Biography of Jesse A. Tolerton

Last Updated on June 19, 2012 by

JESSE A. TOLERTON. There are few enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable. A prominent one in Forsyth is that conducted by Mr. Jesse A. Tolerton who enjoys a widespread reputation, and the city may congratulate herself upon the presence of such an honorable man of business. Although young in years he possesses an unlimited amount of energy and sound judgment, and has already obtained a good start in the world. His is the only livery stable in Taney County, and he is doing a good business. Our subject came to Forsyth when a small boy, and since the age of twelve years has made his own way in life. Possessed of industrious habits and a genial, happy disposition, he made friends wherever he made his home and the people of Forsyth were not slow in recognizing his true worth. After coming to Forsyth he worked for his board and attended the Forsyth schools, and in this manner received a good business education. Later he started a small feed stable, and meeting with success in this, began buying horses. Since then he has met with good success and owns the stable property and a number of lots on the public square. He has good stock and all the necessary vehicles for a first-class barn. At the present time Mr. Tolerton is holding the office of deputy county collector, and being a good penman and a correct accountant is kept busy in the office. He came originally from the Buckeye State, born July 23, 1873, and is a son of Augusta Tolerton, of Salem, Ohio, a wholesale dealer in clothing there and a man of prominence. Our subject was married January 1, 1894, to Miss Lititia Parrish, daughter of John Parrish, a successful merchant of Forsyth. This young couple are well liked in the county and are interested in all good work. Mr. Tolerton has made all his property by his own exertions, starting a poor boy, and deserves the respect of all. For some time after starting out for himself he drove the stage from Forsyth to Chadwick.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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