Biography of John D. Stone

JOHN D. STONE. The hardy, courageous and energetic blood of the Scotchman flows in the veins of John D. Stone, and with it is mixed the versatility and quick wit of the Irish.

William T. Stone, the paternal grandfather, was a native of Maryland, but left that State at the age of seventeen years and moved to Virginia, in which State he was married and lived for some time. Later he made his home for some years in Tennessee, and in 1833 became a resident of Polk County, Missouri, (then Christian County),but finally took up his residence on a farm, on which the town of Galena now stands, which land he entered from the Government, and which was then in what was known as Taney County. When Stone County was organized, it was named in his honor, for he was a man of much importance in his day, and was well and favorably known throughout the entire Southwest. He held a number of prominent offices of trust, was a successful tiller of the soil throughout life, and always supported the principles of the Democrat party, being of the Jacksonian type. He served under Gen. Jackson throughout the War of 1812, and was with him at the famous battle of New Orleans. His death occurred in 1849 or 1850 at Galena, and was a fact deeply regretted by all who knew him. He was quite a noted Nimrod in his day, killed numerous bears and deer, and killed one bear in Galena. He reared a family of nine children, but only one is living at the present time, the youngest daughter, Martha (Summers), of this county. All his children grew to maturity in Stone County, married and here reared their families.

John H. Stone, the father of the immediate subject of this sketch, was born in eastern Tennessee in 1821, and was about fourteen years of age at the time his parents moved to Missouri, the trip thither being made by wagon, but was unmarked by any particular adventure. He grew to man-hood in Stone County, and unfortunately received but little education, owing to the extreme scarcity of schools, and here he eventually married Miss Sarah E. Williams and located about three miles south of Galena on the James River, where he made a comfortable home and lived for some time. He then sold this property and moved about seven miles south of the town, in the vicinity of the Virgin Rock, later resided for some ten years at Cape Fair, but finally settled on the farm on which his widow still resides, it being near the farm owned by the subject of this sketch. John H. Stone was a Democrat, like his father before him, held the office of justice of the peace, and in January, 1862, was appointed to the office of county judge. He was a soldier during the Civil War, being a member of the Seventy-fourth Missouri Militia, and served from August, 1862, until January 3, 1863. After his return home he was again elected county judge, and filled the position with marked ability for two terms. He was a man of much public spirit, was very popular with the people of Stone County, and could have had almost any office within the gift of the people, but would not accept the nomination. He took much pleasure in the chase and killed large numbers of deer and other game. He was called from life in January, 1871. His wife was born in Kentucky, and was a daughter of John B. Williams, who in 1835 came to Stone County, Missouri, by wagon. They settled on a farm on Flat Creek, where Mr. Williams built a water mill and engaged in the business of milling from that time up to 1855. Hethen sold out and purchased a large farm in the vicinity of Crane Creek, but was killed in 1859 by being run over by a wagon. He was a Democrat in politics and also held the office of county judge. He was a well-educated man, was a surveyor of ability and had a good deal of that work to do in the early days of the State. He was married twice and reared a family of fifteen children. Mrs. Stone was about thirteen years old at the time the family came to Missouri. She is now sixty-six years of age and is living on the old homestead in the enjoyment of fair health. She bore her husband twelve children, seven of whom are living as follows: John D., William T.; Telitha C., wife of J. M . King; Eliza B.; Mary A., wife of L. Carncy; Sarah P., wife of George Carncy; George L. Those deceased are: Martha, who died after her marriage to Joseph King; Alice J., who died at the age of thirteen; James M., who died at the age of fourteen; Julia A., who died after her marriage to John Fairburn; and Rebecca, who died in infancy.

John D. Stone spent his early days on the old home farm, and at the age of seventeen enlisted in Company K, Seventy-fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, which was afterward consolidated with the Seventy-second and became the Seventh Missouri Cavalry. He served until August, 1863, when he was discharged for disability, but in July, 1864, he reenlisted in Company H, Fifteenth Missouri Cavalry and served until the close of the war, being mustered out July 12, 1865. He was on scout duty the most of the time in southwest Missouri and Arkansas, and was in a number of battles. In 1867 he became the owner of the farm on which he now lives, which consists of 242 acres, and is located about four miles from Galena. He gives considerable attention to the raising of stock and has prospered financially. He is a Democrat and has held various offices in his county and township, being at the present time justice of the peace of his township. In January, 1865, he was married to Miss Rebecca King, a daughter of George W. King, an early settler of Missouri, who died in 1863. He was a blacksmith and wagon maker by trade, and held the office of deputy county sheriff. To Mr. Stone and his wife five children were given: Sarah E., wife of Perry Carr, has two children-John O. and James G.; Joseph L., John W., Thomas J., and Rosetta, who died at the age of two years. The mother of these children died February 11, 1874, and Mr. Stone took for his second wife Anita Palmer, widow of Ferdinand Palmer, by whom she became the mother of three children: Wilson L., Mary F. and Emily E. Mrs. Stone was born in St. Francois County, Missouri, December 29, 1852, a daughter of William S. and Emily (Harris) Austin, who early became residents of St. Francois County, and are now residents of McDowell County. Mr. Stone and his present wife have a family of five children: George H. H.: Charles E., who died at the age of three years; Bertha C.; Rebecca, who died at the age of two years; and Gertie E. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are members of the Christian Church, and are highly respected in the community in which they reside. He is public spirited, is fond of hunting and fishing, has been successful financially and has a comfortable and pleasant home.

T. Stone, the third child of John H. Stone, was born in what was then Taney, but is now Stone County, March 26, 1846, some seven miles, south of Galena, and his youth was spent on a farm. During the war he enlisted in Company H, Fifteenth Missouri Cavalry, and during the twelve months that he was in the service he attained the rank of corporal, and participated in some of the severest engagements that took place in Missouri, among them being Newtonia, Independence, Little and Big Blue, Jefferson City and Boonville. He was mustered out July 1, 1865, having been a faithful, true and tried soldier, as he has been a citizen since the war. He is now residing on a fine farm of 135 acres in Stone County, and is a progressive and intelligent tiller of the soil. He has always been an active Democrat in politics, but has never aspired to office. He was married in Stone County to E. Jones, daughter of Daniel Jones, her birth having occurred in Lawrence County, Missouri, in 1850. She has borne her husband thirteen children: Christina M., Mary C., John D., Eliza J:, George H., Sophia E., Benjamin F., Martha E., Charles E., Ida M., Jewel N., and two that died young. Mr. Stone is an elder in the Church of Christ, and is an active worker for the cause of religion. His daughter Christina is the wife of Wesley Wilson, by whom she has two children-Lulu and Walter. George C. Stone, the youngest son of John H. Stone, was born January 18, 1865, in the house in which he is now living. He gained a good education in the common schools, and after starting out in life for him-self followed farming exclusively up to 1891, when he opened a general mercantile store at Cape Fair in partnership with a Mr. Henson, but still continues to look after his farm, which consists of about seventy-five acres, all of which is well improved, fenced, etc. Like the other members of his family he is a stanch Democrat. He was married to Ella L. Fairburn, who was born in Wapelo County, Iowa, June 26, 1870, a daughter of Hugh and Sophia (Niles) Fairburn, who now reside about four miles from Cape Fair, having come to this section from Iowa in 1870. Mrs. Stone was one of their seven children, and to her marriage with Mr. Stone, which occurred December 31, 1890, two children have been given: Ernest and an infant. Mrs. Stone is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Stone is an energetic young man, has been successful in all his enterprises, and bids fair to become wealthy. He deals some in stock, and is at all times keenly alive to his own interests, but never at the expense of others or of the honored name he bears.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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