1894 Michigan State Census – Oakland County

Last Updated on May 14, 2013 by Dennis

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894

[ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ]

Addison Township – John W. Prince. Elijah C. Kelly. Harmon L. Curtis. George Nash, Andrew J. Close, Milton Fox. Jabez G. Angle, [Samuel Babcock].

Village of Leonard – William Yakely, William E. McMullen. Stephen B. Nowlin, Abbott Taylor. Henry Lapham, John Kipp, Andrew J. Bickford, William H. H. Eldred. George B. Nowlin. Jacob F. Bradt. Bradford Savory. Elijah B. Dodge, [Spencer Eaton].

Avon Township – Burdick Fuller. Anthony O’Brien, E. H. Sipperly, Jol’n J. Snook, E. A. Jennings. Elisha Cadv. John Powell, John Casey, Charles Johnson, Robert Patterson. Joseph Hawley, Charles Hottelling, Henry H. Pennington. Edwin R. Frank. Lucius L. Frank. Orrin Arnold. George Maston. Peter Thise. John Mason. William Arnold. Henry W. Fero, [H. H. Cole].

Village of Rochester – James C. Vorhees. Wallace Gamber. Daniel Cowell, George Adams. John R. Worthley. Joseph H. Holman. Z. J. Coffin. Henry P. Randall, Jeff. W. Eastman. J. -Nathan Rightmire, Ezekial Dewey, Henry Hill, Samuel Fowler, Isaac A. Wright, George Struble, Napoleon B. Taylor. Melvin E. Mann, Christian Z. Horton, Henry W. Leroy, Arthur E. Collins, Thomas Cooper, Julian S. Peters, Frank Spencer. William Robertson, Frank Russell, Alexander A. Monroe, Abraham Wager, Charles Nichols, Charles Wing, Joseph J. Ross, Joseph Reimer, [Jas. Powell. W. H. LeRoy. John K. Housel].

Bloomfield Township – Wallace Adams, A. C. Tibbils, David Turo, Edward Allen. Ira Reed, 0. B. Moore. Samuel Alexander, A. H. Prager. Austin Michard, Andrew McBride, Philip Durkee.

Village of Birmingham – Thomas Ward, William N. Fall. Nelson B. Reynolds. Henry Randall. Hiram Daniels, Henry 0. Buckley, John A. Bigelow, Harrison H. Wheeler, R. W. Farrand. Eugene Carr, Henry Benedict, J. Wilkes Foster, Henry Fall.

Brandon Township – A. Losey, George Van Wagoner, Stephen Scott. Walter J. Barrett. Daniel Rohme, Henry R. Jones, William Guiles. Christian Neff. Robert Martin, Loren Torrance, Andrew J. Smith. William Siebenhar, William Watson. William Burras, John L. Rolison, John Burt, Thomas Tucker, James Vantine, John D. McIntire, Marion Jones, Dewitt Benjamin. Charles Rogers, Nathan B. Wolverton, Henry Fifield. John Bastedo. Benjamin F. Guiles, Alexander Stoliker. Joseph Moore, Albert Wilson. William Black, Alonzo Flagler. Martin Woolman, James Mcllveen, George Huff. William Wilbur, Uriah Irish, Chauncy Green. Fred Wilders. Peter L. McIntire. Hugh Watson, [Philip Hummer, Matt. Wilbur, Elmer Torrance, Erastus Bachelor].

Commerce Township – Charles Beebeheiser. John Elenwood, Harry Kimble. Oliver Cronk, Joseph J. Tuttle, John Church, George Ingersoll, Joseph W. Long. John Haines. David Morrison, Robert Noe, Charles King, George Ormsbee. William T. Horton. Mark Day. Marshall Johnson. Stephen M. Gage, Charles Miller, Orlando J. McKnight, James Van Epps, James Carey. Robert Harpen, John Leary, Bela Ormsbee. John Sharp, Silas Parker.

Farmington Township – Joseph L. Lamb. Levi Jackway, Ansley B. Beach. John Williams, Stillman D. Lockwood. Joseph Gilbo. Francis Hubert. George Lee. [Butler W. Seward. Thomas J. Davis].

Village of Farmington – Edwin Parker. William Thomas. Lewis C. Philbrick. James Allen, L. D. Owen. William Smith. [John P. Hiles. James M. Edwards, William H. Gibbs. William T. Daines. Chauncy Wolcott. Theodore Bockman, George H. Wood. John Power. Lyman W. Sowle. Hudson Wilcox].

Groveland Township – Joseph Halstead. Frank F. Downey. Almon Barron. G. Washington Evans. Alexander A. Worth. Francis Slranghnessy. William H. Moore, Jacob Maumee. ZVm. T. Phipps. Lott Tobe,, Franklin W. Thayer. Allen Campbell. Charles M. Perry. Henry Honert. Janes L. Horton. George Bowren. Jr.. Elisha S. Bird. William A. Narrin, Harmon Brandt.

Highland Township – Arthur Forshee. William Lee. William E. Seaver, William Beaumont. Norman L. Clark. William Cook. Charles Ward, Windham Hewitt, William Martin, William E. Lockwood. Frank Ball, James Gordon, John H. Predmore. Peter Copp, Charles Openo. Cyrus Wheeler. Platt H. Lockwood, Frank Eaton. Horace N. Alexander. James Rowe, Spencer Lee, Lewis Ott, Charles E. Burns. William G. St. Johns, Abram Mills. William B. Miles, Marcus D. L. Clay. Theodore Arthur. Darwin Beaumont. James Smith. Thomas D. Bartholomew, James F. Taylor. Charles W. Haynes, George Taylor, William Stiles, Charles Porter, John F. Beaumont. N. B. Doty, Lorenzo D. Lockwood, William B. Downs,. Larkin Baker, Samuel McCall, Andrew J. Baker, William E. Burns, Asa E. Waterman, George H. Burgis, Alonzo Dean, Orlando Mills, James Ferrigan. John H. Davis. Robert U. Taylor, Friend Horton.

Holly Township – Henry Davis, Gilbert Angus. Charles Tinsman, Perry I. Quick, William Stewart, David Crittle, James Trimer, Thomas Smith, John J. Thorpe, George W. Marsh, William A. Austin. Charles H. Spalding, John Dains, Charles Ingersoll, William Barrett, William H. Hall, Peter Baker, Lott Smith, Elijah Clark, Martin Eager, Edwin Huntley, Oscar M. Husted. Hiram H. Austin, William P. Holdridge.

Village of Holly – Lewis M. Newell, Sylvester Mosher, George Pettis, John Tucker, Charles P. Nash, Dwight Hathaway. Luke McDonald. George Dulmage, Silas Fletcher, George W. Marshall, William D. Thompson. Michael J. Clark, William M. Voorhees, William G. New-ton. Henry C. Johnson, S. Benchley, Orrin blakeley, Simeon B. Patterson, Dewitt Austin, Edward Joslin. William H. Phillips, James W. llothersill, Reuben C. Smith, John Tucker. Henry Smagg. Le Grand A. Buell, L. H. Ripley, William Edwards, James H. Cummins, Edwin A. Botsford, Edwin J. Eisenbrey, Andrew Bentley, William H. Smith, John Ream, M. D. Elliott, Cleveland Van Dorn, [Burt Requa].

Independence Township – John Clark, Henry Norman, Hance E. Morgan, Joseph B. Roe, Joseph Lawrence, Joseph Norton. George H. Sibley, William R. Scarce, [Jno. R. Sutton, Francis Tully, John M. Sloat].

Village of Clarkston – James Richardson. Francis A. Follett. Joseph C. Bird. Vanrancelor C. Vliet. William Urch, Charles G. Robertson, Henry Brown, [Wilson R. Vliet, Jedediah Veager, Robert Beardsley].

Lyon Township – Thomas Underhill. Henry C. Dennis, Richard Butler. John D. Powell. John A. Weeks, Homer Parker, Timothy G. Robertson, Abram T. Wood. Elias L. Ferguson. David Munrber. William S. Griswold. Mortimer L. Smith. William J. Osborn, David R. Page.

Village of South Lyon – I. H. Riddick, Hiram Jones, David Baird. Lewis S. Allen, Philip Hamilton. Milan J. Griswold. John W. ODell. Cholett Calkins, Marcena Goodel. William H. Wade. Hannibal C. English. Lyman A. Sayles, John R. Bruce. John T. Hod gernan, Urban Gyde.

Milford Township – Ales. J. McCall. James McCurdy, William S. Robson. Henry Holmes, George W. Carey, John Roberts, Lorenzo E. Bayley, Andrew Muir. WVnr. S. Kingsley. Alfred Soulsby. F. M. Benham. Gillman T. Holmes. [Decatur Childs].

Village of Milford – Martin Ott. John Minchan. Del. Van Leuvan, Johnson Robert, Thomas McCall. James Hennesy, Dennis Boyer. Henry Sebring, Samuel Bell, David Stevens, Thomas Russell, 0. H. Worden, Orrin Richardson. Silas Bullard. Fred Tower. William Shank, John Hannab, George Osborne, Judson Fielden. John W. Stephens. John Luce, Joseph Vowles, Alvy T. Philips, Harry Dingman. Lyman Cate, Henry A. Stevens, Jerome Armstrong, Andrew Austin. Oscar Percy. Fred Prior. Robert Potts. Charles Teeter. Earl H. Childs. Newton B. Babcock, Thomas Cole. Willis Smith. W. W. Crippen.

Novi Township – George F. Goodell. George E. Hills, George Hicks, Calvin L. Graves, John W. Robinson. George Parks. Thomas Richards, James Elder. Martin L. Crane. Alanson Gilbert. Marvin Boget. Henry Moore, Walter Abbey. Seth Noble. Abram Van Dyne. Loren Haynes. Wendell Willis, Daniel Johnson. Daniel C. Doyle. Daniel McGuire, Daniel C. Dunham, Lester Lyke. George Smitherman, Madison E. Wade.

Oakland Township – George’ B. Whitney. Judson Dains, James Godison, H. Cole, M. L. McClure. Warren Coily. A. A. Austin, Frank Snider, William Lowery, [Ira Perry].

Orion Township. Jesse Russell, Spencer Soper. Leonard Huffman, Peter Van Riper. William C. Clark, Barney J. Hathaway, Jeremiah Webb, George Van Riper, Silas Casimere, William, H. Lake, Frederick Casimere, Charles Benjamin. [William Stockman, Hiram Alberts. James D. Quick].

Village of Orion – William E. Lettell, Richard L. Cramer, Stephen Seeley, Vincent Brown, Richmond Boothe, Amsia Predmore, Esley Redfield. Delos Carpenter, Solomon Pratt, Rev. Gage. Myron H. Skinner, Rye. Crosby, Daniel McKindrick. Caleb Eldred. J. C. Predmore. William A. McCoy, Michael Cribbens, William H. Blanchard, Alexander Pittenger, William Shick. Chester Willis.

Oxford Township – Ezra Gardner, James A. Gardner, Enos J. Pitcher, Samuel C. Adams, Seth Francis, William Spear, John B. Pittenger, Israel Losen. Oliver S. Bailey, Thomas Green, Samuel Brown, Simon P. Dern,berger, James K. Burt., J. P. Suiter. Eliphilat Elsworth, John Walter, Erastus Vanwagoner, m. O. Davis, -Nathan Parkhurst, Jesse Banghart, Myron A. Johnson. Adam Hibler. [Oliver Millspaugh, Amasa Losey, Thomas Morrison. W. H. Brokenshaw, Uriah Crosby].

Village of Oxford – Amos Strong, Jay Garvin, Nelson H. Crawford. Andrew J. Fox. Robert C. Worts, Henry E. Nichols, George Tuttle, Isaac Olive. Elisha R. Clark. John T. Reid. Sylvester Hazelton, Anson W. Tanner, Clarence H. Crawford. Samuel E. Parker. Philip Haddrill. Albert Robinson, Cornelius Losey, Chauncy C. Torrey. Abraham Ritter, Lewis L. Parker. Barak Parker, Andrew P. Glaspie. William A. Sage, George Nelson, George M. Bassett. Samuel Ashley, Walter H. Wilson, Alden M. Varney, George W. Torrey, Adanijah Foote, Orville Sage.

Pontiac Township – William H. Carey, James H. Churchill. Henry W. Carey, Ira Perry. John Broderic, George W. Hill. James A. Sutton. Frank Phillips. Thomas W. Smith. John M. Nichols, Otis Wilson. John B. Norris.

Rose Township – John M. Gardiner, Silas A. Howe, Gideon L. Smith, Edward D. Bussy, Charles Miller. George Perry. Butler S. Tubbs. William E. Clark. Charles A, Johnson. Lyman Case. Alonzo Walls, George Maxfield, Francis M. Brown. Peter D. Rall. B. F. Bump, H. J. Montgomery. John H. Brown. George Lewis. Lawton S. Babcock. Robert Brabon, Benjamin Kenaga, William L. Bush. George Hatfield, Wnr. W. Highfield. Aaron L. Johnson.

Royal Oak Township – Peter -McDowell, J. B. Grow. Nicholas Sellner, Stephen Newman, Jacob Heilig, Andrew Gerd. James Hill. G. H. Barnes, Wakefield Bradley. Alfred F. Wilcox. George Dewey, William McQuire. John Lamore. John Wright. T. Formz, Henry Addis, George W. Blackman. N. E. Springsteen, Joseph Chase, [John Benjamin].

Village of Royal Oak – S. J. Wilson, Ira Barnum, Franklin Alford, Gilbert Newton, Joseph Reibel, Charles Van Walkenburg, Carlos Glazier, George Closser.

Southfield Township – John Wilson, Richard Smithermon, George H. Barnard, Jos. M. Bowden, Clark S. Powell, Samuel E. Green, Alexander M. Cannon, George Sherman, Joseph Ferguson, Otto A. Berger, Henry S. Cox, David M. Doty.

Springfield Township – Charles C. Murry, Charles Van Horn, Jesse Davenport, William Chestnut, Robert Wyckoff, Albert L. Gregory, John Rork, James Frisbie. J. K. Tindall, Alvin G. Hubbard, John Thompson, Nathaniel Thomas, Cornelius Roberts, John E. Norton, Irving Hubbard, Jerome B. Trim, Edmund Ely, Evert Bergen, Isaac Philips, Charles Dilley, Squire G. Waters, Andrew Mosher, Charles Starkweather, Charles Woodworth, James Lowrey, William H. Burt.

Troy Township – Charles Wilson, Charles Brace, Arthur Patch, Daniel Clemens. Duffield Dangrow. William Harris, Frank Pearsall, Lewis Bookham, George Hunt, William Truesdale, Levi Wilson, Charles Schultz, Nicholas Kinsman, William Hawthorne, Robert Hawthorne, Edward Dangrow, William Sturgis, Belden Hill, Ira Carmer, Eli Philips, Charles Sturgis, John Daniels, Lewis Smith, Jason Scott, Frank Cutting, Clark Harris, Peter Edwards, John Clemens, [James N. Smith].

Waterford Township – John B. Northrop, William Tuller, William Cheal. Martin S. Goit, Sr., James Boggs, George, M. Richmond, John Wesley Stevens. John Cooper, John Burke, Collins A. Kelly, [William Carter, Josiah Emery, James G. Voorheis].

West Bloomfield Township – Ezra Bastedo. Edward Coats, William Nicholson, H. Clay Hartwell, L. Duncan. Philip Burnham, Edward Hollingshead, Joel Smith, Thomas Wyckoff, William A. Grove, Henry Grinnell, J. Sumner Rogers, John A. Roat, Robert W. Malcolm, Henry Newman, [Jacob A. Clyckman, Thomas Crook, Theodore Pack].

White Lake Township – William Van Gordan. John J. Jeffrey, William Teggardine, Wesley C. Bump, Merrick Cooley, Charles E. Evarts, John Adams, Henry McWithev, Alonzo Husted. Lucas Wilber, Lewis Garner, Banister Howland, Richard Skarritt, John Barrett, Joseph C. Skarritt, William I. Allen. James G. Voorheis, W. C. Tarbell, D. W. Vantassell.

Pontiac City, First Ward – Sylvan Ter Bush. Gilbert L. Pierce. C. Wesley Horton, William. H. Morgans, John P. Wilson, Joseph Stanley, Norton Hilton. George Hogan. Thompson C. Sebring, William H. Harrison. Andrew Efferts, James Simpson. Nathan Carter.

Pontiac City, Second Ward – George Reed, Henry C. Northrop, Eli Bangman, James D. Tinney. James Abbott. Charles Butler, John Case. Thomas Durfee. Thomas Grinstoin, William Hankinson. George O. Cole, George W. Alexander, Howard Burgo, Harmon W. Brown, Nelson C. Thomas, Hezekiah Montross. Adam Markle, John Gilboe, John Jackson, George Hopkins, Charles P. Martin, Charles A. Nisbitt, Ernest Sprague. William F. Hollister, Henry Stroud, Lafayette Bostwick, Joseph Gilbert, Albert Gilboe.

Pontiac City, Third Ward – William Jackson, Daniel C. Nale, C. L. Blair, Chauncy Brace, Carl D. Seiver, Henry A. Reynolds, William H. Pollitt. Frank Boyd. Walter Morgan, Joseph Hotchkiss, James Nealley. Leander Van Kleek. Gleason F. Perry, William Osmon, William Beal, William Alford, Judson Hammond, Willis G. Denton, John C. Reeves, James Balls, D. Siber Howard, Edward Ogle. John Burke, Orrin Sitts. John Fortner. Frank B. Galbraith. Francis Simmons, [James Buchanan].

Pontiac City. Fourth Ward – H. A. Otto, Lucian Loree, Burt Smalley, A. S. Mathews. S. A. Palmer, W. P. Burt, Edward Dawson, James Hutton, Joseph Vanevery. Walter Knox. Solomon Mathews. David Horner. Jacob thug, Miles W. Bragg. Irving Stevens, Marshall Gage, George Segraves, Conrad A. Hoffman. Myron Fuller, William Holman, William Gunderman, Morgan Sitts, James Patton, Robert Collins, Enos Whitcomb, David Sickner, Edward Pierson, Roswell Goff.

Pontiac City, Fifth Ward – George Washington Elliott, Robert Colby, Philander G. Rest. Mathew King, James F. Robbins, Daniel Linabury, Joseph D. Partello, Frederick S. Stewart, William D. Petty, Charles B. Ford, John W. Smith. George Eaton, Stephen J. Cloonan, Archibald H. Springstine. Joseph Johnson, William Blair, Robert Le Baron, Mark Elwell, Ephraim P. Harris.

Oakland County MI,

State of Michigan. Census of the state of Michigan, 1894, Volume III. Lansing: R. Smith & Co., state printers. 1896.

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