Elucidation of a Convention, September 11, 1807

Elucidation of a convention with the Cherokee Nation, September 11, 1807.

Whereas, by the first article of a convention between the United States and the Cherokee nation, entered into at the city of Washington, on the seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and six, it was intended on the part of the Cherokee nation, and so understood by the Secretary of War, the commissioner on the part of the United States, to cede to the United States all the right, title and interest which the said Cherokee nation ever had to a tract of country contained between the Tennessee river and the Tennessee ridge (so called); which tract of country had since the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety four, been claimed by the Cherokees and Chickasaws: the eastern boundary whereof is limited by a line so to be run from the upper part of the Chickasaw Old Fields, as to include all the waters of Elk river, any thing expressed in said convention to the contrary notwithstanding. It is therefore now declared by James Robertson and Return J. Meigs, acting under the authority of the executive of the United States, and by a delegation of Cherokee chiefs, of whom Eunolee or Black Fox, the king or head chief of said Cherokee nation, acting on the part of, and in behalf of said nation, is one, that the eastern limits of said ceded tract shall be bounded by a line so to be run from the upper end of the Chickasaw Old Fields, a little above the upper point of an island, called Chickasaw Island, as will most directly intersect the first waters of Elk river, thence carried to the Great Cumberland mountain, in which the waters of Elk river have their source, then along the margin of said mountain until it shall intersect lands heretofore ceded to the United States, at the said Tennessee ridge. And in consideration of the readiness shown by the Cherokees to explain, and to place the limits of the land ceded by the said convention out of all doubt; and in consideration of their expenses in attending council, the executive of the United States will direct that the Cherokee nation shall receive the sum of two thousand dollars, to be paid to them by their agent, at such time as the said executive shall direct, and that the Cherokee hunters’ as hath been the custom in such cases, may hunt on said ceded tract, until by the fullness of settlers it shall become improper. And it is hereby declared by the parties, that this explanation ought to be considered as a just elucidation of the cession made by the first article of said convention.

Done at the point of departure of the line at the upper end of the island opposite to the upper part of the said Chickasaw Oil Fields, the eleventh day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven.

James Robertson
Return J. Meigs
Eunolee, or Black Fox, his x mark
Fauquitee, or Glass, his x mark
Fulaquokoko, or Turtle at home, his x mark
Richard Brown, his x mark
Sowolotoh, king’s brother, his x mark

Witnesses present:
Thomas Freeman
Thomas Orme

AccessGenealogy.com Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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