Biographical Sketch of James William Rattle

Rattle, James William; mining engineer; born, Cuyahoga Falls, 0., Sept. 6, 1852; son of William and Elizabeth Goodwin Gaylord Rattle; educated, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University; married, Cleveland, Aug. 9, 1877 Julia Cary, issue, William Rattle and Elizabeth Goodwin Rattle; Republican; mining engineer since 1874; examined properties in Russia, Alaska, South America, Cuba, New Foundland, Canada, and all states in the United States; opened office in Cleveland in 1874, as an analytical chemist and mining engineer; firm names Judson & Rattle. Rattle & Nye, W. J. Rattle & Son; member Institute Mining Engineers, N. Y., and Chemist Club, N. Y.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Hotchkiss Rogers

Rogers, James Hotchkiss; pianist, organist; born, Fair Haven, Conn., Feb. 7, 1857; son of Martin L. and Harriet (Hotchkiss` Rogers; educated, Lake Forest, Ill.; studied music, Berlin and Paris, 1875-1880; married Alice Abigail Hall, of Indianapolis, Oct. 20, 1891; composer of about 150 compositions, including songs, piano pieces, anthems and part songs; two cantatas: “The Man of Nazareth”; “The New Life”; as well as part songs and music for organ and violin.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Rockwell

Rockwell, Samuel; civil engineer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1847; son of William and Susan Lawrence Prince Rockwell; educated, Yale College and Sheffield Scientific School, 1873; Ph. B.; married, St. Joseph, Mo., June 7, 1881, Cordelia Ann Geiger; issue, four sons and one daughter; business career, 1873-1877, resident engineer D. L. & W. R. R., Hoboken, N. J.; built tunnel through Bergen Hill and other changes of line and separation of grade work; 1877-1881, contractor; 1881-1882, asst. city engineer, Kansas City, Mo.; 1882-1884, principal asst. engineer, St. Paul Water Works; 1884-1887, locating and constructing engineer, St. Paul & M. … Read more

Alderman, Albert Lockwood – Obituary

A. L. Alderman died at the home of his son near Dayton on Christmas Eve [December 24, 1908], aged 88 years. The funeral took place on Saturday, conducted by Rev. A. J. Hunsaker of this city an old-time friend and neighbor. Mr. Alderman was a Yamhill County pioneer of 1846. He was born at Old Bedford, Connecticut, December 16, 1820. The family home for most of his boyhood was near Warsaw, N.Y. He was 25 years old when he crossed the plains. His party came by way of Southern Oregon and lost their wagons in the Rogue River. Mr. Alderman … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Crispin Oglebay

Oglebay, Crispin; manufacturer; born, Wheeling, W. Va., in 1880; received early education in the public schools of Kansas City, Mo., then attended St. Paul’s School, in Concord, N. H., graduating with the class of 1896; graduated from Yale in 1900; returned to Kansas City; worked as clerk for Swift Packing Co. for one year; engaged in real estate business for one year; came to Cleveland in 1903, as sec’y for the Hoffman Hinge & Foundry Co.; in six month’s time was made pres. of the company; in 1906, The Ferro Machinery & Foundry Co. was incorporated, taking over the business … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Otis, Jr.

Otis, Charles A., Jr.; investment banker; born, Cleveland, July 9, 1868; educated, Cleveland public schools and Brooks Academy, went to Andover and Yale University, graduating in 1890, from the Sheffield Scientific School; went to Colorado, and engaged in the cattle business with D. D. Casement, of Painesville, O.; still associated with Mr. Casement in the Unaweep Stock Range; in 1895, formed a partnership with Addison H. Hough & Co., under the name of Otis, Hough & Co., engaging in the steel commission and agency business; for some years represented Jones & Laughlin, of Pittsburgh, The Pennsylvania Tube Co., and Painter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert David Palmer

Palmer, Herbert David; lawyer; born, Iowa, 1877; son of David P. and Almira Lakin Palmer; educated, Southern Iowa Normal and Scientific Institute, B. S.; Yale University, L. B., 1900, “Magna Magna Cum Laude”, married, Norwalk, O., 1905, Elizabeth Flinn; one daughter; exmember Troop A, O. N. G.; has practiced law in Cleveland since 1900; with Wm. E. Cushing, John H. Clark and J. T. Siddall; member firm Cushing, Siddall & Palmer, 1910-1912, when appointed asst. gen. counsel for the New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. Co.; member Second Presbyterian Church, Chamber of Commerce, Chi Tau Kappa, Law Fraternity, … Read more

Belden, Augustus A. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Augustus A. Belden, veteran of the Civil war, died at the home of his daughter at 6210 58 Ave., S.E. Portland, Oregon, September 5, 1921. He suffered from a stroke of paralysis over a year ago. Increasing weakness for four weeks caused from a fall resulted in capillary pneumonia, which was the immediate cause of his death. Mr. Belden came from a long line of English pioneers. His first ancestry traceable being Sir Francis Belden who landed in England with William the Conqueror and was knighted by him for bravery. The first families in this country … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert H. Perdue

Perdue, Robert H.; insurance; born, Cleveland, Nov. 11, 1874; son of Eugene H. and Cornelia H. Van Tine Perdue; educated, public schools and University School of Cleveland; Yale University, class of 1896, degree of Ph. B.; married, Cleveland, Feb. 28, 1901, Eleanor H. Morgan; veteran of Troop A, O. N. G.; began business with the Cleveland Leader, becoming advertising mgr.; January, 1902, bought interest in insurance firm of Wm. B. Masson & Co.; later firm name changed to Masson & Perdue; vice pres. The Ohio Desk & Chair Co.; pres. The Cleveland Fire Insurance Clearing ass’n; Mason, 32nd degree; Knights … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry S. Pickands

Pickands, Henry S.; Pickands-Mather Co.; born, Marquette, Mich., Oct. 4, 1875; attended public and University School of Cleveland; graduated from Yale in 1897, with degree of Bachelor of Philosophy; took a course in Civil Engineering, and immediately entered the business of Pickands-Mather Co., founded by his father, Colonel James Pickands; married, Marquette, Mich., Dec. 27, 1899, Miss Jeanne Call; issue, four children, Elizabeth, Caro-line, James, and Henry S., Jr.; Mayor of Euclid for five years, from 1903 to 1908; Republican; member Chamber of Commerce, Union, Country, and University Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Ball Platner

Platner, Samuel Ball; university prof.; born, Unionville, Conn., Dec. 4, 1863; son of William and Emily Childs (Ball) Platner; brother of John Winthrop Platner (q. v.); A. B., Yale, 1883, Ph. D., 1885; married Leonora Sayre, of Utica, N. Y., June 29, 1892; instructor Latin and French, 1885-1890; asst. prof. Latin, 1890-1892; prof. since 1892; Western Reserve University, sec’y mngr. cont. 1897-1911; professor, 1899-1900; American School Classical Studies in Rome; pres. American Philological Assn, 1900-1901. Editor: Greek and Roman Versification (from German of Lucian Muller), 1892; Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny, 1894. Author: Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Howard P. Mansfield

Mansfield, Howard P.; chemical business; born, Cleveland, May 5, 1884; son of I. Howard and Emily Page Mansfield; educated, Holbrooks Military School, Ossining, N. Y., 1899-1902; Yale University, Sheffield Scientific School, 1905, P. H. B.; married, Cleveland, Dec. 2, 1907, Valentine Morris; one daughter, Elizabeth Morris Mansfield; with the Grasselli Chemical Co., since Sept. 11, 1905; member Board of managers Y. M. C. A.; member Chi Phi Fraternity. Recreations: Hand Ball, Tennis, and Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Otto Miller

Miller, Otto; bond business; born, Cleveland, July 1, 1874, son of James H. and Sophia M. (Hensch) Miller; educated, University School and Yale University, graduating in 1896, with degree of Ph. B.; spent a year in travel abroad; married, Cleveland, Dec. 4, 1901, Elizabeth Clark Tyler; issue, two sons, Otto, Jr., and Washington Tyler; at outbreak of the Spanish-American War, enlisted as a member of Troop C, 1st O. V. C., and became quartermaster sergeant; member firm of Hayden, Miller & Co.; director Bank of Commerce; treas. University School; director of Troop A Riding Academy; member Burdeck Camp, U. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph D. Mitchell

Mitchell, Ralph D.; lake transportation; born. Marine City, Mich., Dec. 5, 1878; son of John and Mary Rowell Mitchell; educated, University School, 1902-1908, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1908-1909, Yale University; married, Hillsboro, 0.; June 20, 1907, Helen Boyd; one son and two daughters; since 1902, engaged in vessel business on the lakes with his father; vice pres. Cleveland. Steamship Co.; pres. Gathwick Steamship Co.; sec’y Miller Ore Co., and Winston Coal Co.; director Sedalia Coal & Mining Co., and Edward Mnfg. Co.; member Union, Tavern, and Euclid Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of William Andrew Leonard, Rt. Rev. D. D.

Leonard, William Andrew, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Ohio; born, Southport, Connecticut, July 15, 1848; educated, Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, St. Stephen’s College, Annadale, N. Y., and Berkley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; ordained May 31, 1871, degrees of D. D. from St. Stephen’s College, and Washington and Lee University, Virginia; Rector the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-1880; St. John’s Parish, Washington, D. C., 1880-1889; consecrated Bishop of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1889; in charge of the American Episcopal churches on the continent of Europe, 1897-1906; one of the founders of the University Club; Chaplain Ohio Society of … Read more

Biography of Guy Patten

Guy Patten, Mayor of Vinita, is also well known in other connections, being an extensive oil operator and one of the leading agriculturists and stock raisers of northeastern Oklahoma, and in every line of activity to which he has directed his attention he has gained a position of leadership through his ability and tireless energy, which never falls short of the attainment of its purpose. He was born at Keokuk, Iowa, on the 11th of January, 1883, and is a son of F. P. and Emma (Richmond) Patten, both natives of Illinois. The father has devoted his entire life to … Read more

Biography of Edward Henry Leitzbach

Edward Henry Leitzbach. The thirty odd years since he came to Humboldt have dealt kindly with Edward Henry Leitzbach. In that time he had attained one of the most substantial business positions in the community, had acquired a large share of material prosperity, and had used his means and ability wisely to promote those institutions and affairs which are most vitally connected with a city’s welfare. Though of German ancestry, as his name indicates, Mr. Leitzbach was born in Connecticut at Robertsville in the town of Colebrook on August 6, 1864. His father, Nicholas Leitzbach, was born on the River … Read more

Volkert, William – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Enterprise Resident, William Volkert, died Sept. 6, 1992, at his home. He was born Nov. 19, 1934 at Manchester, Conn. On Oct. 2, 1965, he married his wife, Karen, at Canoga Park, Calif. At his request no service will be held and he was cremated. Memorials in his memory may be made to the charity of choice in his care of Bollman Funeral Home, Main at W. 3rd in Enterprise. Wallowa County Chieftain-Thursday, September 10, 1992, Page 2 Contributed by Sue Wells Transcribed by Dixie Ricker

Ostrander, John – Obituary

John J. Ostrander who for the past thirty years has made his home in this vicinity passed away Monday from infirmities caused by old age. He was 77 years of age. Mr. Ostrander was born at Norwalk, Connecticut and had traveled considerable before arriving in this country to make his home. He followed the profession of painter and paper hanger for many years. He has made his home for some time past at the Sheets hotel in this city up until his death. Funeral services were held Wednesday with Rev. S.E. Smutz in charge of the services and the remains … Read more

Biography of William J. Combs

William J. Combs. Among the families which have been known in business circles of Leavenworth for more than half a century, one which had always borne an honorable reputation and a name for absolute integrity combined with notable achievements is that of Combs, as represented here by the late William J. Combs, who was connected with a number of business enterprises dating from the year 1858 until his death, and his son, George W. Combs, general superintendent of the Great Western Manufacturing Company, and the inventor of several appliances which have made his name widely known. William J. Combs, with … Read more