Biography of B. V. Morris

He whose name heads this sketch, B. V. Morris, is not only a gentleman in every sense of the word, but as a business man is shrewd, practical and far-seeing, well qualified to discharge the necessary duties of life and well adapted to the active life he has led. He was born October 4, 1848, a son of Isaiah and Mary A. (Vaughn) Morris, both of whom were born in the Buckeye State, the former being a native of Columbiana County, and a son of Abraham and Mary (Heisler) Morris. Abraham Morris was born in New Jersey, in which State the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Stephen C. Herndon

HON. STEPHEN C. HERNDON. During the seventy-two years that have passed over the head of the gentleman whose name stands at the head of this sketch he has been an active observer of the trend of events, but has been not merely a “looker on in Venice” but a citizen who has, through his enterprise, his integrity and his public spirit, contributed his full share to the magnificent development of the section in which he resides. He comes of an honored ancestry, for the well-known old pioneer, George Herndon, was his father, from whom he inherited many of his most … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Dunegan

ALFRED J. DUNEGAN. Of the many men who are engaged in tilling the soil in Ozark County, Missouri, none is more thrifty, honest and persevering than he whose name heads this sketch. He has followed the occupation of farming from his earliest boyhood, and as a result every detail of this line of human endeavor is familiar to him, and he may be said to be an honor to the calling. He was born in White County, Tennessee, in 1817, of which State his parents, Samuel and Sallie (Speers) Dunegan, were also natives, in which State they made their home … Read more

Biography of Guy T. Harrison

GUY T. HARRISON. The protection afforded by the laws of a country are inestimable. When the people overturn the jurisdictions of their nation, a chaos prevails in which the good is lost sight of in the terrible mobs and riots of the liberty-drunken citizens, as exemplified in the bloody revolution in the city of Paris. A wise people is that which abides by the edicts of its head, and employs agents to explain the methods of that body. Prominent in the ranks of the intelligent and successful lawyers of Ozark County, Missouri, is Guy T. Harrison, who has a most … Read more

Biography of George W. Pearcy

GEORGE W. PEARCY. Ability, when backed by enterprising business measures and progressive ideas, will accomplish more than any other professional or commercial requirement. An illustration of this is found in the mercantile establishment owned and conducted by George W. Pearcy at Thornfield, MO. This gentleman was born in Platte County, Missouri, in 1848, but his parents, William H. and Jane (Henry) Pearcy, were born in Kentucky in 1813 and Indiana in 1818, respectively. After their marriage, which occurred in Indiana, they came to Platte County, Missouri, later removed to Dallas County, and when the subject of this sketch was four … Read more

Biography of Richard S. Holt

RICHARD S. HOLT. It is a pleasure to write the biography of a man of unusual personal merit-the possessor of a combination of gifts so comprehensive that happiness and success in any enterprise is bound to follow the application of his qualities to the solution of almost any reasonable problem in life. It is an unwritten law that the secret of success in life in all individual cases is the common property or heritage of all unfortunates of the human race. It is therefore eminently proper for the historian or delineator of character to review the lives of those individuals … Read more

Biography of Benjamin B. Jones

BENJAMIN B. JONES. Ozark County, Missouri, has no more progressive farmer or business man than Benjamin B. Jones, who is located in business at Lutie, Missouri, eighteen miles west of Gainesville. He owes his nativity to Logan County, Ohio, where he first saw the light in 1844, a son of Nehemiah and Rachel (Taylor) Jones, who were also born in the Buckeye State, where they were reared and married and made their home until 1860, when they came to Shelby County, Missouri, where the father passed from life the same year. He was a well-to-do farmer, a man of unblemished … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Stephen Carlile

Carlile, Mrs. Stephen (See Ghigau and Hildebrand)—Sadie, daughter of S. P. Luna and Sarah (Butler) Luna, born July 10, 1888 in the Ozark County, Missouri. Mar­ried at Tahlequah, September 29, 1909 Stephen Foreman, son of Thomas Holmes and Levannah Elizabeth (Catron) Carlile. born January 5, 1873 in Tahlequah District, educated in Tahlequah District and Male Seminary. They are the parents of: Hazel, born August 1, 1910; Helen, born May 25. 1912; Stephen, born January 12, 1918; and Leo, born February 22, 1920. Stephen Foreman Carlile died September 5, 1919, Carlile is farming near Park Hill.

Biography of William C. Morrison

WILLIAM C. MORRISON. This gentleman is the efficient collector of Ozark County, Missouri, a position he has held since 1889, and from 1887 to 1888 he discharged the duties of county assessor. He owes his nativity to the Blue Grass State, his birth occurring in Barren County, June 10, 1842, his parents, Joseph S. and Nancy J. (Low) Morrison, being also natives of that State. The paternal grandfather, Steptoe Morrison, was a native of the Palmetto State, but was an early emigrant to Barren County, Kentucky, and later to Arkansas, in which State he spent his last days. Solomon Low, … Read more

Biography of Edward Coker

EDWARD COKER. This gentleman is one of the active stockmen of West Plains, Missouri, and an influential and progressive citizen of the same. He is a product of Arkansas, born in what is now Boone County, at Lead Hill, August 30, 1856, to the marriage of William and Margaret (Holt) Coker. The Coker family is probably the oldest in north Arkansas. The mother of our subject was a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of William Holt who moved from Tennessee to Marion County, Arkansas, in the thirties. Mr. Holt was a farmer and a prominent man in his section … Read more

Biography of J. R. Reed

J. R. REED, of the firm of Wood & Reed, Gainesville, Missouri, has for the past twelve years been one of the most enterprising and successful business men of the county. He owes his nativity to Bradley County, Tennessee, where he was born January 21, 1861, the eldest child born to Alvin and Emeline (Wood) Reed, native Tennesseans, the former of whom was engaged in tilling the soil, and was killed near the close of the war, during which struggle he served in the Confederate Army. He was a son of John H. Reed, one of the early pioneers of … Read more

Biography of William A. Conklin

WILLIAM A. CONKLIN. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the efficient county clerk of Ozark County, Missouri, and his career thus far in life presents an example of industry, perseverance and good management, rewarded by substantial results well worthy the imitation of all who start out in life as he did, with no capital except a good constitution and a liberal supply of pluck and energy. In addition to discharging the duties of his official position with marked ability, he is also the proprietor and editor of the Ozark County News, a newsy and instructive weekly, published in … Read more

Biography of M. M. Pease

M. M. PEASE. This resident and prominent citizen of West Plains, Missouri, came originally from the Granite State, his birth occurring January 15, 1855. At an early date he came with his father to Missouri, and in this State he has since made his home. In the year 1877 he started out in business for himself and engaged in saw milling in Douglas County. This business he has followed for the most part ever since. He is also doing business at Dora, Ozark County, where he is a member of the Pease Milling Company. The members of this firm are: … Read more

Biography of Daniel W. Feemster

DANIEL W. FEEMSTER. An active and progressive system in any profession or line of business, when based upon principles of honor, is sure to bring success, and an illustration of prominence gained through these means is seen in the record of Daniel W. Feemster, who is the proprietor of an excellent mercantile establishment and a dealer in produce at Noble, Missouri. He was born in Lowndes County, Miss., in 1853. His parents, Rev. Zenus E. and Margaret (Maloy) Feemster, were born in South Carolina in 1813 and Alabama in 1817, respectively. The former was taken to Mississippi by his parents … Read more

Biography of Judge W. W. Luna

JUDGE W. W. LUNA. Ozark County, Missouri, is an Eden of fine farms and agricultural tracts. There are comparatively few very small tracts, and each farmer tries to outdo his neighbor in the cultivation and improvement of his land. Of the many fine, attractive places none are more conspicuous than that belonging to Judge W. W. Luna, comprising 280 acres of fine bottom land, of which he has been the owner since 1883. The place is well improved, is principally river bottom land, and everything about his estate indicates to the beholder that a thorough and experienced hand is at … Read more

Biography of Martin S. McCreight, M. D.

Martin S. McCreight, M. D. A resident of Kansas since early boyhood, Doctor McCreight is one of the oldest business men and professional men of the City of Oskaloosa, where he began the practice of medicine and surgery over twenty years ago, and during the greater part of the time had also conducted a drug business and is vice president of the Jefferson County Bank. Doctor McCreight was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. February 19, 1870, and is of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather McCreight was a native Scotchman and on coming to America located in Pennsylvania. Johnston McCreight, father of … Read more

Biography of John Wallace Howe

John Wallace Howe. Few men are able to comprehend within a period of less than seventy years such a variety of experience and achievement as John Wallace Howe of Independence. He is one of the youngest vsterans of the Union army in the war between the states. Besides the part played by him as a faithful soldier in that struggle, he had been a farmer, a carpenter, had lived in a number of different localities, and was one of the pioneer settlers in Montgomery County, Kansas, having established his home there on the frontier more than forty-five years ago. Public … Read more

Biography of Templeman J. Hutchinson

TEMPLEMAN J. HUTCHINSON. The farming community of Ozark County, Missouri, has no abler representative than Mr. Hutchinson, who is the owner of a fine farm of 230 acres on North Fork. This place his father settled on when it had only a few acres cleared, but under the thrifty and energetic management of the present owner it has been put in an admirable state of cultivation, and is now justly considered one of the best farms on the creek. Mr. Hutchinson was born in Grainger County, Tennessee, May 27, 1828, a son of Jeremiah and Susan (King) Hutchinson, natives of … Read more

Biography of B. W. Hogard

B. W. HOGARD. There is nothing which speaks more eloquently of the enterprise or prosperity of a town than does the well-kept hostelry and Central Hotel, of which Mr. Hogard is the proprietor, at Gainesville, Missouri, which is one of the best in the county. Its neat and orderly appearance distinguishes it among others, and the polite service which its patrons receive and the excellent character of the cuisine, has influenced their permanent custom, and the place is exceptionally popular with the traveling man. Mr. Hogard was born in Weakley County, Tennessee, November 5, 1850, a son of Rev. John … Read more

Biography of Jeremiah B. Simpson, M. D.

JEREMIAH B. SIMPSON, M. D. There is no man more highly esteemed in a community than the medical practitioner, and there is not among all the physicians of Baxter County, Arkansas, one who is held higher in public favor than Dr. Jeremiah B. Simpson. This gentleman was born in Wayne County, Illinois, in 1851 , to John W. and Sallie (Murphy) Simpson, the former of whom was also born there. The paternal grandfather, William Simpson, was a Tennessean, and a pioneer of Wayne County, Illinois, where he lived and died. John W. Simpson was a worthy tiller of the soil, … Read more