Mackinac Baptism Records 1742-1744

In the year one thousand seven Hundred and forty-one, on the twenty-fourth of October, I, the undersigned priest and missionary of the society of Jesus in the mission of St ignace at the post of Michilimakinak, did baptize Louis Joseph Chaboyer, one day old, son of Charles Chaboiller and of Marianne Chevailler, his Wife. The godfather was Joseph Ens, and the godmother Nannette Chevalier, both residing at the said post, who have signed with me.

Jean Baptiste Lamorinie 1 missionary of the Society of Jesus.

Nanette Chevalier; Joseph Hains.

May 12, 1742. 2 *** two adults *** being slaves: one of Mr de Blainville, the officer commanding this post; 3 the other of Sieur Hamelin, trader, residing at Sault Ste Marie. The former – whom Reverend father de la Morinie wished to hold over the baptismal font and who is about twelve years of age – took the name of Jean Baptiste François; the other, aged about fifteen years took the name of Joseph; his godfather was Charles Ange Colet; and his godmother Marianne Chevalier, wife of Sieur Chaboyer ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus. 4

Jean Baptiste Lamorinie, of the society of Jesus.

M N Chevalier; Charles Collet.

May 19, 1742 *** I Baptized conditionally 5 Marie, legitimate daughter of Sieur Gautier, a soldier of the garrison of this post, and of Therese Villeneuve his wife, born at la Manistic on the 9th of this month while they were returning from winter quarters, and privately baptized on the same day because she was thought in danger of death. The godfather was Sieur Guyori, voyageur, residing at this post; and the godmother mde L’anglade. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Antoine Guillory; Anne Villeneuve.

May 20, I solemnly administered holy Baptism to Marie Coussante, legitimate daughter of Joseph Hins, master carpenter, residing at this post, and of Coussante Chevalier, his wife, born this morning. The godfather was Mr de Celeron, captain, knight of St Louis, Commanding for the King at this post; 6 and the godmother Marie Françoise Alavoine, wife of Sieur Chevalier, voyageur. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Celoron; Joseph Hains.

I baptized conditionally a child born on the 18th of this month and privately baptized the same day through precaution – the legitimate daughter of Pierre Parent, residing at this post, and of Marianne Chaboyer, his wife. The godfather was François Joliet; and the godmother Anne Parant, sister of the child, who gave her the name of Anne Catherine. She declared that she could not sign her name.

Done at Michilimakina the 20th of July, 1742.

C. Gode Coquart, M. D. C. J. 7

Francois Iolliette.

I solemnly baptized the slave of M Langlade, an adult about 22 years old. The godfather was Sieur Jean Baptiste Marsollete; and the godmother Anne Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Guillory, residing at this post, who gave the young man the name of Charles. 10th of September, 1742.

C. God. Coquart, M. D. C. J.

J. B. Marsollete; Anne Villeneuve
Died at la grande Rivière the following winter.

I baptized a daughter of Bon Coeur, a negro, and of Marguerite, a Negress, belonging to Sieur Boutin who is obliged to winter here on his way to illinois. The godfather was Sieur Nicolas Rose, a trader at this post; and [the godmother] Dame Constante Chevalier, wife of Sieur Hains, Master Carpenter, who gave the child the name of Veronique. The godfather signed with me; the godmother declared that she could not sign her name. Michilimakina, 19th of January, 1743.

C. God. Coquart, M. D. C. J.


June 21 1743, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Paul Amable, legitimate son of Charles Chaboyer, voyageur, and of Marianne Chevalier, his wife, residing at this post, born this morning. The godfather was Mr Rupalais Clayer; and the godmother Agathe Villeneuve, wife of Boisguilbert.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Agathe Villeneuve; Rupalaist; Charle Langlade; 8 Charles Chaboillez.

June 22, 1743, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, Marie Joseph, natural daughter of Sieur Thomas Blondeau and of a female Savage, aged about five years, whom both he and Demoiselle Marie Joseph de Celles, his present lawful wife, residing at this post, undertake to educate. The godfather was Sieur Jacques Farly, voyageur. 9 ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Farly; Marie Joseph Deselle.

June 24 [1743], I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission, a young slave about twelve years old who was sufficiently instructed. The catechumen took the name of Jean Baptiste. The godfather was Sieur Germain, voyageur; and the godmother Nanette Parent. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Cd. Germain; Nanette Paront.

July 17 [1743], I solemnly Baptized in the church of this mission Paul, the legitimate son of Sieur de Lignon, voyageur and of Angelique, his wife – born at Sault Ste Marie, October 31 last. The godfather was the Sieur de Coulonge; and the godmother Anne Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Guyori, who signed with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Coulonge; Dulignon; La Guillory.

Died at the Sault in the following autumn.

July 27 [1743], I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission a slave of M. Maugres, 13 or 14 years old, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism, who took the name of Pierre Augustin. The Godfather was Monsieur Langlade; the godmother Mlle, Marie Catherine de Lerige, wife of M. Bourassa. 10 ***

Coquart, Miss, de la C. de J.

Langlade; M. Caterine Lerige.

August 24, 1743, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Joseph Barthelemi, legitimate son of Sieur Thomas Blondeau, voyageur, and of Demoiselle Marie Joseph de Selle, his lawful wife, now residing at this post, born yesterday evening. The godfather was Mr Joseph dit Carris, voyageur; 11 and the godmother Marianne Alavoine, wife of J. B. Chevalier, who signed with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Joseph de Caris; Manon Lavoine Chevalier; Thomas Blondeau.

Jan. 6, 1744, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Charles, a negro slave of Mr de Vercheres commandant of this post, 12 from about 18 to 20 years of age, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism which he thought he had probably never received and which I administered to him conditionally. The godfather was Mr Charles Chaboiller, voyageur; and the godmother Therese Villeneuve, wife of Sieur Gautier. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Therese Villeneuve; Chaboillez.

March 25, 1744, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Charles Antoine, legitimate son of Sieur Parent and of his wife, Marianne Chaboyer, residing at this post – the said child having been born this morning. The godfather was Sieur Charles Chaboyer; and the godmother Mlle, Marie Joseph de Selle, wife of Sieur Blondeau who signed with me. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Charles Chaboillez; Marie Joseph Deselle.

May 1, 1744, I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Joseph Louis, legitimate son of Joseph Hains, master carpenter, and of his wife Constante Chevalier, now residing at this post – the said child having been born this morning; 13 The godfather was Louis Chevalier; and the godmother Marianne Chevalier, wife of Sieur Chaboyer. ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

L. Chevallier; Joseph Hains; M. A. Chevalier; La Chaboillez.

July 12 [1744], I solemnly baptized in the church of this mission Françoise Angelique, natural daughter of Claude Caron, voyageur, adopted by Sieur Texier, voyageur and farmer of la Baye, aged about six years, held over the baptismal font by Sieur Pierre Ritchot, voyageur and farmer of la Baye; and the widow Lacroix, her godfather and godmother; also Marie Josephe, natural daughter of one L’esperance, an apostate at la Pointe, adopted by Sieur L’ecuyer, a voyageur employed by the farmers of la Pointe, aged about six years, held over the baptismal font by Mr L’anglade and the wife of Mr L’ecuyer, her godfather and godmother ***

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Langlade; Pierre Richotte; Ch. Taxier; Blondeau Lecuye; Frensoyse Cardinalle, Veuve Lacroix.

July 21, 1744, I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism in the church of this mission to Marie, daughter of Marie Chevalier and Jaques Dumée – which child they acknowledged to be their legitimate child at their marriage celebrated this same day. 14 The godfather was M. de Ramesai, Captain of a company of the marine detachment and commandant for the king at Nepigon; and the godmother Marie Françoise Alavoine, wife of Sieur Jean Baptiste Chevalier, who signed with me. ***

C. God. Coquart, Missre D L. C. d. J.

Manon Lavoine Chevalier.

I supplied the ceremonies of Baptism in the church of this mission to René François, son of René Bourassa and of Anne Charlotte Veronique Chevalier, born on the 31st of March of this year, which child they acknowledged to be their legitimate child at their marriage celebrated this same day. The godfather was M. Bourassa, Father of René Bourassa; and the godmother Marie Françoise Alavoine, wife of Sieur Jean Baptiste Chevalier, who signed with me, on the 3rd of August, 1744, at Mikilimakina.

C. God. Coquart, M. J.

I solemnly administered holy Baptism in the church of this mission to Francoise Marianne, legitimate daughter of Sieur du Lignon, voyageur, and of Angelique his wife – the said little girl having been born yesterday evening. The godfather was Mr Dailleboust de la Magdelaine; and the godmother mde de Quindre who signed here with me. Done at Mikilimakina this 5th day of August, 1744.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

Dailleboust De La Magdelaine; Dulignon; Beletre de Quindre. 15

I solemnly administered holy baptism to a young girl Savage, aged about 10 or 12 years, a slave of Boiguilbert, sufficiently instructed and desiring holy Baptism. She took the name of Anne; her godfather and godmother were Sieur Jean Marie Blondeau, voyageur; and Domitille, wife of mr Langlade. Michilimakina, 27th of September 1744.

P. du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus.

J. M. Blondeau; Agathe Villeneuve, la Guilbau.


  1. For a biographical sketch of this missionary, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 474, note 6.[↩]
  2. The preceding entry is given entire, with full formula; commencing with this entry, however, we adopt the method used in the marriage register of modernizing the date form, and omitting repetitions of formal phrases – these omissions being indicated by asterisks. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xix, note 1.[↩]
  3. Jean Baptiste Céloron, sieur de Blainville, commandant during the absence of his elder brother, Pierre Joseph Céloron. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 367.[↩]
  4. For this missionary see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 370, note 1; xviii, p. 471, note 99.[↩]
  5. The expression “baptized conditionally” indicates that the child has previously received lay baptism, at some time or place where a priest was not available; it is now regularly baptized by one in holy orders. On the margin of the original register, before the first entry for 1747, appears this explanation, apparently an interpellation by some later hand: “S. C. means conditionally (sous condition) when the children have been baptized in case of necessity by doubtful means.[↩]
  6. For this officer see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 207, note 1; xviii, p. 28, note 42. Apparently he had returned to Mackinac between May 12 and May 20, 1742, to resume command.[↩]
  7. The letters indicate “Missionnaire de la Compagnie de Jesu.” For a brief biography see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 471, note 98.[↩]
  8. This is probably the earliest extant signature of Charles Langlade, then but fourteen years old.[↩]
  9. For a brief sketch of Farly, later interpreter at Mackinac, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 258, note 54.[↩]
  10. For these residents of Mackinac, see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 136, note 78.[↩]
  11. Consult Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 472, note 1.[↩]
  12. For a sketch of this officer see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xvii, p. 274, note 1.[↩]
  13. For a biographical account of this child see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 309, note 29. The father was apparently a German named Heins, which was gradually metaphorphosed into Ainse and Ainsée.[↩]
  14. For this marriage see Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p. 470. [↩]
  15. This lady belonged to a Detroit family, where her brother was last French commandant of regulars and her husband commandant of militia. See Wisconsin Historical Collections, xviii, p 234, note 14.[↩]

Baptism Records,

Translation from a copy of the original in possession of the parish church of Ste. Anne at Mackinac.

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