Biographical Sketch of Robert E. Colyer, D. C., PH. C.

Dr. Robert E. Colyer, who is president of the Missouri Chiropractic College is also professor of symptomatology and pathology in that institution, was born in Perryville, Missouri, March 9, 1890, a son of John Read and Laura L. (Brewer) Colyer, the former a farmer by occupation.

The son attended the public schools of St. Louis and was graduated in chiropractic on ‘the 26th of June, 1914, winning at that time the degree of Doctor of Chiropractic. He also gained the degree of Philosopher of Chiropractic, which was conferred by the Missouri Chiropractic College on the 1st of June, 1920. His entire life since his graduation has been devoted to professional interests. He was instructor in anatomy in the St. Louis Chiropractic College in 1914-15 and was then made professor of anatomy in that institution, so continuing to serve for five years. In May, 1920, he organized the Missouri Chiropractic College, which has incorporated under the laws of the state, and from the beginning he has been the president of the institution. He is regarded as a most able educator, imparting clearly, readily and impressively to others the knowledge that he has acquired.

On the 19th of April, 1917, in St. Louis, Dr. Colyer was married to Miss Marie Elizabeth Steinlage, daughter of Henry and Catherine Steinlage, and an accomplished pianist who was educated in St. Elizabeth’s Convent. By her marriage she has become the mother of two sons, Robert Edgar and John Henry.

Politically Dr. Colyer is a republican and at all times keeps informed concerning the vital questions and problems of the day of a political character but does not seek nor desire office. He is a member of the Cosmopolitan Club and along professional lines has connection with the Missouri State Chiropractors’ Association and the St. Louis Chiropractic Society.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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