Choctaw orphan Children and their parents, in the Mingo Mushulatubbe’s District

Last Updated on March 3, 2013 by Dennis

Register of the names of Choctaw orphan Children and their parents, as far as can be ascertained, which are to be provided for by a provision of the Choctaw treaty of 1830 in the Mushulatubbee’s District
No.Orphans MameSexParents NameRemarks
1TishumaleSashtubbee .
2ShahoyefemaleAhoye (wife) .
3Kawabbeemale —- .
4ShoshconchubbeemaleNockahomah – Ishtaiye (wife) .
5IshihoyofemaleTolabbee .
6TishliotabbeemaleItowallee (wife) .
7Pesanohotubbeemale —– .
8OlohoshtubbeemaleImnabbee .
9John PopemaleChillechi .
10NooakafemaleTaninchubbee – Hoyoke .
11OkestulluahfemaleAshookhomah .
12AchookmahonahfemaleShaumaye .
13KanotimahfemaleAbinsa .
14PoohahfemaleHolletimah .
15LapimethtabbeemaleChookfa .
16AnloopabbeemalePeyake .
17PesahhocatubbeemaleChufakaloopah .
18HopiatubbeemaleShuckti .
19OunohocatubbeemaleMushlatolabbee – Okesliolas (wife) .
20YaholabbeemaleOshtatemah .
21LatumaleHopeatonah .
22ImoklechemaleIntolah – Fullepoyo .
23MishumintubbeemaleIntolabbee .
24PootahmaleAlatimah .
25KonchetimahfemaleLaichi – Patitomo .
26AnooahtimahfemaleNockneche .
IlamecheokafemaleAnolehoyo .
27OklahimahfemaleMaketiah .
28YohlafemaleIshalemanoka .
29KammalafemaleIllihocklo .
30IllappolomaleMalipoka .
31ChoolabbeemaleOklatubbee – Okhono .
32ElafenabbeemaleChahola – Shapiathonah .
33OnatonahfemalePaleehe .
34ForbusmaleHumpke .
35IyahenolafemaleOklabbee .
36YocknolamaleOtoyote .
37OnohokafemaleAnopole .
38HolhahmaleHostona .
39Alex. PitchlynnmaleJames Pitchlynn .
40Eben. PitchlynnmaleWihamiyo Chickasaw woman
42Two moremalesKachihokeNames not known
43TeskachefemaleHatoekhoollo – Okestuniah
44OklahajomaleShamyotubbee – Ishehonah
45IbamemaleOphehonahmother’s name unknown
46Pintabbeemale—–father’s name unknown
47Istiemahfemale—-mother’s name unknown
48Istonumbolemale—–parent’s names unknown
49Henry RuckermaleTingbabbeemother’s name unknown

I do hereby certify that the foregoing register of Choctaw orphan children was taken by me, by order of the Choctaw agent; and that I have faithfully attended to this duty, to the best of my knowledge, throughout the nation. It is to be observed that the names of the orphan children and parents are in separate columns, and the sexes; but the age of the children could not be ascertained, as Indians know nothing about their ages. All this duty was done previous to the 23d of July, 1831. Given under my hand, this 17th day of December, 1831.
Indians will scarcely ever tell their names,, nor do they know any thing, about their ages,
M. MACKAY, U. S. Int.

I do certify that Mr. Midn. Mackay, a sworn interpreter for the Choctaw nation, has reported to me the foregoing names as orphan children in the Choctaw nation at the time; treaty was entered into at Dancing Rabbit creek in the month of September, 1830. Also, said Mackay was strictly charged by me to perform this duty according to a provision in said treaty respecting orphans. All of this business to be done previous to the 23d July, 1831. Given under my hand, this 17th day of December, 1831.
W. WARD, U. S. Agent, C. N.

It is to be observed that the captains in each district made out lists of the orphan children at the payments of the annuities. But this business I well knew required much accuracy, so as justice might be done to the Government as well as to the Indians. Therefore, I gave up the papers as made up by the captain to Middleton Mackay, a sworn interpreter, to go throughout the nation, and make true and diligent inquiry of all who might come within the provisions of the treaty, and register the names of all orphans, and their parents, and ages, and sexes, with the place of residence in this nation. Mr. Mackay has returned the foregoing list of names, stating to me it was impossible to get the ages of Choctaw Indians, and that he had clone every thing in his power to accomplish this work.
I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
W. WARD, Agent C. N.
Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of War.

Choctaw, Orphans, Roll,

Armstrong Roll of Choctaw, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1831. Document 512, Correspondence on the Subject of the Emigration of Indians between the 30th November, 1831 and 27th December, 1833 With Abstracts of Expenditures by Disbursing Agents, in the Removal and Subsistence of Indians. Furnished in answer to a resolution of the Senate of 27th December, 1833, by the Commissary General of Subsistence., Vol. III, printed in Washington by Duff Green, 1835.

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