Biography of Hon. John H. Anderson

HON. JOHN H. ANDERSON. This part of Missouri has proved a mine of wealth to thousands of industrious and earnest farmers who have come hither from the East and by dint of hard work and enterprise have developed the resources which nature so liberally provided. Among these is John H. Anderson, who was born in North Carolina, in 1826, to the marriage of William and Jane (Scruggs) Anderson, natives of the Palmetto State, where they were reared and married. Later the parents moved to the Old North State and from there to Georgia, where they remained a few years. When … Read more

Biography of George L. Atkeson

George L. Atkeson. To those parents who value the intellectual development of their children, it is a matter of vital importance that in the early and formative period of their lives, their instructors in the public schools should be thoroughly qualified for such responsibility in scholarly attainments and in personal character. In securing so widely known and so experienced an educator as George L. Atkeson as superintendent of their city schools, the good people of Altoona, Kansas, displayed exceptional wisdom. Intelligent public opinion here, as at other points, makes more insistent demands, asks for more decided results than in old … Read more

Missouri Cemetery Records McDonald to Phelps Counties

Missouri Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Missouri county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. McDonald County Following Cemeteries hosted at McDonald  County, Missouri Tombstone Transcription Project Brush Creek Cemetery Roller Cemetery Mercer County Following cemeteries hosted at Mercer County MOGenWeb Hart Cemetery St Paul Cemetery Following cemeteries hosted at Grundy County MOGenWeb Brummitt Cemetery Half Rock Cemetery Old Union Cemetery Prairie Ridge Cemetery Union Cemetery White Oak Cemetery Following Cemeteries hosted at Mercer County, Missouri … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of Ernest Everett Stonecipher

Ernest Everett Stonecipher. A Kansas educator of fifteen years’ experience, Mr. Stonecipher has taught in country schools, has been principal of village and city schools, and with increasing capabilities and growing reputation has been preferred to some of the larger responsibilities connected with school work in Cherokee County. He is now county superintendent of public instruction in Cherokee County, and his place in the profession is well indicated by the fact that he is also serving as president of the Southeastern Kansas Teachers Association, the largest organization of school workers in the state. Mr. Stonecipher was born in Cherokee County, … Read more

Biography of William Alfred Clark, A. M., M. D.

It is seldom that one attains prominence along several lines, but Dr. William Alfred Clark of Jefferson City is regarded as one of the eminent surgeons of the state and in 1918 served as president of the Missouri state board of health, while in Masonic circles he has also been accorded a place of distinction and leadership, having been grand master of the order in Missouri in 1917 and 1918. He is numbered among Missouri’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Clarksburg, Moniteau county, September 11, 1865. He was the eldest of ten children, four sons and six daughters. … Read more

Biography of Judge John P. Collier

JUDGE JOHN P. COLLIER. The philosophy of success in life is an interesting study, and affords a lesson from which others can profit. In choosing a pursuit in life, taste, mental gifts, opportunity and disposition to labor, should be considered, as many a young man who has a disposition to become a respectable and useful citizen desires to succeed therein. On the 15th of July, 1842, a boy was born in Warren County, Kentucky, who grew up to sturdy manhood, ambitious to excel and possessing much energy and determination, attributes which are essential to success in any calling. This boy … Read more

Biography of Henry Heier

Henry Heier, engaged in the undertaking business in St. Louis, was born in California, Missouri, March 20, 1871. His parents died in his infancy and he was reared in a German Protestant orphan’s home on St. Charles Rock road in St. Louis county, there remaining until he reached the age of sixteen and a half years, when he started out to provide for his own support, securing a position with a wholesale glass and queens ware company of St. Louis. His capability and trustworthiness were so manifest that he remained with the firm for eight and a half years, working … Read more

Biography of Thomas K. Tomson

Thomas K. Tomson. A life of more than ordinary fruitfulness and influence came to a close with the death of Thomas K. Tomson at his home in Dover, Shawnee County, November 2, 1910. He was one of the ante-bellum settlers of Kansas. In the fifty years of his residence in the state his name became widely known and respected and as a farmer and stockman he was one of the most successful in his section of the state. He was in his eighty-fifth year when death called him. He was born in Mahoning County, Ohio, September 25, 1826. He grew … Read more

Biography of Wilber A. Cochel, Prof.

Prof. Wilber A. Cochel. There is no doubt but that educational education means more to the United States today than any other kind of education and great institutions like the Kansas State Agricultural College are standard bearers in disseminating agricultural knowledge. This college management, with remarkable judgment, has gathered together a group of thoroughly trained instructors covering every phase of agriculture, the agriculture of modern progress. At the head of the animal husbandry division is found Prof. Wilber A. Coehel, a scholar and scientist whose name carries weight in many states of the Union on account of his discoveries and … Read more

Biography of Harry M. Moore, M. D.

Among those who are devoting their lives to the practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis and discharging their duties with a high sense of conscientious obligation and a recognition of the responsibility that devolves upon them is Dr. Harry M. Moore, who is one of the alumni of Washington University. He was born in California, Missouri, March 1, 1874, and is a son of John W. Moore, who was born in Massachusetts and was descended from one of the old families of that state, the ancestral line being traced back to a period long antedating the Revolutionary war, … Read more

Biography of T. W. Truskett

T. W. Truskett. The real estate brokerage business established by Thomas W. Truskett, in 1908, had gone hand in hand with the development of Caney since its inception and undoubtedly had contributed largely toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable and satisfactory placing of loans, as any concern of the kind in Montgomery County. Mr. Truskett is one of Caney’s substantial citizens; his success is self-made and in its scope and usefulness directs attention to qualities of perseverance, business integrity and ability and high regard for the welfare of the community. Mr. Truskett was born in Monroe County, … Read more

Biography of John C. Asahl

John C. Asahl, a resident of Ramona since 1903 and connected with its mercantile interests throughout, the period, has also figured prominently in connection with public affairs of the city and no man has labored more earnestly, zealously and effectively to bring about public progress, reform and improvement than he Mr. Asahl is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in the city of California, March 7, 1870. His father, Charles Asahl, was a native of Germany and came to the United States in 1850, settling in Chicago in the year of the yellow fever plague. He was a … Read more

Biography of Cortez F. Enloe, M.D.

Dr. Cortez F. Enloe, a man of strong personality who has been a leader in the public life of Jefferson City for many years and who is numbered among the substantial citizens as well as among the successful physicians of this part of the state, was born in Clarksburg, Missouri, January 28, 1881, his parents being James and Mary (Ryan) Enloe, who were also natives of Missouri. The father was a school teacher in early life but afterward became a merchant and at all times took a deep interest in public affairs, especially in the welfare and improvement o1 the … Read more

Biography of B. F. Rowland, M. D.

Important and varied interests claim the time and attention of Dr. B. F. Rowland, a leading druggist of Ochelata, who also figures prominently in financial circles as Vice President of the Ochelata State Bank, and he is likewise the owner of a good farm in this vicinity, his business affairs being most judiciously managed. He was born in Moniteau County, Missouri, June 7, 1866, his parents being Powhatan and Mary W. (Longdon) Rowland, the latter a daughter of a circuit rider in Missouri, who was one of the well known ministers of the early days. B. F. Rowland’s father engaged … Read more