Cowichan Tribe

Cowichan Indians. A group of Salish tribes speaking a single dialect and occupying the south east coast of Vancouver island between Nonoos bay and Sanitch inlet, and the valley of lower Fraser river nearly to Spuzzum, Brit. Col. The various bands and tribes belonging to this group aggregated 2,991 in 1902. The following list of Cowichan tribes is based on information obtained from Boas: On Vancouver island, Clemclemalats, Comiakin, Hellelt, Kenipsim, Kilpanlus, Koksilah, Kulleets, Lilmalche, Malakut, Nanaimo, Penelakut, Quamichan, Siccameen, Snonowas, Somenos, Tateke, and Yekolaos. On lower Fraser river, Chehalis, Chilliwack, Coquitlam, Ewawoos, Katsey, Kelatl, Kwantlin, Matsqui, Musqueam, Nicomen, Ohamil, Pilalt, Popkum, Scowlitz, Siyita, Sewathen, Snonkweametl, Skawawalooks, Squawtits, Sumass, Tait, Tsakuam, and Tsenes.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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