Biographical Sketch of Ithiel Carter

Ithiel Carter, a native of Scotland, married an English girl named Louisa Deming, emigrated to America, and settled at Hartford, Connecticut. During the revolution Mr. Carter enlisted in the American army, and fought for the rights of his adopted country. He had only two children, Cyrus and Orion. Cyrus came to St. Charles in 1822, as a clock peddler, and sold to Benjamin Emmons, Sr., the first patent clock ever sold west of the Mississippi river, the price being $40. Mr. Carter was married, first in 1838, to the widow Derang, whose maiden name was Harriet Moore. His second wife … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Rufus Herrick

Herrick, Frank Rufus; lawyer; born, Cleveland, April 26, 1864; son of Gamaliel E. and Ursula Andrews Herrick; graduate of Yale University, A. B., 1888; married, Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1891, Josephine Pomeroy; issue, Theodore Pomeroy, April 1, 1893, Sherlock Andrews, May 4, 1896, Josephine Ursula, Aug. 1, 1897; admitted to bar in October, 1890, starting in office of G. E. & J. F. Herrick; firm of Herrick & Hopkins formed 1893; for years on faculty of Law School of Western Reserve University, at one time having course in Torts and later the course in Public Service Companies; director and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warren Sherman Hayden

Hayden, Warren Sherman; investment banker; born, Danbury, Ct., Oct. 20, 1870; son of Warren L. and Anna Flower Sherman Hayden; his father was born in Ohio and mother in Vermont; educated, Hiram College, 1892, Ph. B.; married, Hiram; O., 1893, Blanche R. Squire : one daughter, Margaret Hayden; second marriage, Cleveland, 1906, Elizabeth Strong; one son, Sherman Strong Hayden, and one daughter, Eleanor Hayden; pres. Cleveland Council of Sociology, 1909-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1912; vice pres. Investment Bankers Ass’n of America, 1912; pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1913; representative Lamprecht Bros. & Co., 1892-1895; manager Bond Department … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Henry Haskins

Haskins, John Henry; roofing contractor; born, N. Wilbraham, Mass., 1843; son of Enoch C. and Mary M. Davis Haskins; educated, Chapman Academy, Ellington, Conn.; married, Springfield, Mass., 1865, Mary Carlisle; issue, eleven children; sergt. Co. A, 1st Conn. Cav., in the Civil War; in 1878, established roofing business in Cleveland, J. H. Haskins Roofing Co.; member Chamber of Industry, Association of Master Gravel and Slag Roofers of America; pres. board of trustees of Franklin Ave. M. E. Church; has been successful in his business.

Biographical Sketch of Allyn Fitch Harvey

Harvey, Allyn Fitch; transportation; born, Cleveland, Feb. 3, 1871; son of Henry Allyn and Mary Williams Harvey; educated, Cleveland public schools, private tutor, Yale, 1893, A. B.; in 1894, began work with Pickands Mather; remained until the spring of 1901; when Steel Corporation was formed, took position as asst. to the gen. mngr. Pittsburgh Steamship Co. at that time, appointed asst. gen. Mngr. of above company, in 1902; is still with them; director Provident Steamship Co., Cleveland Folding Machine Co., Lake Carriers Ass’n, and vice pres. American Fabric Belting Co.; trustee Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital; member Shipmaster’s Ass’n, American Iron … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. C. Harvey

Harvey, M. C.; became associated with Otis & Hough, in 1901, and in 1906, became a member of the firm; graduated from Yale, in 1899; so that practically his entire business life has been with this firm; at the reorganization of the firm as Otis & Co., he remained as a general partner in the business.

Biographical Sketch of John Gould Jennings

Jennings, John Gould; treas. The Lamson & Sessions Co.: born, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1856; son of John Giles and Caroline Read Conkling Jennings; educated, Central High School, Cleveland, and Yale University, class of 1878; married, Cleveland, Jan. 23, 1884, Lillian M. Lamson; one son, Isaac Lamson Jennings, Jan. 14, 1885; bookkeeper Wilcox, Treadway & Co. (now Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co.), 1880-1882; bookkeeper Melton Mining Co., Grizzly Flat, Cal., 1883; since 1883, treas. The Lamson & Sessions Co.; sec’y The Johnston & Jennings Co.; director The Ferry Cap and Set Screw Co.; pres. Clifton Club Co.; trustee Cleveland Federation for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert L. Ireland

Ireland, Robert L.; with M. A. Hanna & Co.; born, Stratford, Conn., Aug. 20, 1867; son of John B. and Adelia Duane Ireland; educated, Stamford, Conn., Newburgh, N. Y., and Yale, graduating in 1890; married, May 2, 1894, Kate Benedict Hanna; issue, Robert Livingston Ireland, Jr., born Feb. 2, 1895, and Elizabeth Ireland, born Oct. 30, 1898; business career, with the Cleveland Hardware Co., Hackney Bicycle Co., Globe Iron Works, Ship Owners Dry Dock Co., Cleveland Dry Dock Ca.; instrumental in the consolidation of the shipbuilding interests of the Great Lakes; organization being known as the American Ship Building Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Henry Lotz

Lotz, John Henry; head worker Alta Social Settlement House; born, Carrollton, O., Dec. 2, 1872; son of Daniel S. and Ella Hill Lotz; educated, Mt. Hemron Boy’s School, 1894; Williams College, 1898; Union Theological Seminary, 1904; post-graduate study, Columbia University; married, Middlebury, Conn., Aug. 17, 1904; May Louise Waters; one son; taught St. Paul’s School, Garden City, L. I., 1898-1901; director Bethany Memorial Boy’s Club, New York City, 1901-1904; since 1904 head of Alta House Settlement; member Grargoyle, Williams College, Chamber of Commerce, and City Club, Cleveland. Recreation: Farming.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Baldwin Williams, Jr.

Williams, Arthur Baldwin, Jr.; real estate and law; born, Glen Ridge, N. Y., April 11, 1874; son of Arthur B. and Ida L. Harrison Williams; educated, Yale University, A. B., 1898; Cleveland Law School, LL. B., 1912; married, Scranton, Pa., June 5, 1901, Emma M. Hanley; admitted to Ohio bar, June, 1912; sec’y College Dept., International Committee of Y. M. C. A., 1901-1904; sec’y Central Dept., Cleveland Y. M. C. A., 1904-1907; general agt. The Cleveland Humane Society, 1908-1913; special lecturer in sociology, Western Reserve University, 1912-1913; Green, Cadwallader, Long Co., real estate, 1913; member Ohio State Bar Ass’n; life … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Mason Williams

Williams, Edward Mason; mnfr.; born, Cleveland, Nov. 9, 1871; son of Edward Porter and Mary Louise Mason Williams; educated, Yale, A. B., 1893; married, Cleveland, Oct. 11, 1899, Mary Raymond; issue, four children, Hilda, Madeline, Edward Porter and Mary Raymond; member City Charter Commission, 1913; began with the Sherwin-Williams Co., in September, 1893; supt. of their factory in Montreal, Can., November, 1895 to October, 1897; then returned to Cleveland; director The Sherwin-Williams Co., Laurence Paint Co., Ozark Mining & Smelting Co., Cleveland Box Co., Superior Savings & Trust Co.; member National Geographic Society; pres. Childrens’ Fresh Air Camp; vice pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert R. Teachout

Teachout, Albert R.; mnfr. and merchant; born, Royalton, O., June, 12, 1852; son of Abraham and Julia Ann Tousley Teachout; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 17, 1873, Sarah Parmly; issue, Kate P., Albert R., Jr., and David William; associated with his father in the mercantile business in Cleveland in the fall of 1873; business first known as A. R. Teachout & Son; in 1889, incorporated as The A. Teachout Co., manufacturers of and dealers in doors, glass, mantles, and interior finish; in forty years, the business has grown to large proportions. and the house now … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Wilcox Treadway

Treadway, Francis Wilcox; lawyer; born, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 7, 1869; son of Augustine Russell and Mary L. Mansfield Treadway; educated, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, B. S., 1890; Yale University, LL. B., 1892; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1907, Esther L. Frisbie; Frances Sessions and Augustine Russell Treadway, children; law firm, Treadway and Marlatt, since 1893; treas. Cleveland Bar Ass’n, 1907 to 1912; United States Commissioner, 1902-1903; member Ohio House of Representatives, 1904-1905; nominated vice mayor of Cleveland, 1907; pres. Tippecanoe Club, 1906-1907; director Chamber of Commerce, 1911-1913; lieut. gov. of Ohio, 1909-1910; director Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Peck, Stow & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lyman H. Treadway

Treadway, Lyman H.; pres. The Peek, Stow & Wilcox Co.; born, New Haven, Conn., March 27, 1862; son of the late A. R. Treadway, who moved to Cleveland in 1879, and organized The Wilcox-Treadway Co., manufacturers of general hardware; afterwards incorporated with The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co.; entered his father’s business in 1881, and was successively employed as mgr. Cleveland Branch, vice pres. and pres.; director of Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co., Superior Savings & Trust Co., Peerless Motor Car Co.; pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1907-1908; pres. Masonic Temple Ass’n, 1907; Pres. Euclid Club, 1906-1907; trustee of Western … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Whittlesey Walton

Walton, John Whittlesey; merchant and mfgr.; born Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., Jan. 15, 1845; son of Lucius Clark and Mary Vesta (Whittlesey) Walton; removed in early life to Tallmadge, Summit County, O.; educated, public school and Tallmadge Academy, graduated, 1864, Eastman’s Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869, L. A. Lyman; issue, one son and two daughters, Edwin A. Walton (Detroit, Mich.), Ethelwyne, now Mrs. William O. Osborn, Cleveland, Florence L., now Mrs. Frank Gill Dorr, Buffalo, N. Y.; married Gertrude Louise Hutchinson, Madison, Ind.; issue, three daughters, Gertrude Letitia, Margaret, Gladys; clerked first in retail and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Worchester Reed Warner

Warner, Worchester Reed; manufacturer; born, Cummington, Hampshire County, Mass., May 16, 1846; son of Franklin J. and Vesta Wales (Reed) Warner; educated, district school, Cummington; (D. Mech. Sc., Western University of Pennsylvania, 1897) ; married, Cleveland, Cornelia F. Blakemore, of Philadelphia, June 26, 1890; learned machinist’s trade at Boston and at Exeter, N. H.; with Pratt & Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn.; 1870-1880, and at same time pursued studies in astronomy, and other scientific branches, and experimented in telescope building as a recreation; in 1881, with Ambrose Swasey, established firm of Warner & Swasey, incorporated as The Warner & Swasey Co., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Howard Webster

Webster, John Howard; assignee The Variety Iron Works Co.; born, Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 8, 1846; came to CIeveland in 1850; public school education, graduated from Yale in 1868; degree A. B., Union Law College, 1870; degree LL. B.; received degree of A. M. from Yale in 1871; engaged in the practice of law in Cleverland until 1891, when he was appointed assignee for the Variety Iron Works Co.; still serving; pres. Chamberlain Cartridge & Target Co., Buckeye Milling Co.; vice pres. Penton Publishing Co.; interested in other corporations; member Union, University, Rowfant Clubs, Cleveland, and University Club, New Haven, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustine Sterling

Sterling, Frederick Augustine; merchant; born, Chapinville, Conn., May 26, 1831; son of Frederick Augustine and Caroline Mary (Dutcher) Sterling; educated, public and private schools, Geneva, N. Y.; married, Meadville, Pa., May 13, 1856, Emma Betts; issue, one son, living in Erie, Pa.; merchant in Cleveland since 1850; connected with T. S. Beckwith & Co., Beckwith, Sterling & Co., Sterling & Co., The Sterling & Welch Co., pres. the Sterling & Welch Co., director Union National Bank; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; vice pres. Cleveland Burial Case Co.; pres. Board of Trustees, Second Presbyterian Church; member Union and Country Clubs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edgar E. Strong

Strong, Edgar E.; merchant; born, Connecticut, 1841; son of William C. and Lucy M. Nicholas Strong; educated, Seminary at East Greenwich, R. I.; left school to enter the army in 1862; married, Cleveland, January, 1869, Mary Ella Clarke; issue, four children, two living; entered the army in 1862, as a private in the 16th Regiment, Conn. Vol. Infantry; promoted to 2nd lieut., Dec. 25, 1862, and to 1st Lieut., May 2, 1863; further promotions impossible, owing to requirements being reduced in numbers to a point which prohibited promotions; honorably discharged at close of war; in 1887, engaged in the mill … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest M. Post

Post, Ernest M.; insurance; born, Avoca, Louisiana, Sept. 1, 1862; son of Ralph B. and Ellen Deming Post; educated, Norwalk, Conn., and Hanover, Va.: married, Milwaukee, Wis., March 27, 1894, Alice C. Paine; 1882 to 1892, connected with the firm of R. B. Post & Son, wholesale grocers, New Orleans; in 1892, entered the employ of The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, in New Orleans; was transferred to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1893; in 1903, was made mgr. of the company for the territory of Northern Michigan and Northern Wisconsin; the following year, was put in charge of the … Read more