for the Episcopal ministry, but preferred agricultural pursuits to the calling for which his parents intended him, and throughout his business career carried on farming. His was an honorable and successful life, and his death occurred in 1897, when he had attained the ripe old age of ninety-six years. His wife passed away in 1898, at the age of eighty-six years. They had nine children, five of whom are living.

R. F. Buller, the eldest son, having acquired a good preliminary education, pursued a commercial course in Oberlin, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1864, after which he took up the study of law in the law department of the Michigan State University, at Ann Arbor. He was there graduated in 1866, and for twenty-four years thereafter successfully engaged in the practice of his profession in Missouri. He spent sixteen years in Carthage, that state, and became one of the most distinguished and able members of the bar, having a large clientage, whereby he was connected with most of the important litigation tried in the courts of his district. He was also a member of the Missouri state legislature in 1870 and was a man of prominence in public life. As his financial resources increased, as the result of his large law practice, he made judicious and extensive investments in real estate, and also became a stockholder in various banks in Missouri, acquiring a wide and profitable banking experience. In April 1892, he came to Hailey and has since been connected with the financial interests of this city. He erected one of the good residences of the town and the company of which he is president also built the commodious bank building which they occupy. As the head of the First National Bank Mr. Buller has become widely known in Hailey and throughout the surrounding country. His business methods are conservative, sound and trustworthy, and his capable management has made the First National Bank one of the most reliable financial establishments in this part of the state. He also has a large and valuable ranch, of two thousand acres, fourteen miles below Hailey. There is an abundance of good water on the place, and he is extensively engaged in raising grain and Hereford and shorthorn cattle and also sheep. The income from the ranch is not inconsiderable, and in addition to that property Mr. Buller has extensive realty holdings in California, South Dakota, Missouri and Iowa.

In 1880 Mr. Buller was united in marriage to Miss Rosa Osburn, a native of Indiana, and they have a son, Charles, who is now attending school in Minnesota. The parents are members of the Episcopal Church, in which our subject is now serving as vestryman. In politics he has been a lifelong Republican, and, keeping well informed on the issues of the day, gives a loyal support to the party, but has never been an aspirant for office, preferring to devote his time and energies to his business interests, in which he has met with excellent success. He has by ceaseless toil and endeavor attained marked prosperity in business affairs, has gained the respect and confidence of men, and is recognized as one of the distinctively representative citizens of Hailey.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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