Biography of Cortez F. Enloe, M.D.

Dr. Cortez F. Enloe, a man of strong personality who has been a leader in the public life of Jefferson City for many years and who is numbered among the substantial citizens as well as among the successful physicians of this part of the state, was born in Clarksburg, Missouri, January 28, 1881, his parents being James and Mary (Ryan) Enloe, who were also natives of Missouri. The father was a school teacher in early life but afterward became a merchant and at all times took a deep interest in public affairs, especially in the welfare and improvement o1 the schools. He was for many years county superintendent of schools after he had discontinued teaching. He served in the Civil war as captain of Company F of the Ninth Regiment of provisional Enrolled ‘Militia in 1863. The records in the adjutant general’s office read as follows: “James Enloe, 27th August, 1862, second lieutenant Company B, Forty-second Regiment Missouri Militia-1863. Promoted to Captain Company B, Forty-second Enrolled Missouri Militia, August 20, 1864.”

Dr. Enloe obtained a high school education at Versailles, Morgan county, Missouri, but did not graduate and after leaving that institution he became a student in Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Tennessee, where he pursued his medical course, being numbered among the alumni of that institution of 1901, at which time the M. D. degree was conferred upon him. Immediately afterward he began practice in Greenville, Wayne county, Missouri, but remained there for only a few months. He then came to Jefferson City and since 1901 has been engaged in general practice here. While he still continues in general practice he specializes in surgery and has developed his skill In that field of labor to a high degree of efficiency. During the World war he was appointed a member of the district draft board No. 2 of the western division of Missouri, which comprised forty-two counties in the state, and his entire time was devoted to the work of the position. Because of this he could not go into active field service and cross to France much as he desired to do so. He is now serving on the medical staff of St. Mary’s Hospital in Jefferson City. Aside from his professional interests he is a stockholder in the Central Missouri Trust Company and one of its board of directors. He also instituted and organized five zinc companies in the Picher, Oklahoma, district, including the King Brand Mining Company, the Jefferson City Mining Company, the New York Mining Company and C. & O. Mining Company, all of Picher, Oklahoma, and he is a director and the general manager of the Cortez Mining Company. His development of the rich mineral resources of that section has contributed much not only to his individual fortunes, but to the progress and prosperity of the region in which he has operated. He belongs to the American Mining Congress and to the American Zinc Mining Association.

In 1905 in St. Louis Dr. Enloe was married to Miss Margaret Louise Hammett, whose parents are natives of Mississippi but are now living in Missouri. Dr. and Mrs. Enloe have two children: Margaret and Cortez F., aged respectively fourteen and ten years.

The religious faith of the parents is that of the Baptist church, and fraternally Dr. Enloe is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He also belongs to the Elks Club and is a member and director of the Jefferson City Country Club and the Painted Rock Club. His political endorsement is given to the republican party and while he has never sought nor desired political preferment he has occupied various positions of public honor and trust. He has been a member of the Jefferson City school board for the past ten years and takes a most lively and helpful interest in public matters pertaining to the welfare of the children and of the school. He has been for many years a captain of the Medical Reserve Corps of the Second Regiment of the National Guard of Missouri and was appointed a member of the governor’s staff by Governor Hyde with the rank of colonel. The practice of medicine, however, is after all his real life work and in that field he has rendered most valuable and important service. He has served as physician to the state prison, has been president of the Cole County Medical Society and has membership with the Missouri State and American Medical Associations and at all times he holds to the highest standards of his profession and his work has been attended with splendid results.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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