Biography of Leroy Adams

Last Updated on June 19, 2012 by

LEROY ADAMS. This gentleman is regarded as one of the most enterprising pioneers of his district, and it is a pleasure to chronicle here the events that mark his life as one of usefulness. Material wealth must not exclude the riches of character and ability in recounting the virtues which have been brought to this country by its citizens, and among its most precious treasures must be estimated the lives of those citizens who have by their intelligence and their eminence in the higher walks of life assisted in raising the standard of life and thought in the communities in which they have settled. Mr. Adams was born in Wilson County, middle Tennessee, about 1812 or 1814 to the union of William and Ovidia Adams, and is a branch of the old Adams family.

He was left fatherless when quite young, and of a family of seven children, he is the only one now living. In 1833, when a lad of about seventeen years, he took the advice of his father, who had told him before dying to go to a new country and get a home, and he, his mother and two younger sisters made their way to what is now Polk County, then Greene County, Missouri, and settling on a tract of land, remained there until 1838 or 1839. At that date they moved to a farm near Ozark, and this was a wilderness of woods inhabited by the red man and hosts of wild animals. This was before the Government had bought the land. On this farm Mr. Adams resided until 1849, and then bought the farm where he is now living and entered land. He was quite a hunter in his day and killed deer, bears and other wild animals, but at the same time the work of clearing and improving his farm went on, and by his own untiring efforts and that of his excellent wife it became a valuable piece of property. He was married to Mary Ann Cummings and reared a family of six children: John N., who is on the old home place; Leonard L. died in 1873; Thomas D., also living at home; James F., county clerk; Roxanna, deceased, was the wife of James Farmer, and Josephine, who was the wife A. Farmer. The mother of these children was a native of Warren County, Tennessee, and came to this county with her father, Benjamin Cummings. She was an excellent woman and a true help-mate to her husband in pioneer days. Her death occurred in May, 1891, on the farm where she had spent many years of her life. The family attend the Baptist Church. Mr. Adams was formerly a Whig, but later he espoused the principles of the Republican party and has remained with it ever since. Aside from his farming industry he has been engaged in other occupations, and for some time he ran a store in Ozark during the war in partnership with Messrs. Robertson and Yoakum. He was also engaged in business at Linden and Sparta, being in partnership with ex-Sheriff Crain in the latter place. He is one of the highly esteemed citizens of the county and a man who has ever taken a deep interest in all worthy movements. He has ten grandchildren.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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