Biography of Henry Oswalt

HENRY OSWALT. This gentleman, who resides on section 1, William Township, owns a fine farm, which attests by its value and productiveness the excellent qualities of thoroughness and system which mark the owner. The prudent ways and careful methods of the Teutonic farmer are conspicuous in this county, where so many representatives of the German race have settled and Henry Oswalt is no exception to the rule. His great-grand-parents on the paternal side were natives of Germany, and came to this country at an early date, settling with many others of that nationality in the Keystone State. Our subject was … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Blades

EDWARD A. BLADES. The farming class of America is notable for the degree of intelligence that is possessed among its representatives. Our subject belongs to one of the most progressive of families, and is proud of the fact that his father was one of those fast disappearing landmarks of a heroic past-an early pioneer. Mr. Blades was born in Monroe County, East Tennessee. In 1830, but his parents, Edward and Ellen (Maner) Blades, were natives of North Carolina, where they grew to mature years and united their fortunes. From there they removed to Tennessee, and about 1836 came by ox-team … Read more

Biography of Simeon P. Maples

SIMEON P. MAPLES. In no part of Missouri is agriculture in a more flourishing condition than in Christian County, and here Mr. Maples is considered one of the leading tillers of the soil. Like two-thirds of the representative citizens of the county he is a native of Tennessee, his birth occurring in Bradley County October 2, 1842, but he is now a law-abiding and public-spirited man of his adopted county. He is a son of Simeon P. and Elizabeth (Webb) Maples, the grandson of Josiah Maples and the great-grandson of Josiah Maples, Sr., who was born in France. At an … Read more

Biography of J. G. Short

J. G. SHORT. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a good example of the public servant, for he is faithful to every duty, is accurate, painstaking and honorable and is also genial and accommodating. He is a native of the county in which he now lives, for here he first saw the light of day February 25, 1864, and, as a natural sequence, he has ever been interested in every enterprise tending to benefit the county of his nativity, and has done all in his power to make it the magnificent commonwealth that it now is. His father, … Read more

Biography of George B. Shepherd

GEORGE B. SHEPHERD. This gentleman is one of the prosperous farmers and successful merchants of Stone County, Missouri, and has resided here since 1871, coming thither from the vicinity of Terre Haute, Indiana He was born in Floyd County, Kentucky, August 31, 1832, and was a son of David and Lucretia (Hale) Shepherd, both of whom were natives of Lee County, Virginia They were among the early pioneers of the Blue Grass State, and made their settlement at the head of Licking River where they improved a farm, and where the father also followed the-calling of a stone mason and … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Henson

FRANCIS M. HENSON, who lives on the old homestead of the Henson family on Flat Creek, about a mile from the Barry County line, is a native of Stone County, Missouri, and the seventh in order of birth of twelve children born to Zachariah and Armala (Williams) Henson, both natives of Tennessee. Grandfather Thomas Henson and family came to Stone County, Missouri, in 1835, when there were very few settlers, and located on land now owned by our subject. The Williams family came here at the same time and on the way the father of our subject, who was then … Read more

Biography of Elbert H. Butler

ELBERT H. BUTLER. Neely Butler, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of North Carolina, where he grew to mature years and married Miss Amy Osier, also a native of that State, where he lived for several years until he moved to Tennessee, from where he came West with his family, locating in Stone County, Missouri, some years prior to the Civil War. Subsequently he moved to Carroll County, Arkansas, where he remained until the secession of the State from the Union. Being substantially in favor of the Union of States it became necessary for the protection of his … Read more

Biography of Thomas C. Wade

THOMAS C. WADE. This wide-awake, energetic and capable county official is a native of Lawrence County, Missouri, where he was born September 26, 1853, his parents, Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade, having been born in Kentucky March 4, 1814, and Lawrence County, Ala., April 11, 1816, respectively. The paternal grandfather, William Wade, was also a Kentuckian. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and was also with Gen. Jackson at New Orleans. He was an early emigrant to Texas, where he died soon after the close of the Civil War. The early days of Joseph Wade were spent in his … Read more

Biography of Dr. Wesley B. Wasson

DR. WESLEY B. WASSON. The value to any community of a professional man is not marked merely by his learning and skill, his proficiency in medical and surgical practice, but also by his character both private and professional, his honorable adherence to medical ethics and his personal integrity and benevolence of purpose. When a physician combines these characteristics it is with great pleasure that we record his life-work, and such a man do we find in Dr. Wesley B. Wasson. Although but just starting on his career in the medical profession, this young physician and surgeon has already become prominent … Read more

Biography of Price Summers

PRICE SUMMERS. In the history of the Rebellion the name of our subject will be found as not having borne an unimportant part in that eventful struggle. He was about twenty-two years of age when he enlisted in Company E, First Arkansas Volunteer Cavalry, and he served over three years in the United States Army. Many of his battles were in Missouri and Arkansas, and he was in the bloody fight at Fayetteville, in the latter State. He was in many fights under Maj. Charles Galloway and Col. E. R. Harrison, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. On August … Read more

Biography of J. M. Gideon, M. D.

J. M. GIDEON, M. D. There is generally a wide diversity of opinion among people outside of the medical profession in their estimate of the skill and ability of a particular physician. A family is likely to pin its faith on one practitioner and distrust all the rest. If there is a member of the profession in Ozark who has successfully fought down this prejudice and now stands secure in the confidence and high esteem of the general public, that man is Dr. J. M. Gideon, a man whose research in the field of science has produced such remarkable results … Read more

Biography of John D. Stone

JOHN D. STONE. The hardy, courageous and energetic blood of the Scotchman flows in the veins of John D. Stone, and with it is mixed the versatility and quick wit of the Irish. William T. Stone, the paternal grandfather, was a native of Maryland, but left that State at the age of seventeen years and moved to Virginia, in which State he was married and lived for some time. Later he made his home for some years in Tennessee, and in 1833 became a resident of Polk County, Missouri, (then Christian County),but finally took up his residence on a farm, … Read more

Biography of William A. Maples

WILLIAM A. MAPLES. Mr. Maples, though just in the prime of life, has made his way to the front ranks among the energetic farmers of this county, and owing to the attention he has always paid to each minor detail, he has accumulated a fair share of this world’s goods. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Bradley County in 1842, and is a son of Thomas and Rhoda (Maples) Maples, natives of East Tennessee, where they made their home until about 1855. This worthy couple then made their way to Christian County, Missouri, and located on a claim … Read more

Biography of Albert Hodges

ALBERT HODGES. Albert Hodges is an attorney at law of wide reputation, a man of unquestioned integrity, a close reasoner and a profound thinker. He is a Missourian by birth, and has inculcated in him the sterling principles of the better class of citizens of the State. He was born in Taney County (afterward Douglas County), November 2, 1848, and is a son of Edmond and Sarah (Garrison) Hodges, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Warren County, Indiana, born in 1827. The grandfather, John Hodges, was a native of Kentucky, and the family moved from that … Read more

Biography of J. Frank Seaman

J. FRANK SEAMAN. Among the reputable men of Galena who have made their home in Stone County since 1865, is J. Frank Seaman, whose birth occurred at Carrollton, Carroll County, Arkansas, October 1, 1847. His father, Hon. John F. Seaman, was born in Saratoga County, New York, in 1812, and was of Scotch origin. He remained in his native county until grown, and then became a driver on the Erie Canal. Following this, he became a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1834 emigrated to Michigan, where he resided two years. In 1836 he was appointed a missionary … Read more

Biography of Thomas L. Viles

THOMAS L. VILES. To attain success in any calling, it is necessary that a man should be possessed of a keen and discerning mind, with the energy and determination to push his business or profession instead of allowing it to push him. These qualities are possessed in an eminent degree by Thomas L. Viles, who is the able prosecuting attorney of Stone County, in which he has made his home for many years. He is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born October 3, 1850. The son of John and Martha (Roberts) Viles, who were also Tennesseans. … Read more

Biography of Capt. George W. Moore

Among the many prominent eastern families who at an early day migrated westward with a view to bettering their fortunes was the Moore family, an honored and respected member of whom, now residing in Stone County, is the subject of this sketch. His father, James M. Moore, was born in North Carolina May 13, 1811, and when about five years of age moved with his parents to Tennessee; where they remained until 1829. There James M. grew to mature years and married Miss Rachel W. Patton, a native of Tennessee, born in 1817, and the daughter of John and Sarah … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Thomas

HENRY C. THOMAS. James Township, Stone County, Missouri, has its full quota of vigorous, enterprising, thoroughgoing agriculturists, whose popularity is based upon both their social qualities and their well-known integrity and unusual industry. None among them is more popular or has worked more perseveringly than he of whom we write. Like at least one-half of the citizens of the county, Mr. Thomas is a native of Tennessee, born in Monroe County, in the month of December, 1848, to the union of George W. and Sarah A. (Smallin) Thomas, both natives of Monroe County, Tennessee, the father born September 15, 1819, … Read more

Biography of Jesse O. Martin

JESSE O. MARTIN, subject of this sketch, is an honorable and progressive farmer, and it is doubtless entirely owing to the industrious and persevering manner with which he has adhered to the pursuits of agriculture that he has arisen to such a substantial position in farm affairs in this county. He has for twenty years made his home in Stone County, Missouri, but is a native of Hot Spring County, Arkansas, where he was born October 17, 1843, being the fourth of eleven children born to John W. and Hannah (Grirer) Martin, both of whom were born in the State … Read more

Biography of Maj. Charles Galloway

In the veins of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch flows sterling Scotch blood, for his paternal grandfather, James Galloway, was born in the land of ” thistles and oatmeal,” of Scotch parents. He immigrated to this country from the land of his birth in early manhood and later settled in the district known as the old Crab Orchard, Kentucky He was the founder of the family in this country, and eventually passed from life in Knox County, Tennessee He was one of the pioneers of that State, was active in its development, and took part in a number … Read more