Biography of J. A. Truex

J. A. TRUEX, editor of the Journal and postmaster of West Plains, was a native of the Buckeye State,and was born in Marion County, November,6, 1843. The Truex family is of Dutch origin and an old Colonial one. The father of our subject, Benjamin Truex, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a farmer and carpenter. He raised a family of eight children, of whom our subject was third in order of birth. The latter grew to mature years in his native country, received his primary education in the schools of the same, and subsequently entered the High School at Goshen, … Read more

Biography of Calvin Wilson

CALVIN WILSON. Douglas County is conspicuous for its magnificent farms that are faultless in way of management and the order in which they are kept. No one is to be more complimented on the perfect method and order with which their agricultural affairs are conducted than Calvin Wilson, who has made his home in this county for the past twenty-four years. Like other representative citizens of this section he is a native Tennessean, his birth occurring in Campbell County, January 27, 1843. His parents, Benjamin and Oma (Ridenhauer) Wilson, were natives of Tennessee. They emigrated to Missouri in 1844 and … Read more

Biography of James M. McGhee

JAMES M. MCGHEE. This gentleman, well known in Carter County, is at present the most efficient county clerk of the same. He came originally from Georgia, his birth occurring December 17, 1854, and he no doubt inherits much of his vim and enterprise from his Scotch-Irish ancestors. His grandfather McGhee was an early pioneer in east Tennessee, and there John F. McGhee, father of subject, was born and reared. He was trained to the duties of the farm at an early age and received but a limited schooling, as his father died when he was young. When grown he moved … Read more

Biography of Hon. Patrick C. Berry

HON. PATRICK C. BERRY. The position occupied by Patrick C. Berry as one of the prominent and influential citizens of Stone County, Missouri, has been gained by personal worth and unquestioned integrity. He is well and favorably known all over the county, few men more so, and is now enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life. In the grand old mother of States, Virginia, he was born, August 22, 1830, the seventh son and next to the youngest of the eight children of Samuel and Sarah (Hickey) Berry, both natives of Washington County, Virginia. Our subject’s grandfather, William Berry, was … Read more

Biography of William H. Payne

WILLIAM H. PAYNE. One of the best known and generally admired Democrats of Alton, Missouri, is William H. Payne, who is now the most efficient and capable collector of Oregon County, that State. He has earned deserved prominence and an enviable reputation as one of the leading citizens of the county. Oregon County cannot claim him as an original son, but he was only ten years of age when he came here. Mr. Payne was born in Giles County, Tennessee, in 1847, and he is the son of John and Martha (Williamson) Payne, natives also of that county and State. … Read more

Biography of Henry Dixon Green

HENRY DIXON GREEN. The American bar offers the finest opportunities for preferment of any country upon the face of the earth, its members being privileged, if the talent is not wanting, to attain not only the grandest distinction in the profession, but it is the easiest way of approach to the highest official places in the land. What is more, the American bar can show an array of eminent talent, of profound erudition and of judicial ability equal to that of England, France or Germany. The Howell County bar has, during the past half century, been greatly distinguished for the … Read more

Biography of William A. Conklin

WILLIAM A. CONKLIN. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the efficient county clerk of Ozark County, Missouri, and his career thus far in life presents an example of industry, perseverance and good management, rewarded by substantial results well worthy the imitation of all who start out in life as he did, with no capital except a good constitution and a liberal supply of pluck and energy. In addition to discharging the duties of his official position with marked ability, he is also the proprietor and editor of the Ozark County News, a newsy and instructive weekly, published in … Read more

Biography of Robert A. Smith

ROBERT A. SMITH, better known as “Mac” Smith, is a prominent farmer and stockraiser of Swan Township, Taney County, Missouri, and is classed among the wide-awake, progressive men of his section. His birth occurred in Christian County, Missouri, January 1, 1846, and he is one of eight children born to William and America (Bryant) Smith, both natives of Cumberland County, Virginia, where they were reared, educated and married. Later they left their native State and moved to Kentucky, but remained there only a short time, and then settled in Hickory County, Missouri The following year they removed to Christian County … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. S. J. Lehr

HON. A. S. J. LEHR. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the present representative of Carter County, Missouri, and he is unquestionably one of the ablest and best posted young men in the same. He resides three and a half miles east of Hunter, this county, is a farmer and teacher, and has for a number of years taken a prominent part in political matters. Born in Jacksonport, Arkansas, January 30, 1867, he is the son of Richard H. and Sarah J. (Hardin) Lehr, and the grandson of John F. Lehr, who came from Germany to the United … Read more

Biography of Charles B. Swift

CHARLES B. SWIFT. It would be difficult to conceive an industry which occupies a more important standing in any country than that allied to the mercantile trade. In this business millions of dollars are invested, while the number of persons employed count up into the hundreds of thousands. One of the leading corporations in this connection is the Billings Mercantile Company, of Billings, Missouri. Mr. Charles B. Swift, who is treasurer of this company, is an excellent type of a prosperous merchant, who owes his success in life to his own industry, and who is ever ready to do all … Read more

Biography of William Roberts

WILLIAM ROBERTS. William Roberts is one of the wealthy pioneer citizens of Christian County, and has resided on his present property for the past twenty-five years. He is a native of East Tennessee, born in Hamilton County, February 15, 1823, and his parents, Jacob and Elizabeth (Groves) Roberts, were natives of Tennessee also. The grandfather, William Roberts, was a native of the Old North State and a soldier in the Revolution. He was one of the early pioneers of Tennessee, but at an early date came to Missouri and settled in this part of the State, dying in Texas County … Read more

Biography of J. W. Garman

J. W. GARMAN. This gentleman, who is the most efficient cashier of the Citizen’s Bank of Willow Springs, Howell County, Missouri, is a native of Summit County, Ohio, born in the city of Akron, June 30, 1858. His father, Daniel K. Garnan, was a native of the Keystone State, but died in Summit County, Ohio, about 1888. He was a contractor by occupation. Our subject was one of nine children, and four of his brothers are farmers in the Buckeye State. J. W. Garman passed his early life in Akron, and attended the schools both at Smithville in Wayne County, … Read more

Biography of Washington M. Wade

WASHINGTON M. WADE. Washington M. Wade, ex-clerk and recorder of Christian County, and a prominent banker of the county, was born in Carroll County, Arkansas, January 21, 1858, and was the youngest of ten children born to the union of Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade. The father was born in Warren County, Kentucky, near Bowling Green, March 4, 1814, and the mother was born in Lawrence County, Ala., in 1816. The latter was the daughter of Mr. and Rachel Sivley, and was the only one of the family to come to Missouri. Our subject’s paternal grandparents were Joseph Wade and … Read more

Biography of David B. Pratt

DAVID B. PRATT. The name mentioned above is well known in the agricultural districts of Douglas County, Missouri, and is a synonym for all that is pushing, enterprising and successful. Mr. Pratt was born in Maury County, Tennessee, September 10, 1828, a son of Joseph and Mary (Buchanan) Pratt, the former of whom was born in Georgia, but when a young man removed to Tennessee, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was a cabinet maker by trade, was a soldier of the War of 1812, and was an upright and honorable man. His wife was born in … Read more

Biography of James Hildrith

JAMES HILDRITH. James Hildrith, one of the prominent citizens of the county, came here in the year 1877, and his intelligence, enterprise and energy, with many other estimable qualities, have secured for him a popularity not derived from any factitious circumstance, but a permanent and spontaneous tribute to his merit. He is a native of the Keystone State, born in Clearfield County, Pa., October 23, 1842, to William N. and Priscilla (Fernsides) Hildrith, natives of Yorkshire, England, where they were married. At an early date they came to the United States and settled in the City of Brotherly Love, where … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Groom

CHARLES H. GROOM. Charles H. Groom, one of the most progressive and successful young attorneys of Taney County, Missouri, was born in Holt County, Missouri, January 16, 1861, to the union of Sylvanus L. and Semira E. (Boswell) Groom, natives, respectively, of the Empire State and Indiana, the former born May 19, 1818. Isaac Groom, grandfather of the subject, was a native of the green isle of Erin and was probably the first of the family to come to America. He passed the remainder of his days in the State of New York. Sylvanus L. Groom and his brother, Edward, … Read more

Biography of Barnett P. Parrish

BARNETT P. PARRISH. Although almost eighty years have passed over the head of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch, he is well preserved, physically and mentally, and is a typical representative of the native Ohioan, honest and upright in word and deed, energetic and pushing, and of a decidedly practical turn of mind. He was born in the Buckeye State September 13, 1818, and is a son of Ira O. W. W. and Ruth (Cheneworth) Parrish. It is thought that the father was a Virginian by birth, but at an early date he was married in Ohio … Read more

Biography of James Le Grand, M. D.

JAMES LE GRAND, M. D. In a comprehensive work of this kind, dealing with industrial pursuits, sciences, arts and professions, it is only fit and right that that profession on which, in some period or other of our lives (the medical profession) we are all more or less dependent, should be noticed. It is the prerogative of the physician to relieve or alleviate the ailments to which suffering humanity is heir, and as such he deserves the most grateful consideration of all. A prominent physician, who, by his own ability, has attained distinction in his profession, is Dr. James Le … Read more

Biography of D. H. Allison

D. H. ALLISON. There is nothing which adds so much to the pleasure and convenience of the public as a well-stocked, thoroughly appointed and ably managed livery stable. In such connection we make due reference to the livery establishment of Mr. D. H. Allison, whose reputation in that respect, as well as a trainer, is known throughout the length and breadth of the county. Mr. Allison has made his home and carried on business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, for about two years and has met with well-deserved success. He was born at Irondale, Washington County, Missouri, and was … Read more

Biography of Dr. Tolman W. Cotton

DR. TOLMAN W. COTTON. Among those of Carter County, Missouri, who successfully follow the “healing art” as a profession is Dr. Tolman W. Cotton, who was born on the old home place in Reynolds County August 12, 1868. His grandfather, Aaron Cotton, was a native Tennessean, who came to Missouri about 1844, and took up his home in Reynolds County. He was already quite an aged man when he came to this State, and here was passed the remainder of his days. He and his wife, Nancy, reared a large family of children, who grew up honorable men and women. … Read more