Biography of John D. Stone

JOHN D. STONE. The hardy, courageous and energetic blood of the Scotchman flows in the veins of John D. Stone, and with it is mixed the versatility and quick wit of the Irish. William T. Stone, the paternal grandfather, was a native of Maryland, but left that State at the age of seventeen years and moved to Virginia, in which State he was married and lived for some time. Later he made his home for some years in Tennessee, and in 1833 became a resident of Polk County, Missouri, (then Christian County),but finally took up his residence on a farm, … Read more

Biography of Sigel Henson

SIGEL HENSON. This gentleman, who is a prominent merchant at Cape Fair, is a descendant of one of the early pioneer families of Stone County, his parents, Zachariah and Armala (Williams) Henson, having settled on Flat Creek, this county, in 1835. He is a product of this county, born August 20, 1861, but just ten days after the battle of Wilson Creek, and the youngest in an old-fashioned family of twelve children. His youthful days were passed in attending school (taught in the old Jones’ schoolhouse of his district) and assisting on the farm. When sixteen years of age he … Read more

Biography of William E. McDowell

WILLIAM E. McDOWELL. Given the ordinary average of intelligence and good judgment’ and a fair education, any man may make a success in the avenues of trade. In the profession of law he must be endowed with superior intelligence and have gone through years of careful study and training to be able to cope with the brilliant minds which do honor to the bench and bar. William E. McDowell, attorney at law, of Galena, Missouri, is a gentleman of well-known ability and one who is an ornament to the profession. He is a native of Stone County, born one mile … Read more