Biography of Hon. William A. Pearce

HON. WILLIAM A. PEARCE. The practical value of shrewdness and discrimination combined with strict probity is exemplified in the prosperous condition of those who transact business on these principles. Mr. Pearce is a man who has kept fully abreast of the times in the matter of enterprise, and is considered one of the most substantial and useful citizens of the town of Doniphan, Missouri He is a native of the Prairie State, born in Vienna in 1861, and is the son of I. N. Pearce, formerly a prominent merchant of Vienna. The father came to Missouri in 1878, settled in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Stephen C. Herndon

HON. STEPHEN C. HERNDON. During the seventy-two years that have passed over the head of the gentleman whose name stands at the head of this sketch he has been an active observer of the trend of events, but has been not merely a “looker on in Venice” but a citizen who has, through his enterprise, his integrity and his public spirit, contributed his full share to the magnificent development of the section in which he resides. He comes of an honored ancestry, for the well-known old pioneer, George Herndon, was his father, from whom he inherited many of his most … Read more

Biography of R. V. Lasater

R. V. LASATER. The American people not only travel more extensively than any other nation, but they patronize to a greater extent the numerous establishments for the hire of horses and carriages. One of the best known, most deservedly popular and liberally patronized livery stables in this city is that conducted by R. V. Lasater, a wide-awake, thorough-going business man. Mr. Lasater was born in St. Francois County, Missouri, November 28, 1858, and is a son of Reuben and Elizabeth (Govreau) Lasater. The father was born in Tennessee, and when but a boy came to Missouri. About 1868 he located … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Lawing

HON. WILLIAM A. LAWING. Within the limits of Christian County, Missouri, there is not a man of greater personal popularity than Hon. William A. Lawing, whose recognized worth and progressive spirit are well known. He was born at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 17, 1818, to the union of Robert and Mary Ann (Sublett) Lawing, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Virginia. The parents were married at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where Mrs. Lawing died in 1843. Afterward, the father married Miss Ellen Ward, who now resides in Jasper County, Missouri. While a resident of Tennessee the father followed the occupation of cotton planter … Read more

Biography of John C. Waymeyer

JOHN C. WAYMEYER. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success. No matter the vim and determination which characterizes a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born he will find to his sorrow that his line has been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws aside and takes up another calling the better will it be for him. That John C. Waymeyer is especially fitted for the calling that now occupies his attention, that of merchant, cannot be doubted, for he has a large trade which is rapidly … Read more

Biography of Jason F. Norman

JASON F. NORMAN. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to success of a permanent kind. No matter what the vim and determination characterizing a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his line has been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws aside and takes up another, the better it will be for him. It has often been the case that a man will make a success of several different occupations, and this has been the experience of Jason F. Norman, who … Read more

Biography of J. A. Weatherman

J. A. WEATHERMAN. Among the prominent men of the county who have held the office of sheriff, none have filled it in a more efficient and satisfactory manner than has the subject of this sketch. He is an honored and respected citizen and, although young in years, is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive principles which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average Missourian. He is a product of Taney County, born December 7, 1859, and the eldest child born to the marriage of John and Matilda J. (Krithley) Weatherman. The grandfather, James Weatherman, was a … Read more

Biography of Capt. C. C. Owen

CAPT. C. C. OWEN. The greater part of the life of Capt. C. C. Owen has been devoted to husbandry, but now, in the sixty-fifth year of his age, he is retired from that life, and is a notary public of Protem, Missouri. He was born in Barren County, Kentucky, in 1829, a son of George W. and Martha S. (Dickerson) Owen, natives of North Carolina and Kentucky, respectively, the birth of the former occurring in 1801 and that of the latter in 1805. George W. Owen was taken by his parents to Kentucky, and there he attained man’s estate … Read more

Biography of R. N. Gray

R. N. GRAY. In tracing the genealogy of the Gray family in America, we find that the first member who made his home here was Robert Gray, the great-grandfather of our subject. He was a native of North Ireland, and was there reared and married, his wife being Miss Margaret Wilson, also a native of that country. Nearly a year after their marriage this young couple decided to cross the ocean and make their home in America. This was at a period ante-dating the Revolutionary War, for Mr. Gray was a soldier in that war and fought bravely for independence. … Read more

Biography of A. S. Layton

A. S. LAYTON. “The banking business is a clean and honorable one, and most astute and able minds of the country find in that line the most congenial work. No branch of business in America can make a stronger showing of solid thinkers, brilliant financiers or more subtle organizers, and A. S. Layton, the founder of the Bank of Yellville, Arkansas, is regarded as one of these. He was born in Greene County, Missouri, January 11, 1843, a son of Augustus S. and Ellen (Scott) Layton, the former a native of Spottsylvania County, Virginia, born in 1813, and a son … Read more

Biography of Baley Smith

BALEY SMITH. One of the early pioneers of Reynolds County, Missouri, owes his nativity to Tennessee, his birth occurring in Scott County on November 10, 1841. His parents, John and Nancy (Cotton) Smith, were both born in that county. His grandfather, Isaac Smith, died in that State. John Smith and his brother, Barton, came to Reynolds County at an early date, about 1844, and for one year followed farming on Webb’s Creek. After that John came to Kelley’s Creek and bought the land where his son, Isaac Smith, is now living. He opened up this farm and by industry and … Read more

Biography of Judge W. N. Evans

Judge W. N. Evans, of the Twentieth Judicial District of Missouri, makes his home in the northwestern part of West Plains, where he has a handsome residence on Garfield Avenue. He is a native of Owsley County, Kentucky, born September 1, 1849, and the son of W. N. and Elizabeth (Hurst) Evans. The grandfather, John Evans, was a native of Wales, who came to this country at an early day and settled in old Virginia. Later he moved to east Tennessee and there passed the remainder of his days. He had but three children, two sons and a daughter. The … Read more

Biography of Dr. C. B. Elkins

DR. C. B. ELKINS. The noble profession of medicine affords to the student in that science a never-ending source of investigation and experiment. New remedies are constantly being discovered, steady progress is being made in surgery and new diseases are presenting themselves under varying forms of civilization. In the noble army of workers in this great field may be found the name of Dr. C. B. Elkins, who, since 1888, has resided in Ozark, Christian County, Missouri. He came from Cannon County, Tennessee, in 1870, and with his father settled in Christian County about three miles from Ozark. There his … Read more

Biography of C. H. Stockard

C. H. STOCKARD. The credit of a large share of the enterprise which helps to make Christian County one of the most thriving and progressive of the counties of Missouri, belongs, in a considerable degree, to the worthy gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch. Since 1879 he has made his home in this county, and during that time has shown himself thorough master of his business and an influential and esteemed citizen. His birth occurred in Gibson County, Tennessee, February 25, 1835, to William and Mary A. (Edwards) the Stockard. He is grandson of John Stockard, … Read more

Biography of Hon. James D. Gideon

HON. JAMES D. GIDEON. No better citizens have come to Christian County, Missouri, than those who crossed the Mississippi River from Tennessee, and who brought as their inheritance the traits of character and life which has ever distinguished them. Hon. James D. Gideon, who is one of the foremost farmers and stockraisers of Union Township, Stone County, first saw the light in Hawkins County, Tennessee, in 1833. His parents, John and Polly (Evans) Gideon, were also natives of that State, the father born in Hawkins and the mother in Jefferson County. Both were fairly well educated for those days, and … Read more

Biography of John S. Phelps

JOHN S. Phelps; This well-known citizen of the State of Missouri was born in Sunburn County, Conn., December 22, 1810, and came of English stock, his early ancestors having come to this country from England and settled in the State of Massachusetts some time prior to the year 1630. In about 1633 they migrated to Connecticut and founded the town of Windsor, where the family became well known and many of its members attained posi-of prominence. His father, Elish Phelps, was a distinguished lawyer, who for many years held a front rank at the bar of Hartford, and he was … Read more

Biography of Judge James J. Gideon

There is no man better known throughout the Ozark region than Judge James J. Gideon, the subject of this sketch. Born on the soil and reared among the descendants of the pioneers, he is one of those self-made sons of Missouri, who, while he has distinguished himself as a lawyer and jurist, has a far greater claim to the respect of the people in his sturdy integrity of character and his lifelong course as a friend of justice. He springs from a sterling Irish-Scotch ancestry of Colonial American stock. James Gideon, the great-grandfather of our subject, was the founder of … Read more

Biography of Capt. Edmond D. Pennington

CAPT. EDMOND D. PENNINGTON. This gentleman has resided in the community in which he now lives for the past ten years. He was born in White County, Tennessee, January 26, 1825, a son of John and Nancy (Harris) Pennington the former of whom was born in Virginia, a son of Charles Pennington, a native of England, who married after reaching America, a German lady. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and at an early day became a resident of Tennessee, and later of Illinois, in which State he passed from life, having followed the calling of a Baptist minister … Read more

Biography of James Small, M. D.

JAMES SMALL, M. D. The physician is one who inspires confidence because he is worthy of it. His humanity is expressed in the interest he takes in his patient’s welfare, as well as for the experience he may gain while pursuing the paths of this his arduous profession, in order to benefit future sufferers. Dr. Small is one of the old practitioners of southern Missouri, and is living in Smallett. He was born in McMinn County, East Tennessee, October 28, 1841, a son of James and Mary A. (Wallace) Small, the former of whom was born in Kentucky about 1802. … Read more

Biography of L. O. Hailey

L. O. HAILEY, attorney at law. This wide-awake man of affairs, in addition to practicing his profession, is also the able editor of the Farm Record of Douglas County, Missouri, and is a prosperous real estate and exchange broker of Ava. He has a large list of improved lands for sale, and makes a specialty of the purchase and sale of timber tracts. He has under his control thousands of acres of fine farming land in Douglas County alone, the most of which is well improved with good farm buildings and has more or less land under cultivation. For those … Read more