Biography of Darius Wood

Levi Wood, the grandfather of Darius Wood, removed from Swansea, Massachusetts, to Foster, Rhode Island, where for years he followed his trade of stone mason. By his union with a Miss Mason -were born children: Nathan, Levi, Jr., Wheaton, Ira, Olney, Albert, Hiram, Polly, Delight, Huldah, Louisa, and one who died in youth. Levi, Jr., was born in 1795 in Foster, and during the early period of his active life, combined the trade of a mason with the employments of a farmer. On his removal at a later day to Canterbury, he was for years the landlord of the Canterbury … Read more

Biography of William Irving Bartholomew

William Bartholomew, second generation in America (see record of Bartholomew family), born in Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 1640-41, was united in marriage to Mary Johnson. Their son, Joseph, a native of Branford. Connecticut, where he was born in 1682, married Elizabeth Sanger, of Woodstock. Benjamin`, a son by this union, born in Woodstock June 23d, 1723, married Martha Carpenter, one of whose children was Leonard, born in Woodstock in 1758, and married to Sarah Perrin, of Pomfret. Their three children were William6, Margaret and Mary. The birth of William Bartholomew occurred in Woodstock on the 23d of June, 1797. He was … Read more

Biography of John Grosvenor

John Grosvenor, the earliest representative of the family in New England and the progenitor of all who bear the name in America, was born in 1641, and died in 1691 in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where his burial occurred. His wife, Esther Clark Grosvenor, a woman of great strength of character and self-reliance, came with her family, consisting of five sons and one daughter, to Pomfret, where she engaged in the management of her landed property, and added the practice of medicine to her other attainments. Her son, Thomas, born in 1687, married Elizabeth Pepper, and was the father of Amos, who … Read more

Biography of Rufus S. Mathewson

The name of Mathewson has for several generations occupied a prominent place in the annals of Windham county. Joseph Mathewson, the grandfather of the subject of this biographical sketch, married Mary Bowen. Their son Darius, whose wife was Mary Smith, became the father of seven sons and three daughters, of whom the eldest son, Rufus S. Mathewson, was born September 14th, 1802, in Brooklyn, and received his elementary training in the schools of his native town. He fitted for college with the intention of entering Yale, but yielding to the solicitations of his father, abandoned his purpose with reference to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Osgood

Charles is the grandson, on the paternal side, of Winthrop Osgood, of Pomfret. His maternal ancestor was John Holbrook, of the same county and town. His parents were Charles and Lucy Holbrook Osgood, whose children were: -Mary M., Charles Henry, John H., Frances L. and Ellen E. The eldest of these sons, and the subject of this sketch, eras born in Abington, in the town of Pomfret, June 3d, 1841, and received his education at the public and private schools near his home. He has been, during the greater part of his business life, identified with the county in an … Read more

Biography of Colonel Alexander Warner

Asahel Warner, the grandfather of Colonel Warner, was a native of the state of Rhode Island, and later in life removed to New York, from which point he migrated to Connecticut and engaged in agricultural pursuits. His children were seven sons and one daughter, Mary, who became Mrs. Ross. The sons were: Asahel, Stephen, Thomas, John, Sabin, Benjamin and Daniel. Thomas of this number, also a native of Rhode Island, established himself as a manufacturer in Woodstock, where his death occurred in June, 1877. By his marriage to Amy Collins, of Rhode Island, were born children: Sarah A., wife of … Read more

Biography of Ambrose H. Bates

William Bates, who resided in Coventry, Rhode Island, married Mary Hopkins. To this union were born twelve children, of whom Ambrose H. is the subject of this sketch. His birth occurred February 21st, 1832, in Coventry, where he resided until his eighteenth year. He enjoyed but limited opportunities for acquiring an education, but in later years by careful and intelligent reading of the best literature, in a measure made amends for the want of early advantages, and thus possessed a well-stored and disciplined mind. At the age of eighteen he entered the whaling service and for twenty years followed a … Read more

Biography of James Pike

John Pike, the common ancestor of the branch of the Pike family residing in Connecticut, settled in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1664. He was the progenitor of Jonas Pike, of Sturbridge, Massachusetts, who married a descendant of Peregrine White, the first white child born in New England. Their four sons were: David, Ephraim, Jonas and Jesse. There was also one daughter, Amy. David married Elizabeth Pitman, of Newport, Rhode Island. Their children were two sons, William and James Pitman; and two daughters, Lucy, wife of David Bayless, and Nancy, who married Abijah Prouty. William Pike left Sturbridge in 1810 and settled … Read more

Biography of Avery A. Stanton

The subject of this sketch was born in Preston, Conn., in 1837, is a son of Lodowick Stanton, and the great-great-grandson of General Thomas Stanton, who came from England and settled in Stonington, Conn. His great-grandfather, John Stanton (known as Warrior Stanton), served in the French and Indian war and also fought in the revolutionary war, coming from battle with eighteen bullet holes shot through his coat. The mother of Avery A. Stanton was a daughter of Deacon John Stanton, who was a son f Joshua Stanton, whose father Washington also came from England. His brothers are Captain John L. … Read more

Biography of William H. Putnam

Mr. Putnam is a lineal descendant of that brave general and distinguished patriot, Israel Putnam, whose son, Daniel Putnam, was the grandfather of the subject of this biography. William, one of his sons, married Mary Spalding, whose children were: Caroline M., Harriet W., William H., Elizabeth, Asa S., Jane, Anne, and three who died in early life. William H. Putnam was born February 2d, 1812, in Holland, Massachusetts, and in childhood removed to Brooklyn, where the residue of his life was passed. The best schools obtainable at that early day afforded him a knowledge of the elementary branches, and the … Read more

Biography of George Scarborough

Born in Brooklyn, Conn., July 28th, 1806. His parents were Samuel and Molly Cleaveland Scarborough. worthy representatives of respected ancestors. For twentythree years George Scarborough lived the farmer’s life, early entering on its arduous labors and working from April to December fifteen hours a day. His educational privileges were such as four winter months each year in a country school could afford. This school he attended until he was sixteen years of age, when he became an instructor instead of pupil, working hard through spring, summer and autumn, and teaching during the winter. In his twenty-fourth year, while still teaching … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin Scarborough

On Wednesday afternoon, October 10th, 1877, Brooklyn and Windham county lost one of the truest and best of men in the death of Mr. Edwin Scarborough. For several years increasing feebleness of body had warned our esteemed friend that he was walking very near that mysterious line which divides the here from the hereafter, but the marching orders to cross came to him suddenly at last. Mr. S. was a public-spirited citizen; a largehearted, generous neighbor; a loving parent: a man of cultureone who had the courage of his convictions upon political or religious matters, and yet liberal and courteous … Read more

Biography of Danford Knowlton

Born at Ashford. Windham county, Conn., May 5th, 1811. His father and mother were Daniel and Hannah Knowlton, both of the same name, and from families remotely connected. The records of the families are too imperfect to admit of genealogy with accuracy. On the paternal side they were farmers in comfortable circumstances, having influence in the community, and filling places of trust and responsibility. On the maternal side they were also farmers, the grandfather of the subject of the present sketch, Daniel Knowlton, and Thomas Knowlton, his brother, being conspicuous while quite young in the war against the French and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Platt

No man is better or more favorably known in Malheur County than is he whose name heads this sketch. He was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1852, and remained there until he came to Nevada in 1877, where he was engaged in the sheep business for about seven years. Coming then to Baker County, since Malheur, he at once became inter­ested in his old business, and he is still largely identi­fied with it in connection with George Series. In 1892, he was elected county assessor on the republican ticket, and in 1894 county clerk, and again in 1896. He … Read more

Biography of Hon. John S. Phelps

The prominence, both State and national, of this most distinguished citizen of Greene county, may well serve as a reason why this sketch is given at greater length than that of other citizens mentioned; however, even this is but the merest outline of a life whose long public service makes up a history which would require a volume in itself, if given in a matter anything like that merited by the distinguished subject. John S. Phelps is the son of Elisha Phelps, and was born in Simsbury, Hartford county, Connecticut, December 22, 1814. The father, Elisha, was a lawyer of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Collins F. Tillotson

Collins F. Tillotson was a farmer of Maple Township, Ida County, Iowa. He purchased wild prairie land in February, 1874, when he came to Ida County and resided on 417 acres in Section 18. He was born in Onondaga County, New York, December 7, 1846. His father was Sanford P. Tillotson born in Connecticut and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His mother was, before her marriage, Miss Nancy Jane Ward. His grandfather, David Tillotson, was a native of Connecticut and served in the war of 1812. Collins was reared in New York and received his education in the … Read more