Biography of J. Walter Clark

J. Walter Clark. In no state in the Union, perhaps, have the public schools in recent years been given more careful consideration than in Kansas, and this is evidenced by the fact that school boards all over are insisting on higher qualifications and efficiency than ever before. They demand teachers not only of scholarship, but of high moral character, of equable temperament and conventional deportment, rightly contending that these instructors have lasting influence on the youth that is entrusted to them at the most impressionable age. Well qualified in every way is Prof. J. Walter Clark, who, for the past … Read more

Biography of John Hunt

John Hunt is one of the oldest business men in point of continuous service at Grenola, Kansas. He established a lumber business there more than thirty-four years ago, and today he is the only merchant furnishing lumber and building supplies to the people of that community. He had had a long and active career, and aside from his material achievement he may take special pride in the fact that he had reared a large family of self-respecting, honest and worthy children. He represents old American stock. The Hunts came originally from Wales and were settlers in New Jersey in colonial … Read more

Biography of Hon. Richard P. Bland

HON. RICHARD P. BLAND. From poverty and obscurity all the eminent men of the West have fought their way in the battle of life, and by their own persistence and perseverance have attained to prominence and honor. They have given permanency to every enterprise that they have honored with their patronage and have stamped upon them their own individuality. The subject of this sketch is a man well known to the people of Missouri, and needs no eulogy from the pen of the biographer, for his deeds are his monuments and will endure long after he has moldered into dust. … Read more

Biography of Rev. Cyrus R. Rice

Rev. Cyrus R. Rice, of Hartford, is one of the revered fathers of the Methodist Church in Kansas. He comes of a Tennessee family, and was himself born near Lebanon, that state, August 27, 1833. His father was a physician of many years’ practice in Tennessee and Missouri. The son also studied medicine, but his decided inclinations were toward the ministry, and in 1853 he united with the St. Louis Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The next year he was licensed to preach and appointed to the Thomasville Circuit, and in 1855 was sent as a missionary to … Read more

Biography of George T. Lee

GEORGE T. LEE. It is a pleasure and a privilege to record the character and enterprise of men of business who, on account of their long tenure and extensive operations, comprise almost a history of the business in which they are engaged. Of such men it is unnecessary to speak in words of colored praise. By their acts ye shall know them.” Their very existence is emphatic evi-dence of the honorable position they occupy and the long course of just dealing that they have pursued. A gentleman in mind is George T. Lee, who was born in Jefferson County, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Dunegan

ALFRED J. DUNEGAN. Of the many men who are engaged in tilling the soil in Ozark County, Missouri, none is more thrifty, honest and persevering than he whose name heads this sketch. He has followed the occupation of farming from his earliest boyhood, and as a result every detail of this line of human endeavor is familiar to him, and he may be said to be an honor to the calling. He was born in White County, Tennessee, in 1817, of which State his parents, Samuel and Sallie (Speers) Dunegan, were also natives, in which State they made their home … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Hovis, Earl – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Former Wallowa County resident, Earl Hovis, of North Bend, died Feb. 1, 1992, at St. Katherine’s Nursing Home in Coos Bay. At his request, no public services were held. Interment will be in Wallowa County at a later date. Arrangements are under the direction of Cool Bay Chapel. Mr. Hovis was born July 12, 1902, in Wayne County, Mo., the son of Robert E. and Minnie Hovis. He came to Wallowa County as a young person and attended Gwynn School, located between Lostine and Enterprise. On June 26, 1924, he married Vivian Emmons at Enterprise. They … Read more

Biography of James M. McGhee

JAMES M. MCGHEE. This gentleman, well known in Carter County, is at present the most efficient county clerk of the same. He came originally from Georgia, his birth occurring December 17, 1854, and he no doubt inherits much of his vim and enterprise from his Scotch-Irish ancestors. His grandfather McGhee was an early pioneer in east Tennessee, and there John F. McGhee, father of subject, was born and reared. He was trained to the duties of the farm at an early age and received but a limited schooling, as his father died when he was young. When grown he moved … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert L. Coleman

HON. ROBERT L. COLEMAN. It is the men of broad and comprehensive views who give life to communities and build cities-men who have foresight and energy, pluck and push to forward their enterprises and still retain an untarnished reputation through it all. Such a man is Hon. Robert L. Coleman, now circuit clerk and recorder and ex-representative of Carter County. He was elected to his present responsible position in 1890 by the Democratic party, of which he is a zealous member. Previous to this, in 1886, he was elected school commissioner, held that position two years, and was elected to … Read more

Biography of Cortez F. Enloe, M.D.

Dr. Cortez F. Enloe, a man of strong personality who has been a leader in the public life of Jefferson City for many years and who is numbered among the substantial citizens as well as among the successful physicians of this part of the state, was born in Clarksburg, Missouri, January 28, 1881, his parents being James and Mary (Ryan) Enloe, who were also natives of Missouri. The father was a school teacher in early life but afterward became a merchant and at all times took a deep interest in public affairs, especially in the welfare and improvement o1 the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sanford Martin Withers, M.D.

Dr. Sanford Martin Withers was born in Clearwater, Wayne county, Missouri, November 25, 1891, and is a son of George A. and Avis M. (Martin) Withers, the latter a daughter of the Rev. Samuel Sanford Martin, a pioneer Baptist minister of Illinois. He was a native of Connecticut and married Miss Elmira Palmer, whose birth occurred in Illinois. The grandparents of Dr. Withers in the paternal line were William Price and Mary Elizabeth (Coles) Withers, natives of Kentucky and of Illinois, respectively. George A. Withers, the father, was born at Funks Grove, Illinois, February 13, 1847, and the greater part … Read more

Biography of Anderson Coleman

ANDERSON COLEMAN. It is a pleasure to chronicle the history of a man whose life has been one of honor and usefulness, and although he is considerable past the zenith of his career, Mr. Coleman has accumulated sufficient means to pass his declining years in peace and plenty. He is one of the old pioneers of Carter County, Missouri, to which section he came in 1858, and is honored and esteemed throughout its length and breadth. Mr. Coleman was born in Tennessee, October, 14, 1822, and the son of William and Betsey (Vaughan) Coleman, both of whom died in North … Read more