Biography of Capt. George Fry

CAPT. GEORGE FRY, an old and honored citizen of Shannon County, Missouri, is a native of the Buckeye State, born in Franklin County in 1817. His father, George Fry, was a native of Pennsylvania, who went to Ohio in 1812 or 1813, floating down the Ohio River to the Sciota in flatboats with his family and household effects. He then went up the Sciota where he afterwards located, and there passed the balance of his days, dying when seventy-seven years of age. He was in the Indian War, and was in the battle of Tippecanoe. When he first went to … Read more

Biography of John A. Gideon

JOHN A. GIDEON. Among the prominent citizens of Galloway Township, Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of John A. Gideon, who was born in Greene, now Christian County, Missouri, March 4, 1837. His parents, William and Matilda (Woods) Gideon, were natives of North Carolina, the father born in Wilkes County June 4, 1791, and the mother in Morganton, Burke County, June, 1792. Both were liberally educated at Morganton, and were married there March 11, 1812. About 1816 they removed to Hawkins County, Tennessee, and remained there until 1836, when they crossed the Mississippi River to Missouri, and settled in the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Steven L. Wiles

HON. STEVEN L. WILES. Mr. Wiles is a prominent citizen of Polk Township, and one whose constancy to the business in hand and whose thrift have added so greatly to the value of the agricultural region. He is a native of North Carolina, was born in Surry County in the year 1831, and is the son of Steven and Rachel (Steelman) Wiles, also natives of Surry County, N. C. Our subject’s paternal grandfather, Steven Wiles, was born in England and there reared and married. Prior to the Revolutionary War he came to the United States and located in Surry County, … Read more

Biography of Dr. A. J. Stephens

DR. A. J. STEPHENS. The profession of the physician and surgeon is one that has drawn to it, at all periods of its history, the brightest and most honorable men; for none but an intelligent, well-informed man could be a physician at all, and no physician unless a man of honor, could long retain a profitable practice. Howell County, Missouri, has always been fortunate in its physicians, and it is especially so, during recent years, in its younger generation of practitioners, who have contributed much to the enhancement of the city’s reputation as a center of medical knowledge. Conspicuous among … Read more

Biography of H. M. Miller, M. D.

H. M. MILLER, M. D. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the early pioneers of Douglas County, for he took up his abode here in 1856, and has here ever since made his home. He is a native of east Tennessee, for there his eyes first opened on the light November 12, 1837, his parents being Dobson and Mary A. (Burnett) Miller, who were also natives of that State, although the paternal grandfather, Henry M. Miller, was born in England. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and died after his removal to Tennessee, as did … Read more

Biography of Hon. Joshua Sholar

HON. JOSHUA SHOLAR. The free country of America affords numberless instances of men who have made their way alone in life, having nothing on which to depend but their own strong arms and a determination to do and to succeed. Such men are always self-reliant, their necessities having taught them that what is done must be done through themselves alone. They are worthy and well qualified to perform what duties they are called upon to discharge and are almost without exception leaders of thought in their community, and lead lives of great usefulness. In considering the gentlemen of this class … Read more

Biography of Hon. Pleasant N. Gulley

HON. PLEASANT N. GULLEY. This worthy representative of a successful, thoroughgoing and industrious Missouri farmer and stockraiser came originally from Hawkins County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1824. His parents, Lewis and Jane (Rolin) Gulley, were born in the Old Carolina State about 1784 and 1786, respectively, where they were reared and married, after which they moved to Tennessee and entered land in Hawkins County, and on that land spent the rest of their lives, dying in 1849 and 1833, respectively. They were Methodists, and the father was a soldier in the War of 1812 under Gen. Jackson. He … Read more

Biography of Dr. H. C. Shuttee

DR. H. C. SHUTTEE. One of the old and honored men in medicine by citizens of Howell County, Missouri, was Dr. C. H. E. Shuttee, deceased, who was the father of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. The elder Shuttee was a native of Hamburg, Germany, and was educated in that country. When a young man he came to the United States and took up his home in the State of Indiana, at Huntington. Later he became a soldier in the Union Army, served during the latter part of the war, and took part in some hard fought battles. … Read more

Biography of W. H. H. Miller

W. H. H. MILLER. Among the men who early cast their fortunes in what is now Christian County, Missouri, was one whose memory is treasured by the few remaining pioneers of a rapidly passing age, a man of honest integrity and sterling worth, we refer to Jesse Miller, the father of the subject of this sketch. He was born in North Carolina about 1800, and when but a boy went with his parents to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Eunice Vanzandt, a native of Georgia, born about 1809. Until 1852 this worthy couple made their home in Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of Jesse A. Tolerton

JESSE A. TOLERTON. There are few enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable. A prominent one in Forsyth is that conducted by Mr. Jesse A. Tolerton who enjoys a widespread reputation, and the city may congratulate herself upon the presence of such an honorable man of business. Although young in years he possesses an unlimited amount of energy and sound judgment, and has already obtained a good start in the world. His is the only livery stable in Taney County, and he is doing a good business. … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Johnson

JOSEPH B. JOHNSON. With a record that is enviable, Joseph B. Johnson has been county clerk of Oregon County, Missouri, for the past eight years, and will no doubt succeed himself to that position at the next election. He has won for himself an honored position among the representative men of this section, and has been closely identified with many of its best interests. Like two-thirds of the best citizens of the county, Mr. Johnson is a native of Tennessee, born in Jackson in 1852, son of William R. and Martha Ann (Brown) Johnson. The father was also born in … Read more

Biography of William C. Smith

WILLIAM C. SMITH. Among those of Howell County, Missouri, who have successfully followed the ” primitive occupation of man” may be mentioned William C. Smith, whose active, energetic and useful life has won him an abundance of this world’s goods, and has placed him among the foremost agriculturists and stockraisers of his section. He was born in Overton County, Tennessee, in 1820, a son of George and Nancy (Winningham) Smith, natives of the Old North State, but who were married and resided in Overton County, Tennessee, where the father’s death occurred when the subject of this sketch was a lad. … Read more

Biography of Joshua T. Deeds

JOSHUA T. DEEDS. Christian County has long had the reputation of being one of the best agricultural and stockraising counties in the State. Not only do the farmers here give much of their attention to stockraising, but they are generally men of enterprise and information, who take pride in agricultural affairs also. Prominent among those who have done their full share in advancing every interest in this county is Mr. Deeds, who owes his nativity to Greene County, Missouri, born October 4, 1845. He is a son of Dr. John and Melissa (Davis) Deeds, and the grandson of John Deeds, … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Blades

EDWARD A. BLADES. The farming class of America is notable for the degree of intelligence that is possessed among its representatives. Our subject belongs to one of the most progressive of families, and is proud of the fact that his father was one of those fast disappearing landmarks of a heroic past-an early pioneer. Mr. Blades was born in Monroe County, East Tennessee. In 1830, but his parents, Edward and Ellen (Maner) Blades, were natives of North Carolina, where they grew to mature years and united their fortunes. From there they removed to Tennessee, and about 1836 came by ox-team … Read more

Biography of Capt. Charles M. Richards

CAPT. CHARLES M. RICHARDS, real estate dealer of Shannon County, is well known here and has done much to build up the interests of this section. Born in Pennsylvania, Wyoming Valley, in 1834, he is a son of David P. Richards, also a native of that State. The latter followed farming all his life. On his father’s farm in Wyoming Valley our subject grew up and in the schools of the valley he received his education. When ten years of age he was in the post office there, remaining eight years, and then, in July, 1861, he joined Company M, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Thomas Mabrey

HON. THOMAS MABREY. The parents of this influential citizen, Frederick and Nancy (Mabrey) Mabrey, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father went to Williamson County, Tennessee, when a young man, married there, and in 1838 came to Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, where he was among the early settlers. All his life he had followed agricultural pursuits and was reasonably successful for that day and time. He died near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, in 1848, when about seventy years of age. The mother died in 1837, when a comparatively young woman. Born to their marriage were nine children, … Read more

Biography of J. R. B. Moore

J. R. B. MOORE. Within years of recent date the remarkable growth of the real estate business has given it a prominence and placed it in a position that is attained by very few other elements in this country. This increase and promotion can be nothing less than a reflex of the progress and prosperity of every general interest in the community, and constitutes strong reason for gratification among all observant and appreciative business men. J. R. B. Moore has an excellent knowledge of real estate, as well as the general routine work of a real estate agent, and has … Read more

Biography of John H. Martin

JOHN H. MARTIN. Douglas County, Missouri, is well known for its successful, thrifty and enterprising farmers, and for its well-tilled and fertile farms, and among those successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits is John H. Martin, who was born in Blount County, Tennessee, July 27, 1842, a son of Adrian and Sallie (Kerr) Martin, natives of Tennessee, and grandson of John Martin, a native of Massachusetts, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and who removed to Tennessee at an early day. The maternal grandfather, David Kerr, was a Tennessean and was a son of one of the early pioneers … Read more

Biography of Homer G. Gilmore

HOMER G. GILMORE. In no part of the world is the flouring industry of greater importance than it is in the United States, nor in any other part of the world can the same excellence of quality of flour be produced. This need not be wondered at. Where is there another country possessing so rich and productive a soil, yielding and in plenty the richest wheat? Indeed, the industry and the importance necessarily attached to it are natural resultants of nature’s generosity. In Christian County, Missouri, the flouring industry is a most important one and foremost among those engaging in … Read more

Biography of H. R. Dickson

H. R. DICKSON. It seems impossible to think that where are now magnificent fields of corn and thrifty farms, less than half a century ago was a wilderness inhabited by wild animals and savages. Still stranger is it to think that we have in our midst one of those old settlers who spent his best energies in subduing the wilderness and bringing it to the state of perfection apparent to all. H. R. Dickson was born in Ashe County, N. C., July 31, 1824, and was the eldest of twelve children born to the marriage of William and Frances (Cross) … Read more