Biography of Capt. Edmond D. Pennington

CAPT. EDMOND D. PENNINGTON. This gentleman has resided in the community in which he now lives for the past ten years. He was born in White County, Tennessee, January 26, 1825, a son of John and Nancy (Harris) Pennington the former of whom was born in Virginia, a son of Charles Pennington, a native of England, who married after reaching America, a German lady. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and at an early day became a resident of Tennessee, and later of Illinois, in which State he passed from life, having followed the calling of a Baptist minister while living. John Pennington was a farmer and died in Tennessee in 1863, his wife having passed from life in 1847. Of a family of fifteen children born to them, only four are living: Dabner, Nancy, Edmond D. and Rachel.

Edmond D. Pennington grew to manhood in the State of his birth and there enlisted in the Union Army in August, 1862, with which he served until May, 1865, in the Fifth Tennessee Cavalry. He took part in the battles of Stone River and was in various other engagements and skirmishes. He was a good and faithful soldier and was promoted in January, 1863, to the rank of first lieutenant and later to that of captain of Company B, of the First Tennessee Mounted Infantry, which he commanded at Cherry Creek and Beech Grove. After the war he located in White County, Tennessee, where he followed farming until 1869, when he emigrated to Kansas and for fourteen years resided in Montgomery County, Kan. He then came to Douglas County, Missouri, and has since been a resident of Ava. Soon after locating here he purchased a mill which he continued to operate for some years, but it is now owned by his son William, and a son-in-law, James Lytle. Capt. Pennington has lived a retired life for the past few years, with the exception of being somewhat extensively engaged in mining lead. This mine is situated about two and a half miles east of Ava, besides which he owns forty acres of land, all of which is rich in lead. He has also been engaged in the grocery business, but has been out of this business for some time. All his business operations have resulted successfully, he has shown excellent judgment in everything that he has undertaken, and he is one of the influential citizens of the county. He has always supported the principles of the Republican party, has taken an active interest in the affairs of the county, but has not been an office seeker.

He was married in Tennessee to Miss Lucinda Brown, daughter of Hiram and Mary (Ellison) Brown, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina, respectively, and died in Tennessee, the father in 1865 and the mother in 1840. Of fourteen children born to them, three are living. Mrs. Pennington was born April 5, 1829, and has borne her husband nine children, six of whom are living: Nancy M., who died after having become the wife of John Elrod, of Tennessee; James, a farmer of this county; Tennessee, wife of Barney Mallanee, resides in this county; Tullis J. was a man of family and is deceased; William lives in Ava; Catherine is the wife of James Lytle; Andrew is a miller at Bryant, Missouri; Gillam died in Colorado; Louey is the wife of Andrew Miller of Ava. Mr. Pennington left Kansas on account of ill health, and since coming to Missouri has entirely recovered from a severe attack of kidney trouble. He and his wife are held in high esteem by the citizens of the county, and are useful and worthy citizens. Capt. Pennington has always acted in an independent manner politically, voting for men and measures and not for party. At present he adheres to the views of the Populist party.


A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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