Will Of Richard Bartlett

Last Updated on August 15, 2013 by Dennis

The nuncupative will of Richard Bartlett, sr., of Newbury, was proved in the Ipswich court 28: 7: 1647. The following is a copy of the same as recorded in the Ipswich Deeds, volume I, leaf 25.

The testimony of William Titcombe & Anthony Somersby concerning the last will & testament of Richard Bartlett fen of Newbury deceased the 20th of May 1647. About a month before he deceased we being with him & two of his sonnes being prfent he being very ill & had been weak all the spring finding in himself that he was not like to continue he desired us to take notice what his mind was concerning that small estate he had how he would dispose of it. As for his son John Bartlett he had done for him more then for the rest of his children & at that time did not dispose any to him. To his sonne Christofer Bartlett he did bequeath the debt which lately he had borrowed of him which was five bushels of wheat if foe be it should please the lord to take him away at this sickness or else if he should lye long visited his necessity would require that he should pay it again. To his daughter Johan wife of William Titcomb he bequeathed one pair of new shoes for herself & her four daughters each one a pair of shoes And all the rest of his goods & chattells that were not disposed of he bequeathed wholly to his son Richard Bartlett whom he made his sole heir & executor.

I Anthony Somersby the next day persuaded him to give something to his sonne John Bartlett his answer was that he had been with his sonne Richard Bartlett this twelve month & all that he had was to little for to give him seeing he had been weak & ill & could done little but lay upon his sons charges; besides said he if I should die long sick I shall be chargeable to Richard & not to any of the rest and for John I have done more formly yet I will give him the warming pan and upon his sons request he gave him a great bible: this he spake being in perfect memory & foe continued to the last breath.

I Edward Rawson wittnes to the last pt of the will that I often heard the said Richard Bartlett fen (the time of his sickness) say he would & did give all to his son Richard Bartlett 29th Septemb 1647. This was before the witness

Edward Rawson.

Mr. Rawson swore to the first part of this will Anthony Somersby swore to the whole will before the Court held at Ipswich 28th 7th month 1647.

p me Robert Lord Clerke.

Source: The Essex Antiquarian January 1899



Perley, Sidney. The Essex Antiquarian. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Antiquarian Monthly Periodical, published 1897-1909. Compiled into 13 volumes by Essex Antiquarian, and republished.

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