Biography of William M. Malone

Among the enterprising, capable and successful business men who have contributed substantially to the material growth and prosperity of Vinita is numbered William M. Malone, who as manager of the Vinita Building & Loan Association has developed the largest financial institution in northeastern Oklahoma. He was the author of important legislation in this connection which has greatly promoted the success of the various associations of this character throughout the state and has become widely recognized as a leader in the field in which he is operating. Mr. Malone is a native of Ohio. He was born in Jackson County on … Read more

Biography of George M. Follett

GEORGE M. FOLLETT. The creditable condition of business life in West Plains, Missouri, is due in a great extent to the enterprise, energy and intelligence of her prominent merchants and manufacturers. Among these may be mentioned the firm of Holt & Follett, manufacturers. George M. Follett was born and reared just outside of the city of New York, his birth occurring February 25, 1852, son of D. B. and Eliza (Mason) Follett. The father was a farmer and resided on the Delaware River. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth on the old home farm and received but limited educational … Read more

Biography of S. W. Wilkinson

S. W. WILKINSON. This prominent general merchant of Willow Springs, Missouri, was born in Alton, Illinois, January 6, 1856, son of Simon and Anna (Lea) Wilkinson, both natives of England. The parents came to the United States about 1850 and settled in the Prairie State, where the father followed farming until his death in 1859. The mother is now living in Missouri. Their family consisted of five children, and our subject is the only one now living. S. W. Wilkinson passed his early life in Missouri, whither his mother had moved before the war, and when he was about thirteen … Read more

Biography of Levi Smith

LEVI SMITH. Among the many agriculturists who have devoted their attention to the occupation of tilling the soil in Howell Township, Howell County, Missouri, Levi Smith is one of the foremost, and he owes the success which has attended his operations in this respect to his own good fighting qualities. He owes his nativity to Surry County, N. C., where he was born in 1838. Son of Rev. Thomas and Candace (Snow) Smith, who were born in Wilkes and Surry Counties, N. C., in 1812 and 1814, respectively. They were reared, educated in a limited way, and married in their … Read more

Biography of David M. James

DAVID M. JAMES. There are few features of business enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable, and a valuable acquisition to the town of West Plains, Missouri, is the establishment of this kind owned and conducted by David M. James. This gentleman owes his nativity to Henry County, Kentucky, where he was born in 1833, a son of Dr. Beverly W. and Matilda (Day) James, natives of the old State of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. When a young man Dr. James removed to Kentucky and was there … Read more

Biography of J. B. Thomas

J. B. THOMAS. There is no enterprise of equal importance in Howell County, Missouri, than that of insurance. Among those engaged in this business is our subject, J. B. Thomas, one of the representative men of Willow Springs and abstracter and notary public of that city. Mr. Thomas came from southern Iowa and has made his home in Willow Springs for the past five years. He is a native Kentuckian, born in Mason County August 27, 1859, and his father, James C. Thomas, is farming in that county at the present time. The latter is also a native of that … Read more

Biography of William W. McLelland

WILLIAM W. McLELLAND. Howell County, Missouri, is remarkably well adapted to the purposes of farming, and one of the most progressive followers of this calling is William W. McLelland, who is a native of the Old North State, born October 9, 1848. His parents, Rufus and Almira (Percey) McLelland, were also born in that State, and when the subject of this sketch was about three years of age, came by ox-team to Oregon County, Missouri, and until after the war resided on a farm there. One year was then spent in Dade County, after which they returned to Oregon County, … Read more

Biography of G. B. Thomas

G. B. THOMAS is manager of the large establishment of S. H. Henry & Co., dealers in sash, doors, blinds and lumber. This company was established in 1882 by S. H. Henry, and two years later B. T. Henry, son of S. H., entered the business. The elder Henry is the pioneer lumber dealer of this city. He came here in 1857 from Tennessee where his birth occurred, and first branched out as a carpenter when a young man. Mr. Henry has taken a prominent part in city improvements, is interested in many of the prominent business enterprises, and is … Read more

Biography of Webb Summers

WEBB SUMMERS, one of the prominent stockmen of Howell County, is a native of Georgia, born in Fannin County, March 3, 1854, to the marriage of Thomas and Mary (Ensley) Summers. The father was a native of North Carolina, but moved to a farm in Georgia and there died before the war. After his death his widow came to Missouri, located in Dent County and from there moved to Howell County in 1874, making her home near West Plains for some time. She now makes her home with her son, Webb, and is comfortable and contented. She was the mother … Read more

Biography of John Goldsberry

JOHN GOLDSBERRY. The parents of this much esteemed citizen, William H. and Elizabeth (Fouts) Goldsberry, were natives of the Old North State, born in either Davidson or Randolph Counties. In 1836 or 1837 they left their native State and came to Missouri, locating on Gasconade River, in Pulaski County, where they made their home until 1846. From there they moved to Polk County and after living there a short time moved to Hutton Valley, Oregon County, before Howell had become a county. From Hutton Valley they moved to the place where Mountain View now stands, and there the mother died … Read more

Biography of W. F. Cook

W. F. COOK. In looking over a comparative statement of the institutions of a financial character doing business in Willow Springs, we find them, in comparison with the same class of organizations elsewhere, solvent, prosperous and useful in the highest degree. The Willow Springs Bank adds no little to this, and is one of the best and most substantial of its kind in the county. Mr. W. F. Cook, its well-known cashier, was born in Lewis County, Missouri, February 2, 1868. Son of Dr. J. F. Cook, who is president of La Grange College, at La Grange, a position he … Read more

Biography of John W. Garrett

JOHN W. GARRETT. Howell County, Missouri, is fortunate in her farmers and stockmen, who are, almost without exception, men of energy, thrift and enterprise, and prominent among these is John W. Garrett, who is a native of Overton County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light in 1845. His parents, Jacob and Mary (Chapin) Garrett, were also born in that county, the former in 1819 and the latter in 1821, and were married in the State of their birth. In 1852 the family came by wagon to what is now Howell County and entered a tract of land, which now … Read more

Biography of R. S. Hogan

R. S. HOGAN. No man in West Plains is more respected and liked than R. S. Hogan, who has achieved distinction in politics, and who has made a name for himself as a public-spirited citizen and a promoter of new enterprises. Greene County, Tennessee, was the birthplace of Mr. Hogan, as it was also of his parents, James H. and Amanda F . (Loutrell) Hogan. James H. Hogan was the son of Hiram Hogan, who came from Ireland to this country at an early day, and died when his son James was but four years old. The latter grew up … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthias Kenaga

HON. MATTHIAS KENAGA. The occupations to which Mr. Kenaga is devoting his attention are of the utmost importance to any community, and this is especially so in regard to the lumber business, which he is very extensively and successfully carrying on. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, in 1842, but his parents, Abraham and Christina (Sese) Kenaga, were Pennsylvanians, and were taken to Ohio by their parents when young. The mother of the subject of this sketch died when he was an infant, and his father after-ward married Esther Kore, and in 1850 removed to Whitley County, Indiana, where … Read more

Biography of James Chilton

JAMES CHILTON. This descendant of one of the most prominent families of Shannon County first saw the light of day on the old homestead near Eminence, his birth occurring April 3, 1854. He was but about eight years of age when his father was killed, and he attended the schools in the county until fifteen years of age. After this he commenced farming for himself and has continued this occupation up to the present time. He bought a farm near where his brother Perry now lives, 200 acres, and this he improved and resided on for some time. From there … Read more

Biography of John E. Ball

JOHN E. BALL. One of the progressive farmers of Howell County, Missouri, is John E. Ball, who was born in Abbeville District, S. C., in 1850, a son of James Wilburn and Mary (Mosley) Ball, who were born in the Palmetto State November9, 1817 and 1807, respectively. About 1859 they came to what is now Clay County, Arkansas, by wagon, and there the remainder of their lives were spent, she dying in 1865 and he in 1872. They were farmers by occupation and for some time during the Civil War the father of the subject of this sketch served in … Read more

Biography of Franklin Marion Chapin

FRANKLIN MARION CHAPIN. This prominent citizen of Winona, Missouri, owes his nativity to Overton County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light in 1837, his parents being Paul Stillman and Sarah (Harrison) Chapin (for parents’ history see sketch of John A. Chapin and John W. Garrett). He was the tenth of twelve children born to them, the other members of the family being: Mary (Garrett), of Howell County; Hiram, who died in Los Angeles, Cal.; Paul Stillman, who died in Hopkins County, Tex.; Elias H., who died in Howell County; Martha, who died in Overton County, Tennessee; John A., of … Read more

Biography of L. G. Eblen

L. G. EBLEN. Coming to Howell County, Missouri, when ten years of age, L. G. Eblen has since made for himself an honored position among the repre-sentative men of the county, and has been closely identified with many of its best interests. He is at present the county collector and his reputation is not merely local, but extends over a wide stretch of country. Mr. Eblen is a native of Tennessee, born in Weakley County, July 17, 1859, and the fourth in order of birth of seven children born to Isaac and Sarah (Harvey) Eblen. The elder Eblen was born … Read more

Biography of H. M. Watchorn

H. M. WATCHORN. Among the most noted and enterprising men of the flourishing city of Willow Springs, Missouri, stands the name of H. M. Watchorn, the most efficient and capable mayor of the same. He has made his home in this city since 1883, and during that time his name has been inseparably linked with its progress and development. He is a native of the Emerald Isle, born May 27, 1862, and there grew to mature years and received a part of his education. He came to America with his father, Thomas Watchorn, who is now living on a farm … Read more

Biography of Jacob L. Walker

JACOB L. WALKER. To the honest, pushing, hardworking and enterprising farmer is due the prosperity, wealth and advancement of any community, and to their zeal, energy and integrity will its future prosperity be indebted, as it has been in the past, and among the names that are prominent in agricultural circles is that of Jacob L. Walker, who, in addition to tilling the soil, is most successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits at Mt. View. He was born in what is now Phelps County, Missouri, in 1847, a son of Col. James and Margaret (Love) Walker, who were born in Tennessee, … Read more