The following is a copy of the will of John Lowell of Newbury transcribed from the ancient copy on file in the probate office in Boston. It was proved 27: 8: 1647.
The Laft [last] will & Teftament [Testament] of John Lowle Late of Newberry deceafed [deceased] made this nine & twentieth of the fowrth [forth] mounth 1647.
That I John Lowle of Newberry beeing in Pfect [perfect] vnderstanding [understanding] knowing my ffrailty [frailty] doe [do] declare this to bee [be] my last will & Tefament [testament]; ftedfaftly [faithfully] beleiveing that when I goe [go] hence I shall reft [rest] in Glory through my Savior the Lord Jesus Cht [Christ]. As for the Eftate [faith] the Lord hath given me heare [here] I thus difpofe of it : I give unto my wife Elizabeth Lowle one halfe [half] of my estate whether it Consifts [comes] in Goods within or without Land Howses [houses] Cattell [cattle] Household stuffe [stuff] meddowes [meadows] land brocken [broken] or vnbrokne [unbroken] or what elfe [else] Alfoe my said wife to Chufe Twenty pownds [pounds] out of the refidewe of that eftate [estate] which Came by her mother fformerly [formerly] or latter, The reft [rest] of my eftate [estate] to be devided [divided] equally betweene [between] my Sonn [sons] John Lowle, Mary Lowle, Peter Lowle, James Lowle, Joseph Lowle, Beniamine Lowle, & Elizabeth Lowle. Alfo I doe Humbly intreate thefe flue my Chriftian deare Loving ffreinds & bretherne my brother William Gerrish, Richard Lowle, John Sanders, Richard Knight & Nicholas Noice to be my exec and Adm of this my last will & testament [testament] as alfoe to be the ouerseers of my wife and Children in A ffreindly [friendly] Chriftian [Christian] way towards them and that you five showld [should] take the advife [advise] of our elders; in Cace [case] any one of my first wifes Children dye before theie have their portion in ther hands that it be equally devided [divided] amongft [amongst] the reft [rest] that are Living the same I say concerning my second wifes Children Beniamine & Elizabeth thefe portions for my Children to be paid them when the Court judge them wife, and able to manage an eftate [estate] as theie shall receive information from sixe of the wife Godly men of the Towne with the Elders. Alfoe I will that before the Goods be devided [divided] that my daughter Elizabeth shall take tenn [ten] pownds [pounds]worth of her owne [own] mothers Clothers for her vfe ; Alfoe that my daughter Mary take Twenty pownds worth of her owne motherl Clothers, Alfoe if my wife marry I wils that my daughter mary then shall Live with my Sifter Johan Gerrish if my sifter pleafe; if my daughter mary Chufe to Live with my sifter before my wife; And that my two daughters shall have their Thirty pownds worth of Clothers taken out before the Eftate [estate] be devided [divided] dated as above writne [written] In witnes [witness] where vnto [unto] I have put my hand this day and yeare [year]above writne [written];
Witnes p me Jno Lowle
Edmond Grenleife
Will: Gerrish
Robert Long
Source: The Essex Antiquarian May 1899