Biography of Thomas Moore

THOMAS MOORE. A well known farmer and stock man of Howell Township, Howell County, Missouri, is Thomas Moore, whose progressive ideas, energy and enterprise have done much to make this section the fine agricultural region that it is. He hails from the Buckeye State and owes his nativity to Coshocton County, where he first saw the light of day in 1840.

His parents, Thomas and Catherine (Bess) Moore, were born in the Green Isle of Erin and in Pennsylvania, respectively, both their births occurring in the year 1800. Mr. Thomas Moore, Sr., came from the land of his birth to the United States and became a prominent and well-known citizen of the section of Ohio in which he settled. He was a man of fair education and intelligence, was a hard-working, industrious man all his life and was a useful and helpful citizen of the different sections in which he made his home. In 1844 he came by wagon with his family to Maries County, Missouri, but about ten years later he moved to Gasconade County, where he spent the rest of his life. He was a Methodist in his religious belief, and a Whig in politics. He left several brothers and sisters in Ohio. His wife died in Montgomery County, Illinois, in 1872, after having lived a widow a great many years. She had for many years been a devout member of the Methodist Church, and it is supposed that her father was of Pennsylvania Dutch stock. Her mother died at the age of eighty-five years, the wife of a Mr. Ellis. Thomas Moore (the subject of this sketch) was the ninth of twelve children born to his parents: Patrick, who died in Ohio after reaching manhood; Elizabeth also died in that State, the wife of Noah Sho-walter; Nancy is the widow of Rev. John McKnight, a Methodist minister, and resides in Aurora, Missouri; John G. is a farmer and stockraiser of North Dakota; Elias died in boyhood in Ohio; Mary is the wife of Joseph Pigman and resides in Iowa; Hezekiah is a farmer of Montgomery County, Illinois, and was a soldier in Company M, Fifth Iowa Cavalry, in which he served as commissary ser-geant; Catherine is the wife of George Slutheur, of Vernon County, Missouri; Thomas; Henry, a farmer and trader of West Plains, Missouri, was also a soldier in Company M, Fifth Iowa Cavalry and served throughout the war, being once wounded in the foot; Margaret is the widow of Joseph Pryor, of Aurora, Missouri, and Noah B., who was drowned February 14, 1892, in Barton County, Missouri, was a teacher.

The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and received a common education in the country schools. He made his home with his mother until he attained manhood, and in the fall of 1861 joined Company M, Fifth Iowa Cavalry, was drilled at St. Louis and was in the engagement at Fort Donelson. After about nine months’ service he was discharged at St. Louis on account of ill health, after which he returned home and once more turned his attention to farming in Gasconade County, Missouri, and in Illinois. He has been a resident of Howell County, Missouri, since 1869, and was here married in 1870 to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Jacob Garrett, a sketch of whom appears in this work. Mrs. Moore was born in Overton County, Tennessee, and died April 29, 1893, an earnest and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her union with Mr. Moore resulted in the birth of the following named children: John Thomas, Jacob Sampson (deceased), Lady Victoria, Mary Catherine, Nora Jane, Martha Elzie, Sarah Eva, Patrick Henry and Ethel, last two died in infancy. Since marriage Mr. Moore has lived on the farm on which he is now residing, which comprises 160 acres, of which 150 acres are under cultivation and well improved. His property is situated about five miles east of West Plains and is the result of his own earnest and persistent effort. He raises grain and feeds and ships stock. He has been a lifelong farmer and there is no branch of the business that he does not thoroughly understand. He is a member of the Methodist Church, and politically is a Republican, his first presidential vote having been cast for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. He is a member of the John A. Rawlins Post of the G. A. R. As a law-abiding citizen he has not his superior in the county and lie is also very public spirited and liberal in his support of enterprises that are of a worthy character.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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