Coahuiltecan Indians. The name was derived from that of the Mexican State of Coahuila, the tribes of this group having extended over the eastern part of that province as well as a portion of Texas. Also called:
- Tejano, an alternative name for the group.
Coahuiltecan Connections. As Coahuiltecan are included all of the tribes known to have belonged to the Coahuiltecan linguistic family and some supposed on circumstantial evidence to be a part of it. It is probable that most of the so-called Tamaulipecan family of Mexico were really related to this, and that the Karankawan and Tonkawan groups were connected as well, though more remotely.
Coahuiltecan Location. The Coahuiltecan tribes were spread over the eastern part of Coahuila, Mexico, and almost all of Texas west of San Antonio River and Cibolo Creek. The tribes of the lower Rio Grande may have belonged to a distinct family, that called by Orozco y Berra (1864) Tamaulipecan, but the Coahuiltecans reached the Gulf coast at the mouth of the Nueces. Northeast of that point they were succeeded by Karankawan tribes. Toward the north it is probable that the Coahuiltecans originally extended for a long distance before they were displaced by the Apache and Comanche. (See also Mexico.)
Coahuiltecan Subdivisions
In considering the Coahuiltecan stock it has been found necessary to change the original plan of giving separate consideration to each tribe because we are here confronted by an enormous number of small tribal or band names, of many of which we do not know even the location. In lieu of subdivisions, therefore, we shall give as complete a list as possible of these small tribes or bands, as far as they are known. They are as follows:
- Aguastayas
- Alasapas
- Andacaminos
- Annas
- Apayxam
- Aranania (see above)
- Asan.
- Atajal.
- Atastagonies.
- Borrados.
- Cabia.
- Cacafes
- Cachopostales
- Camai
- Cantunas
- Casas
- Chiquitas
- Casastles
- Chaguantapam
- Chagustapa
- Chapamaco
- Chemoco
- Choyapin (perhaps Tonkawan)
- Chuapas
- Cimataguo
- Cluetau
- Cocomeioje
- Comecrudo
- Cotonam
- Cupdan
- Escaba
- Espopolames
- Gabilan
- Geies
- Guanipas
- Gueiquesales
- Guerjuatida
- Guisoles
- Haeser
- Hapes
- Harames
- Heniocane
- Hiabu
- Hihames
- Huacacasa
- Huanes
- Hume
- Juamaca
- Jueinzum
- Juncatas
- Junced
- Macapao
- Macocoma
- Mallopeme
- Mamuqui
- Manam
- Manico
- Manos Colorados
- Manos de Perro
- Manos Prietas
- Maquems
- Maraquites
- Matucar
- Matuime
- Maubedan
- Mauyga
- Mazapes
- Menenquen
- Mescales
- Mesquites
- Milijaes
- Morbanas
- Mulatos
- Muruam
- Narices
- Natao
- Nazas
- Necpacha
- Nigco (probably meant for Sinicu)
- Nonapho (perhaps Tonkawan)
- Obozi (?)
- Ocana
- Odoesmades
- Ohaguames
- Orejones
- Oydican
- Paac
- Paachiqui
- Pabor
- Pacaruja (given by Uhde, 1861)
- Pachal
- Pachalaque
- Pachaloco
- Pachaquen
- Pachaug
- Pacpul
- Pacuaches
- Pacuachiam
- Paguan
- Paguanan
- Pajalat
- Pajarito
- Pakawa
- Pamaque
- Pamaya
- Pamoranos
- Pampopas
- Papanac
- Paquache
- Parantones
- Parchaque
- Parchinas
- Pasalves
- Pasnacanes
- Pasqual
- Pastaloca
- Pastancoyas
- Pasteal
- Patague
- Patan
- Patanium
- Pataquilla (perhaps Karankawan)
- Patou
- Patzau
- Pausanes
- Pausaqui
- Pausay
- Payaya
- Payuguan
- Peana
- Pelones
- Pescado (?)
- Piedras Blancas
- Piquique
- Pinanaca
- Piniquu
- Pintos
- Pita
- Pitahay
- Pomuluma
- Prietos
- Psaupsau
- Pulacuam (perhaps Tonkawan)
- Putaay
- Quanataguo
- Quems
- Quepanos
- Quesal
- Quide (?)
- Quioborique (?)
- Quisabas (?)
- Quitacas
- Quivi (?)
- Salapaque
- Salinas (?)
- Samampac
- Sampanal
- Sanipao
- Saracuam (?)
- Secmoco
- Semonan (?)
- Senisos
- Siaguan
- Siansi
- Sijame (perhaps
- Tonkawan)
- Sillanguayas
- Simaomo (perhaps Tonkawan)
- Sinicu
- Siupam
- Sonaque
- Sonayan
- Suahuaches (?)
- Suanas
- Sulujame
- Tacame
- Taimamares
- Tamcan (?)
- Tamique (?)
- Tanpacuazes.
- Tarequano.
- Teana
- Tecahuistes
- Tejones
- Teneinamar.
- Tenicapeme.
- Tepachuaches.
- Tepemaca.
- Terocodame.
- Tet.
- Tetanauoica
- Tetecores
- Tetzino (perhaps Tonkawan)
- Tilijaes
- Tinapihuayas
- Tiopane (perhaps Karankawan)
- Tiopines.
- Tishim. (perhaps Tonkawan)
- Tocas
- Tonzaumacagua
- Tripas Blancas
- Tuancas
- Tumamar
- Tumpzi.
- Tusanes
- Tusonid
- Tuteneiboica
- Unojita (?)
- Uracha
- Utaca (?)
- Venados
- Vende Flechas
- Viayam.
- Viddaquimamar
- Xarame
- Xiabu
- Yacdossa
- Ybdacax
- Yeme
- Yman
- Ymic
- Yoricas
- Ysbupue
- Yuê
- Yurguimes
- Zorquan
As indicated, some of these were perhaps Tonkawan, Karankawan, or of other affiliations. Some were represented by single individuals and no doubt many of the names are synonyms or have become distorted in the process of recording. The exact nature of these groups can now never be known. The above list does not include a great many names given only by Cabeza de Vaca or La Salle and his companions in the same region. The multiplicity of tribes and confusion in names is not so serious in any other region north of Mexico.
Coahuiltecan History. The Coahuiltecan tribes were first encountered by Cabeza de Vaca and his companions who passed through the heart of their country, and by the Spaniards when they invaded Coahuila and founded Parral. From the early part of the seventeenth century onward, their country was traversed repeatedly. In 1675 the Coahuiltecan country on both sides of the Rio Grande was invaded by Fernando del Bosque, and in 1689 and 1690 the Texas portion was again traversed by De Leon and Manzanet. In 1677 a Franciscan mission for Coahuiltecan tribes was established at Nadadores and before the end of the century others were started along the Rio Grande and near San Antonio. Great numbers of Indians were gathered into these missions during the first part of the eighteenth century but the change of life entailed upon roving people, disease, and the attacks of hostile tribes from the north reduced their numbers rapidly. Today none of these Indians are known to survive in Texas. In 1886 Dr. A. S. Gatschet found remnants of two or three tribes on the south side of the Rio Grande and some of their descendants, survive, but they are no longer able to speak their ancient language.
Coahuiltecan Population. Mooney (1928) estimated that in 1690 the Coahuiltecan peoples totaled 15,000; no figures embracing all of them occur in the various narratives.
My great grandmother and family are from San Miguel in Tamaulipas. Our whole family was raised in San Juan, TX and Reynosa.
I found out I’m 53% native. And my heritage is smack dab in the center of the region. I’m also adopted so this would be awesome to find out where I come from!
Carrizo springs/ Comecrudo tribe. Looking for name Eudelia Luna Mendoza.
My family’s are original inhabitants of that area and south Texas. Trevino.
My family is also from the region. I have Trevino’s ruining on both sides of my family, I myself am I Trevino!
I found this site. They also have a facebook page. for those looking for Coahuilitecan affiliation
Unfortunately alot of the tribes were wiped out but do not give up and be proud I am looking at the bigger picture,you may look at tracking an ancester to the area of Mexico also chichimeca and huastecs were just across the border.Also ask your elders if available before it’s to late they may know how there houses were built that’s handed down even if they don’t know the tribes it’s what I did there is a study of that.Thanks..
We as coahuiltecan people are still here and practice our language the little that we know we do use. We practice our culture and traditions still. They could not wipe us all out. I am enrolled in our tribe
Hello!! I have been searching for months trying to find my family’s tribe! Both my great grandparents are full along with my grandpa. My dad is half and we knew we had native in us but not that much! My family all came from Tamaulipas Mexico and Nuevo León. Is there anything you know that could help me try to figure out where or what our tribe would be I want to be able to be apart of my heritage and share it with my daughter.
I don’t think there is registry,but I am glad to know I’m not alone and that the cuihiultican blood does exist in the people.because when you Google it tells you there extinct i don’t think so.
I would agree with you I am 43% my mom who passed was I believe 49% I would have to look it up again
My sister’s DNA has come back with 57% American Indian, we were born and raised in the Piedras Negras, Coahuila / Eagle Pass, TX area. Upon doing reseach I came across the Coahuiltecan tribe that resided in the area, can anyone share information of where can she register.
Thank you!
My Dad was born in Eagle Pass and my Grandfather would walk into Piedras Negras ever day to get drunk and have more kids I’m sure.
If your family is from coahuila how do you know you’re not one of the other tribes that took them over? I want to do a dna
My wife is 66% Native American and my daughter was tested at 32%. My wife’s ancestry is from San Antonio, Medina area, Nuevo Leon area and Northern Mexico. The AncestryDNA test shows origins almost entirely in those areas. I am curious to find out tribes, bands or other distinguishing identities.
My Dad was born and grew up in Eagle Pass and my Grandfather would go into Piedra Negras every day and drink and everything else that came with that lifestyle in that era. Ancestry says I’m 52% Native American and I too was born in San Antonio in 65. I’m looking for any type of proof to the Coahuiltecan Indian tribe. thankyou
Andrew, if you see this my family is from Muzquiz Coahuila but moved to Piedras. I know there were a lot of indigenous folks moved there by the Espanoles but do you know if the Coahuiltecas were chichimeca?
The Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas welcomes you to send an email or visit our website at for help in connecting with your relations and learning of the Rio Grande Delta’s first peoples.
How do I find out if My ancestry most part of this tribe?
I’m searching for the Moreno’s that came from Rositas Coahuila . My Grandfather Gregorio Moreno also has or had siblings: Genaro , Ricardo , Santos , and sister Maria. 1890-? Crossed Rio Grande to US.
I am wondering about how in the world my DNA shows the same results: 47% Coahuilteca. Any information about the group will be appreciated.
I am 47% Native American North,Central, South also Northeastern Mexico and South Texas / Northeastern Coahulia and South Texas/ Northern Coahulia/ Neuevo León, Tamaulipas and South Texas. Where and who can help me find more information about my ancestors.
I found out that I’m 46% Native American and the tribes for the region my ancestors are from are the Coahuiltecan and Carrizo. I’m trying to figure out how to get more information and register for the specific tribes.
I would love advice how to register for the tribe if anyone knows!
Hello if you find anything on how to register for this tribe please message me. My husband is 61% Native.
I to just found out I’m 47% Native American and my descendants are from The Southwestern Coahuiltecan and Southwestern Nuevo Leon region. Reading the information they have on them is so fascinating!! The pictures are so great to see too!!
Did anyone find out how to register with the Coahuiltecan Indian tribe?
I would like to know about this process too. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I would also like to know how to register for that tribe too.
Thank you,
Jeannette Simmons
I’m 47% NA with the tribes of the Coahuiltecan and Carrizo being in the regions my ancestors derived from. How do we register or find out more info?
Sylvia, have you found out anything on how to register with the Coahuiltecan tribes?
I too found out that I’m 47% Native American and the tribes for the region my ancestors are from are the Coahuiltecan and Carrizo. I’m trying to figure out how to get more information and register for the specific tribes.
I would love advice how to register for the tribe if anyone knows!
Unfortunately alot of the tribes were wiped out but do not give up and be proud I am looking at the bigger picture,you may look at tracking an ancester to the area of Mexico also chichimeca and huastecs were just across the border.Also ask your elders if available before it’s to late they may know how there houses were built that’s handed down even if they don’t know the tribes it’s what I did there is a study of that.Thanks..
I’m Trying to find out about my great grandfather his name is Alsie Rogers and he was full blooded cherokee i’m not sure if that was his real name but thats all my mother knew he went by he was in tennessee when he passed away in late 1906 or early 1907 is there anyway i could fine out if they took him back to the reservation. its like he fell off the face of the earth in 1907 there has to be something out there i have their marriage licenses from 1905 so there has to be records somewhere. If anyone could help i would appreicate it. thank you
I just recently discovered I am 58% Native American Indian and my DNA is related to the Coahuiltecan Indians and would like any advise on how to register or steps to register. Any guidance would be gratefully accepted.
Did your DNA results link you to the Coahuiltecan? I just found out that I am 45% Native American and the region is southern Texas, Northern Mexico around the Rio Grande Valley. The Coahuiltecan is the tribe that keeps coming up in my research as well, but my ancestry results did not specify a tribe.
Hi Cindy,
I recently found out as well from my DNA results I am 47% Native American from the same area with no specific tribe listed. Any word on how to go about this?
Yes but they do specify a location. I narrowed my husband down to the coahuiltecan tribe. Just don’t know how to register yet. Still researching.
I am 58% Native American and my DNA is related to the Coahuiltecan Indians. I would love to know more as well.
Hi my sister had DNA & she too was 49% Coahuiltecan Indian
Chief Indian head carving in soft stone unearthed in Conroe Texas in1976. Would like to know about tribes in that area believe its now buffalo BAYOU.
Im trying to find info about tribes from the same area. Conroe/Malakoff