Biography of W. F. Cook

W. F. COOK. In looking over a comparative statement of the institutions of a financial character doing business in Willow Springs, we find them, in comparison with the same class of organizations elsewhere, solvent, prosperous and useful in the highest degree. The Willow Springs Bank adds no little to this, and is one of the best and most substantial of its kind in the county. Mr. W. F. Cook, its well-known cashier, was born in Lewis County, Missouri, February 2, 1868. Son of Dr. J. F. Cook, who is president of La Grange College, at La Grange, a position he … Read more

Biography of H. M. Watchorn

H. M. WATCHORN. Among the most noted and enterprising men of the flourishing city of Willow Springs, Missouri, stands the name of H. M. Watchorn, the most efficient and capable mayor of the same. He has made his home in this city since 1883, and during that time his name has been inseparably linked with its progress and development. He is a native of the Emerald Isle, born May 27, 1862, and there grew to mature years and received a part of his education. He came to America with his father, Thomas Watchorn, who is now living on a farm … Read more

Biography of J. H. Hogan

J. H. HOGAN. Among the many successful men of Howell County, Missouri, none have made a more desirable reputation than J. H. Hogan, of Willow Springs. Born and reared on a farm in Greene County, Tennessee, from 1826 until his marriage he remained with his parents, receiving his education in the common schools. His father, Hiram Hogan, was a native of the Keystone State, but at an early age he moved to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Sarah Bales. Their children, four in number, were named as follows: Mary (deceased) was the wife of Robert Caughran; Elizabeth (deceased) … Read more

Biography of J. W. Garman

J. W. GARMAN. This gentleman, who is the most efficient cashier of the Citizen’s Bank of Willow Springs, Howell County, Missouri, is a native of Summit County, Ohio, born in the city of Akron, June 30, 1858. His father, Daniel K. Garnan, was a native of the Keystone State, but died in Summit County, Ohio, about 1888. He was a contractor by occupation. Our subject was one of nine children, and four of his brothers are farmers in the Buckeye State. J. W. Garman passed his early life in Akron, and attended the schools both at Smithville in Wayne County, … Read more

Biography of James A. Ferguson

JAMES A. FERGUSON. This prominent citizen, who is a member of the firm of Ferguson, Lucas & Kennedy, of Willow Springs, and president of the Willow Springs Bank, has been a resident of this city and vicinity since 1871. He was born in Greene County, Tennessee, May 9, 1851, and is a son of William M. and Elizabeth (Hogan) Ferguson, both natives of Tennessee. The grandfather, Alexander Ferguson, was a native of Virginia, but at an early date came to Tennessee. Some of the early members of this family served in the Revolutionary War. The father of our subject came … Read more

Biography of J. B. Thomas

J. B. THOMAS. There is no enterprise of equal importance in Howell County, Missouri, than that of insurance. Among those engaged in this business is our subject, J. B. Thomas, one of the representative men of Willow Springs and abstracter and notary public of that city. Mr. Thomas came from southern Iowa and has made his home in Willow Springs for the past five years. He is a native Kentuckian, born in Mason County August 27, 1859, and his father, James C. Thomas, is farming in that county at the present time. The latter is also a native of that … Read more

Biography of R. S. Hogan

R. S. HOGAN. No man in West Plains is more respected and liked than R. S. Hogan, who has achieved distinction in politics, and who has made a name for himself as a public-spirited citizen and a promoter of new enterprises. Greene County, Tennessee, was the birthplace of Mr. Hogan, as it was also of his parents, James H. and Amanda F . (Loutrell) Hogan. James H. Hogan was the son of Hiram Hogan, who came from Ireland to this country at an early day, and died when his son James was but four years old. The latter grew up … Read more

Biography of George M. Follett

GEORGE M. FOLLETT. The creditable condition of business life in West Plains, Missouri, is due in a great extent to the enterprise, energy and intelligence of her prominent merchants and manufacturers. Among these may be mentioned the firm of Holt & Follett, manufacturers. George M. Follett was born and reared just outside of the city of New York, his birth occurring February 25, 1852, son of D. B. and Eliza (Mason) Follett. The father was a farmer and resided on the Delaware River. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth on the old home farm and received but limited educational … Read more

Biography of S. W. Wilkinson

S. W. WILKINSON. This prominent general merchant of Willow Springs, Missouri, was born in Alton, Illinois, January 6, 1856, son of Simon and Anna (Lea) Wilkinson, both natives of England. The parents came to the United States about 1850 and settled in the Prairie State, where the father followed farming until his death in 1859. The mother is now living in Missouri. Their family consisted of five children, and our subject is the only one now living. S. W. Wilkinson passed his early life in Missouri, whither his mother had moved before the war, and when he was about thirteen … Read more

Biography of James Chilton

JAMES CHILTON. This descendant of one of the most prominent families of Shannon County first saw the light of day on the old homestead near Eminence, his birth occurring April 3, 1854. He was but about eight years of age when his father was killed, and he attended the schools in the county until fifteen years of age. After this he commenced farming for himself and has continued this occupation up to the present time. He bought a farm near where his brother Perry now lives, 200 acres, and this he improved and resided on for some time. From there … Read more