Biographical Sketch of Herbert Austin Aikins

Aikins, Herbert Austin; university prof.; born, Toronto, Ont., March 1, 1867; studied W. T. A. (M. D., LL. D.); U. of Toronto, 1887; Ph. D., Yale, 1891; Instr. U. of Southern Cal., 1888; lecturer on history of philosophy, Yale, 1890-1; prof. logic and philosophy, Trinity Coll., N. C., 1891-3; hon. fellow Clark U., 1892-3; prof. philosophy, Coll. for Women, Western Reserve U., since 1893; member Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Philos. Soc.; fellow A. A. A. S. Editor; Philosophy of Hume, 1893. Author: Principles of Logic, 1903; and papers on Psychol. and Philos. subjects. Translator: Forel’s Hygiene of Nerves and Mind, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Douglas Baldwin

Baldwin, Arthur Douglas; lawyer; born, Hawaiian Islands, Apr. 8, 1876; son of Henry P. and Emily Alexander Baldwin; educated, Oakland, Cal., High School; Hotchkiss School, Conn.; Yale, B. A.; Harvard Law School, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, June 17, 1902, Reba Louise Williams: 5 children, Henry, Louise, Fred, Alexander and Sarah; with Judge Daniel Babat of Crestline served on commission to codify Ohio Children’s Law, 191142; candidate on Progressive ticket for State representation in 1912 (unsuccessful); member Brathenal School Board 1910-13; member troop A, O. N. G., 1901-3; organized law firm of Crowell & Baldwin in 1908; this firm dissolved in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Newton S. Calhoun

Calhoun, Newton S.; pres. and treas. The Johnson Jennings Co.; born in Connecticut, Feb. 12, 1855; son of William E. and Almira Tracy Calhoun; educated, Suffield Academy, in Connecticut, and Brown University, Providence, R. I., graduating in 1879, degree of A. M.; married, Cleveland, 1884, Miss Caroline Jennings; issue, one son, Tracy Jennings, born in 1885, and one daughter, Carol, now Mrs. Lyman Narten; business career, taught school two years in the Providence high school; studied law while teaching and summers; one year in office of Judge Tillinghast in. Providence; came to Cleveland in the fall of 1882; in 1883, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George P. Comey

Comey, George P.; manufacturer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 21, 1858; son of George P. and Clara Dean Comey; educated, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Connecticut Literary Institute, at Suffield, Conn.; married, Hinsdale, Mass., June 29, 1881, Miss Nannie J. Gill; issue, seven children, Clara M., Florence L., George Lawrence, Frederick Harlan, Ralph, Harold and Robert; business career with his father and uncle in New York City, in the manufacture of ladies’ hats and straw goods for two years, came to Cleveland in 1880, and engaged in the same business with J. G. Pettee & Co.; after three years bought Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilbur Dunham

Dunham, Wilbur; real estate development; born, Columbus, O., Jan. 30, 1885; son of John M. and T. Anna Cross Dunham; educated, Taft School, Watertown, Conn.; Andover Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; married, Columbus, O., Oct. 17, 1906, Marian M. Hobart: two daughters, Ann Elizabeth, born 1909, and Aileen, born 1913; real estate allotment and building development business since leaving college in 1904, in Columbus, O., and New York City, and Cleveland since. 1912; pres. The Wilbur Dunham Co., The Continental Realty Co; director The House Building & Investment Co.; member Delta Phi Fraternity, Yale and P. A. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Kelsey Devereux

Devereux, Henry Kelsey; railway supplies; born, Oct. 10, 1860; son of Gen. J. H. and Antionnette Kelsey Devereux; educated, Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland, scientific course, Sheffield College, Yale, graduating in 1883; married, Mildred Abeel French; issue, one son, Julius French, and one daughter, Aileen Mildred; civil engineer on the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati R. R., located in Cleveland, and engaged in the railroad supply business; mgr. Chicago-Cleveland Car Roofing Co.; director American Sportsman Co. and The Roadside Club; moving spirit in organizing the Forest City Live Stock & Fair Co., which built the North Randall trotting track; from boyhood, a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Lockwood Davis

Davis, Edward Lockwood; hardware; born, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1874; son John J. and Frances M. Hunt Davis; B. A. degree, Yale University; married, Bay City, Mich., Oct. 18, 1899, Flora E. Eddy; sec’y and director Davis, Hunt, Collister Co., hardware, entering company 1896, and elected sec’y on its incorporation in 1899; member Zeta Psi, Euclid and Hermit Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Edward Chellis Daoust

Daoust, Edward Chellis; attorney-at-law; born, Defiance, O., Oct. 19, 1887; son of Charles J. and Mary Hooker Daoust; his father was a banker at Defiance, and his mother was the daughter of Judge Hooker, of Illinois; educated, Defiance High School, graduating, special student University of Michigan, 1904-1905, special student Scientific School, Yale University, 1907-1908; graduated from Yale 1909, with degree LL. B. (Nov honors); married, Cleveland, April 24, 1912, Clara Louis Bunts, daughter of Dr. Frank E. Bunts; issue, one daughter, Frances Harriet, born Feb. 12, 1913; private Troop A, First Squadron, Ohio National Guard, since 1910; entered general practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Elbert Cutler

Cutler, James Elbert; university prof.; born, Princeville, Ill., Jan. 24, 1876; son of Frank W. and Antonaiah (Hoag) Cutler; B. A., University of Colorado, 1900; graduate student Yale, 1900-1903; Ph. D., 1903; married, Carolena D. Sperry, of New Haven, Conn., June 25, 1903; instr. English and civic government, State Preparatory School of Colorado, 1899-1909; instr. political economy, Yale, 1903-4; instr. economics, Wellesley College, 1904-1906; asst. prof. political economy, University of Michigan, 1906-1907; asso. prof. sociology, 1907-1910, prof. 1910-, Western Reserve University; member American Economics Ass’n, American Academy Political and Social Science; American Sociological Society, National Conference Charities and Correction, American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benedict Crowell

Crowell, Benedict; mining engineer; born, Cleveland, O., 1870; son of William and Mary Benedict Crowell; educated St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University, 1891; married, Cleveland, 1904, Julia R. Cobb; two children, Florence Cobb Crowell and Benedict Crowell, Jr.; pres. Crowell & Sherman Co., The Tavern Club and Wetherbee Concentrator Co.; director Associated Investors Realty Co., and National City Bank; senior partner Crowell & Murray; member American Institute of Mining Engineers; N. Y., Lake Superior and Canada; American Society for Testing Materials; American Chemical Society; California Miners Ass ‘n; Ohio Society of New York; member Tavern, Union, Mayfield, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hubert Bruce Fuller

Fuller, Hubert Bruce; lawyer, author; born, Derby, Conn., June 15. 1880; son of Robert Bruce and Harriet A. Prentice Fuller; A. B., Yale, 1901; A. M., 1904, LL. M., 1903, Columbian (now George Washington) University; awarded Cobden Club medal (England), 1901; married, Florence B. Dennis, of Chanute, Kan., May 25, 1910; practiced law at Cleveland since 1903; sec’y to Senator Theodore Burton (q. v.), since 1909; Republican; member S. A. R.; Phi Sigma Kappa, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Council of Sociology, Western Reserve Historical Society. Author: The Purchase of Florida, 1906; Tax Returns in Ohio, 1907; The Speakers of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Ford

Ford, Horatio; banker; born, Cleveland, June 23, 1881; son of H. Clark and Ida M. Thorp Ford; educated, Cleveland public schools, Central High, Yale University, A. B., Western Reserve University, LL. B.; married Cleveland, May 7, 1908, Ella A. White; issue, three sons, H. Clark II, Andrew, Thomas Windsor; admitted to bar, 1906; cashier Garfield Savings bank, 1907-1909; see’y same institution, 1909-1913; director and sec’y Ford-McCaslin Co.; director and vice pres. Star Electric Co.; director and vice pres. New Amsterdam Co.; director and sec’y Bankers’ Realty Co.; sergeant, Troop A, O. N. G.; vice pres. American Institute of Banking, vice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Orlando Hall

Hall, Orlando; mngr. of estates; born, Summit county, O., Sept. 28, 1855; son of Orlando and Sophia Towne Hall; educated, private schools, Cleveland Academy, Greylock Institute, Williamstown, Mass.; graduated from Yale in 1877, B. A.; studied law with Judge R. P. Ranney; took a course of law lectures for one year, and completed law studies in Columbia Law School, New York City; admitted to the bar in 1880, and began the practice of law in Cleveland; withdrew from the practice of law to devote time to private interests; owner of large property in Akron, which has been allotted; Republican; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edwin Victor Hale

Hale, Edwin Victor; banker; born, Cleveland, Aug. 1, 1869; son of Edwin B. and Susan C. Hoyt Hale; educated, Yale University, A. B.: married, Detroit. Mich., July 19, 1899, Florence Clark; children, E. V. Hale, Jr., Florence and Constance; teller Western Reserve National Bank, 1892-1898; asst. see’y and treas. American Trust Co., 1898-1899; treas. The Citizens Savings & Trust Co., 1899-1903; vice pres. The Citizens Savings & Trust Co., 1913; director The First National Bank; member the Union, Tavern, Roadside Country, and Willowick Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Hunter McKay

McKay, Robert Hunter; lawyer; born, Cleveland, 1885; son of Robert and Agnes Hunter McKay; educated, Adelbert College and Yale University; early schooling at South High School, and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, April 26, 1910, Jessie K. Jones; one son, Hunter J. McKay; member law firm George R. and Robert H. McKay, sec’y and director The Information Co.; sec’y and director M. K. Patent Development Co.; director and legal advisor The Western Reserve Adjustment Co.; director and sec’y American Remedies Co.; director and sec’y Reserve Coal & Timber Co.; director Associated Investment Co.; director and pres. The Doty McKay Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Belden Greene

Greene, Edward Belden; banker; born, Cleveland, July 26, 1878; son of John E. and Mary E. (Seymour) Greene; educated, Yale University, B. A., 1900; married, Cleveland, Nov. 18, 1908, Helen Wade; issue, one daughter, Helen W. Greene, born Nov. 12, 1911; enlisted in Troop A, 1st Squadron, Ohio Cavalry, November, 1900, and resigned as 2nd lieut. February, 1912; began work with Cleveland Trust Co. in 1900, immediately after graduation from College, rising through the grades of messenger, clerk, teller and secretary to the vice presidency; director Wade Realty Co., vice pres. and director Ohio Chemical Mnfg. Co.; director National Discount … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Henry Geer

Geer, Thomas Henry; general insurance; born, Ledyard, Conn., Sept. 3, 1840; son of Nathaniela Bellows and Julia Davis Geer; educated, common schools, Ledyard, Conn.; 1854, Irving Institute, Tarrytown, N. Y.; 1857, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass.; graduate, 1861-1862, Norwich Academy, Norwich, Conn.; married, Poquetanuck, Conn., June 30, 1868, Fanny Halsey Brewster; one daughter, Mary Brewster Geer; Republican in polities; 1859, teacher Grammar School, West Gloucester, Mass.; 1860, principal of High School, Rockport, Mass., 1862-1865, teacher Burlington College, Burlington, N. J., 1866 to date, general insurance business, Cleveland; pres. The Thomas H. Geer Co.; sec’y The Triton Steamship Co.; sec ‘y … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Addison Hills Hough

Hough, Addison Hills; broker; born, Cleveland, May 23, 1869, son of Alfred B. and Ada Rhodes Hough; educated, Brooks Military Academy and Yale, graduating in 1890; in various departments of the Brush Electric Co. until 1895; went into partnership with C. A. Otis, as Otis, Rough & Co., iron, steel and commission business; firm changed; went into brokerage business with Mr. Otis, firm name Otis & Hough; connected with various other business enterprises; member Chamber of Commerce, Psi Upsilon, and the Scroll and Keys Senior Society, Yale; member Second Presbyterian Church, Union, Tavern, and Country Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Griswold and Harvey Griswold

Harvey and Frederick Griswold, of Connecticut, were cousins. They emigrated to the West, and settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., at a very early date. Frederick married Rebecca Shobe, and opened the first store in Pinckney. They had no children. Harvey came to Missouri when he was only about sixteen years of age, and walked from St. Louis to Pinckney, carrying his wardrobe and all the property he possessed tied up in a cotton handkerchief. His cousin Frederick at first hired him to clerk in his store, but afterward bought a store at Marthasville, and sent him there to take … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Norman Pringle

Norman Pringle, of Connecticut, settled in Warren County in 1819. He was a very intelligent man, and was frequently solicited to run for office, but always refused, because he had so great a dislike for politics. He married Sally Kellogg, by whom he had nine children Jane, Judith, Helen, Harriet, Huldah IL, Virgil, Mark, Norman O., and Charles W. All of the children except Mark (who died a bachelor) married, and most of them live in Warren County.