Biography of Alexander Thompson

ALEXANDER THOMPSON, farmer and stockraiser of Williamson Township, Stone County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the section in which he lives, is a native of Tennessee, born in Maury County March 25, 1833. His parents, Thomas and Lucinda (Dobyns) Thompson, were natives of Indiana and Kentucky, respectively, and their nuptials were celebrated in the latter State. From there they moved to Indiana, and thence to Tennessee, the father dying in Williamson County of the latter State when about forty-five years of age. He was a farmer, but was of a roving disposition, and never accumulated much property. … Read more

Biography of Samuel G. McCracken

SAMUEL G. MCCRACKEN. Among the active and energetic business men of Ozark is Samuel G. McCracken, grain dealer and grocery merchant. He has acquired an enviable reputation as a business man and citizen, and well deserves the large competency he has acquired by honest methods and strict business integrity. The McCracken family is of Scotch-Irish origin and the first members of this family to come to America settled in Tennessee, where they were esteemed as honorable and upright men and women. Thomas McCracken, grandfather of our subject, was born in Tennessee, as was also Nathaniel McCracken, the father of our … Read more

Biography of Allen Gentry

ALLEN GENTRY. This gentleman is one of the oldest and best known pioneers of Stone County, which has been his home since 1836, a period of over fifty-eight years. The founder of the family in this section was Allen Gentry, Sr., father of subject, a native of Tennessee, where the family was an old and prominent one, and a descendant of Revolutionary stock. He was married in his native State to Miss Margaret , and in the spring of 1836 he and wife crossed the Mississippi River and located on James River, near Galena, in Stone County, where the father … Read more

Biography of David Wolff

DAVID WOLFF. In the whole range of commercial enterprise no interest is of more importance than that representing the sale of groceries. This fact is recognized and appreciated by all thoughtful and intelligent persons. In this connection we take pleasure in calling attention to a house which, though only established since 1883, has already proved itself to be indispensable to the locality. David Wolff is a native of the Buckeye State, born in Ross County January 2, 1852, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Wolff, both of whom died in Ohio. This worthy couple were the parents of … Read more

Biography of B. B. Melton

B. B. MELTON. Since the year 1851 Mr. Melton has been a resident of Christian County, and he is one of the best-known and much esteemed citizens of this section. It is a pleasure to chronicle the history of a man whose life has been one of honor and usefulness and although he is now in his seventy-fifth year, time has dealt leniently with him, and he is in the enjoyment of comparatively good health. Like many other citizens of the county, he is a native of Tennessee, born in Cannon County, August 12, 1820, to the marriage of Jacob … Read more

Biography of John A. Chapin

JOHN A. CHAPIN. The calling of the farmer is the primitive occupation of man, and the majority of those who have followed it have led upright and blameless lives, and the career of John A. Chapin is no exception to this rule. He is a native of Sangamon County, Illinois, where he first saw the light in 1829, a son of Paul Stillman and Sarah (Harrison) Chapin, natives of the Old North State, the birth of the father occurring in 1799. They accompanied their parents to Overton County, Tennessee, and were there married, and afterward lived for about three years … Read more

Biography of Maj. Sampson Barker

MAJ. SAMPSON BARKER. Since 1869, when our subject became connected with the affairs of Taney County, he has enjoyed the reputation of being not only an able financier and talented and well-informed man of the county, but one noted for upright and honorable dealing, and seems to have been admirably fitted by nature for the calling of an agriculturist. He comes of a good old Virginia family, and was born in Scott County of that State November 30, 1832. He is a son of John S. and Sallie (Boyes) Barker, both natives of the Old Diminion, the father born in … Read more

Biography of Davis M. Trammell

DAVIS M. TRAMMELL. Mr. Trammell is the owner of a valuable farm of 160 acres in Taney County, and is one of those thrifty, energetic farmers for which the county has become well known. In the conduct of his affairs he has shown good judgment and business foresight, and is well known for his intelligence and excellent judgment. Mr. Trammell is a native of Searcy County, Arkansas, born January 19, 1856, and a son of Jared H. and Louisa (Beechum) Trammell, natives of Illinois. The father was reared in that State, but in 1833 moved from there to Arkansas and … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Farmer

ANDREW J. FARMER (deceased). When a citizen of worth and character has departed from this life, it is meet that those who survive him should keep in mind his life work, and should hold up to the knowledge and emulation of the young his virtues and the characteristics which distinguished him and made him worthy the esteem of his neighbors. Therefore, the name of Andrew J. Farmer is presented to the readers of this volume as a public-spirited citizen and a man well and favorably known throughout the county. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1824, and at … Read more

Biography of Thomas R. Appleby, M. D.

THOMAS R. APPLEBY, M. D. In tracing the genealogy of the Appleby family in America, we find that three brothers of that name left the Green Isle of Erin and came to America about the time of the Revolutionary War. James Appleby, grandfather of our subject, was a son of one of these brothers. He was a native of Tennessee, whither his father had moved from Pennsylvania in 1832, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. About 1832 Grandfather Appleby moved to Springfield, Missouri, where he was among the first settlers, but later located in Polk County, that … Read more

Biography of Dr. James Snider

DR. JAMES SNIDER. This prominent old pioneer of Carter County, Missouri, was born in Blount County, Tennessee, September 14, 1808, a son of Rev. George and Polly (Walker) Snider, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina January 1, 1769 and October 11, 1768, respectively. They were married in Tennessee and spent their lives in Blount and Monroe Counties. The father was a Baptist minister for over thirty-five years, and went with the Missionary wing of that church when it divided. His father, George Snidcer, was born in Pennsylvania, but later moved to Virginia, and in a very early day … Read more

Biography of John Morgan Atkinson

JOHN MORGAN ATKINSON. This promising and popular young man, who has just been nominated by the Democrats of Ripley County in the primary election as the party candidate for clerk of the County Court, was born in Hickman County, Tennessee, on September 14, 1870. In the spring of 1873 he removed with his parents to Ripley County and was reared on a farm. He attended the common schools of his district, the Doniphan High School and the Southeast Normal School at Cape Girardeau, Missouri His advancement in his studies was rapid and his grades were always among the highest. He … Read more

Biography of Edward Hampton Sutterfield

EDWARD HAMPTON SUTTERFIELD. This gentleman is the capable surveyor of Reynolds County, but his usual occupations are farming and stockraising, in following which he has met with more than ordinary success and has accumulated a competency. He owes his nativity to White County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light of day in 1830, a son of William and Dovie (Tap-ley) Sutterfield, who were also born in Tennessee in 1800 and 1810, respectively, and there made their home until 1840, when they came by wagon to what is now Reynolds County and located on a woodland tract on the west … Read more

Biography of John Squire

JOHN SQUIRE. This gentleman is a successful merchant of Squire’s Post office, Douglas County, Missouri, and is one of the leading business men of the county. He was born in Devonshire, England, April 1, 1854, to John and Mary A. (Gorman) Squire, the former of whom died in the old country. The mother came, with her family, to the United States and settled in Logan County, Illinois The father of the subject of this sketch was a sturdy British yeoman and was engaged in tilling the soil until his death, which occurred at the age of seventy-six years. To himself … Read more

Biography of M. L. Copeland

M. L. COPELAND. The subject of this sketch is one who has built, by years of industry and good management, a business that is recognized as being one of the best of its kind in this section, a credit to Reynolds County. Mr. Copeland is a man who possesses the inherent qualities requisite to commercial success, in a very high degree, and in his chosen calling has attained an enviable position among his compeers. He is a prominent merchant at Barnesville, and was born in Reynolds County, Missouri, December 24, 1855, to the marriage of William and Elizabeth (Ellington) Copeland. … Read more

Biography of O. H. P. Catron

O. H. P. CATRON. Few men in the county are better known or more popular than O. H. P. Catron, who is one of the proprietors of the Daily and Weekly Gazette of West Plains, Missouri This is the only daily published in this section, and although the weekly has been known here for many years, the daily has only known an existence of six years. The Gazette is one of the brightest, newsiest sheets published in southwest Missouri, and commands an ever widening circulation. Mr. Catron came to West Plains in March, 1882. He was born in Lafayette County, … Read more

Biography of Granville H. Vaughan

GRANVILLE H. VAUGHAN. The occupation of farming is one that has received attention from the earliest ages, and it is not to be wondered at that it has become the art that it is at the present time. Among those who have shown a satisfactory knowledge of this calling, and whose operations are conducted in a very progressive manner may be mentioned Granville H. Vaughan, who is the owner of a valuable farm in Finley Township. He first saw the light of day in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1831. His parents, James and Nancy (Hatchett) Vaughan, were natives of the … Read more

Biography of S. B. Taylor

S. B. TAYLOR. In no way can the growth and prosperity of a city be determined so well as by the progress made by the leading business houses therein, such always standing as general indices to the city’s condition. Among such business barometers the livery stable should rank in the midst of the first. A prominent one in Galena, Missouri, is that conducted by S. B. Taylor, who enjoys a widespread reputation as an honorable, upright business man. Ohio is his native State, born in Madison County March 4, 1847. S. B. is the son of Asa and Eliza Taylor, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Joshua Chilton

The gentleman whose name we now give was for many years identified with the best interests of Shannon County, Missouri, and although he has now passed from earth’s activities it is but just and satisfactory that his life’s narrative be recounted among those who have done excellent service in subduing the wilderness and bringing it into its present fine condition physically, mentally and morally. Mr. Chilton was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, September 28, 1818, and was a son of Thomas Chilton, who was a native of Maryland. Thomas Chilton was partly reared in his native State and then moved … Read more

Biography of Capt. Francis Marion Pollock

CAPT. FRANCIS MARION POLLOCK. This well-known farmer, stock trader and mill man, of Mt. View, Missouri, owes his nativity to Limestone County, Ala., where he first saw the light on the 19th of April, 1840. His parents, Francis Asbury and Ann (Wilkinson) Pollock, were also born in Limestone County, Ala., in 1808 and 1810, respectively, were reared and married there, and about 1834 removed to Cooper County, Missouri, where Mr. Pollock was soon after elected sheriff, and died while in office in 1839. He was a very prominent Mason, one of the wealthy farmers of the county, and became prominently … Read more