W Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

Last Updated on June 11, 2012 by Dennis

* Intention not recorded.


Eliza of Dover, and Thomas Smith, Nov. 13, [1825]
Moses and Elizabeth Tisdale, int Oct 5, 1805.


Drucilla and Alfred Wallace, Aug. 30, 1829.
Jesse [int Jessa] of New Salem, and Sally [int. Salla] Smith, Feb. 5, 1790.
Sally and Charles Harding, Aug. 2, 1821.


Alfred and Drucilla Walker, Aug. 30, 1829.


Caroline of Weston, and John Kingsbury Jr., int. Oct. 8, 1843.
Increase and Record Wheelocke, Oct. 3, 1672.*
James M. of Newton, and Mary Ann Grant, int. Nov. 11, 1843.


Adelaide Maria and David Cobb, Dec. 11, 183 1.
Betsee of Wrentham, and Leanord Fisher, May 10, 1792.*
Betsey, 22, d. Alvin and Polly, and Julius L. Johnson, May 20, 1844.
Eunice M. of Walpole, and David Plympton, int. May 23, 1840.
Expereance and Jeremiah Morse, Apr. 30, 1762.*
Jairus [int. Jairas] Esq. of Wrentham, and Sally Brastow, Feb. 13, 1810.
Philander of Franklin, and Hannah Plimpton, Oct. 14, 1817.*
Sally, Mrs., of Medway, and Joseph Breck, int. Apr. 10, 1824.


Ebenezer of Franklin, and Helen B. Whiting, int. Dec. 17, 1837.
John and Elizebeth Sheppard, Aug. 3, 1661.*
John and Peregrina Wheelocke, Oct. 26, 1669.*
John and Hannah Randall, Dec. 26, 1671.*


Abigail and John Bullard, Aug. 5, 1701.*
Experience and Daniel Thurstun, Dec. 28, 1699.*
Joseph and Experience Wheelocke, May 21, 1668.*
Mary and Joseph Lawrence, Apr. 24, 1707.*
Mehettabell and Gershum Brigham, May 18, 1703.*


Dorcas and Timothie Dwite, July 8, 1669.*
Louiza and Lewis Slocum, int. Oct. 15, 1837.


Nathan, Rev., and Elizabeth Pratt, Nov. 30, 1763.*


Daniel and Experience Clark, Apr. 18, 1734.*


John and Sarah Hammon, Nov. 4, 1674.*

WELD (see Wells)

Daniell and Marie Hinsdell, June 8, 1664.


Isaac of Walpole, and Lucinda Boyden, Feb. — , 1812.*

WELLS (see Weld)

Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Nov. 9, 1681.*


Samuel, Rev., of Needham, and Mrs. Priscilla Plimpton, Feb. 23, 1769.*


Mary and Joseph Boydon, Dec. 14, 1713.*

WHEELOCK (see Wheelocke, Whellock, Whelocke)

Abigail and Peter Cooledge, Apr. 12, 1723.*
Abigail and Lemuel Collock, Nov. 16, 1752.*
Eleazer and Sarah Plimpton, Mar. 17, 1790.
Elizebeth (Wheeloc[k]) and Elisha Smith, Jan. 15, 1699-1700.*
Ephraim and Miriam Bullen, Feb. 1, 1720-1.*
Ephraim, Dea., and Mary Ellis, wid., Nov. 21, 1755.*
Gershom and Abigail Adams, May 6, 1802.
Gershom and Priscilla [int. Prissilla] Mason, May 7, 1806.
Mary and David Clark, Oct. 14, 1703.*
Mehittabell and Benoni Partredge, July 14, 1709.*
Olive and Eliakim Morse Jr., Dec. 11, 1796.
Oliver and Elisabeth Newel [int Newell], Mar. 22, 1798.
Prescilla [int Percila] and Joel Gay, Oct. 5, 1789.
Priscilla [dup. Prisalla] and Silas Mason, Jan. 27, 1762.*
Samuel and Betsy Wight, int. Sept. 15, 1804.
Sarah and Josiah Rocket, Nov. 10, 1703.*
Sarah [int. adds Mrs.] and Capt. Samuel [int. Samuell] Sanger, Sept 22, 1789.
Seth and Susanna Jerauld, June 14, 1797.

WHEELOCKE (see Wheelock, Whellock, Whelocke)

Benjamin and Elizabeth Bullin, May 21, 1668.*
Eliazar and Elizabeth Fuller, CUiL i ,678, in Rehoboth*
Experience and Joseph Warren, May 21, 1668.*
Peregrina and John Warfield, Oct 26, 1669.*
Record and Increase Ward, Oct 3, 1672.*
Samuell and Sarah Kenricke, Apr. 3, 1678.*

WHELLOCK (see Wheelock, Wheelocke, Whelocke)

Gershem and Hanah Stoder, May 18, 1658.*

WHELOCKE (see Wheelock, Wheelocke, Whellock)

Mary and Joseph Miles, Jan. 28, 1662-3.*


Sarah of N. Providence, R.I., and Rev. Horatio N. Loring, int Oct 24, 1835.


Domingo and Sarah Alline, Jan. 15, 1666-7.*
Joseph and Prudence Smith, May 24, 1711.*
Marie [and] Benjamin Twichell, Apr. 5, 1683.*


Jeremiah and Charlotte Pierce, int. Mar. 28, 1828.


Helen B. and Ebenezer Warheld, int. Dec. 17, 1737.
Paulina S. of Newton, and Noah Allen, int. Dec. 3, 183 1.
Seth and Susanna [int. Susannah] Harding, Nov. 28, 1811.

WHITMORE (see Whittemore)

Elisebeth and Micah Bacar, Jan. 19, 1763.*

WHITNE (see Whitnee, Whitney)

Joshua and Hannah Rockett, Nov. 26, 1709.*

WHITNEE (see Whitne, Whitney)

Jonathan and Susanna Farbank, Jan. 14, 1700-1.*

WHITNEY (see Whitne, Whitnee)

Abigail H. and Elbridge G. Perry, Sept. 3 [1833].
George of Plainfield, and Miriam Hunt, int. Aug. 8, 1795.
Jesse of Framingham, and Rebecca Newell, Nov. 19, 1818.*
Lydia F. and Jotham D. Morse, Mar. 30, 1837.
Mary of Natick, and Solomon Parker, May 10, 1792.
Mary of Dedham, and Eli Smith, int May 4, 1805.

WHITTEMORE (see Whitmore)

Rebeckah, wid., of Walpole, and Jeremiah Day Jr., Apr. 9, 1778.*


Aaron of Dover, and Abigail Smith, June 19, 1800.
Abigail and [int. Lt] Moses Thompson, Mar. 31, 1785.
Abigail and John Shumway, int Apr. 9, 1818 [? 1813].
Amos, Capt, and Hannah Morse, Jan. 14, 1790.
Amos, Capt., of Dover [int. “of the District of Dover “], and Lavinia [int Lavina] Perry, June 27, 1811.
Arnold of Dover, and Mrs. Dolly Graves, June 13, 1827.*
Asa and Hannah Boyden, Dec. 12, 1771.*
Asa and Miriam [int. Mireim] Partridge, June 13, 1793.
Betsy and Samuel Wheelock, int. Sept 15, 1804.
Charles of Boston, and Prudence Adams, int Jan. 24, 1808.
Daniell and Lydia Eastee, Apr. 18, 1721.*
David and Catharine [dup. Catherine] Morse, June 19, 1760.*
Deborah and Thomas Boyden, Apr. 29, 1707.*
Ephaim and Lidia Morse, Mar. 2, 1667-8.*
Ephraim and Sarah Partredge, Sept. 14, 1702.*
Eunice and Enoch Adams, Nov. 3, 1763.*
Hannah and John Ellice, June 30, 1718.*
Hannah and Hosea King, Feb. 16, 1817.*
Horace of Holliston, and Caroline D. Chenery, Apr. 5, 1832.
John and Mary Plimton, Feb. 12, 1734-5.*
John and Elisebeth Reed, Mar. 24, 1762.*
Jonathan and Margaret Fairbank, Dec. 14, 1704.*
Jonathan Jr. and Sarah Plimpton, Nov. 22, 1732.*
Jonathan Jr. and Sarah Harding, Jan. 8, 1794.
Jonathan, Capt, and Clarisa Eames, int. May 9, 1824.
Lidia and Samuell Cooke, Apr. 27, 1681.*
Lidia and Nathanell Partredge, Nov. 24, 1686.*
Margaret and Joseph Fisher, Jan. 2, 1753.*
Marie and Joseph Clark, Apr. 8, 1686.*
Mary and Thomas Elice, May 21, 1657.*
Mary and Seth Wight Jr., Oct 30, 1772.*
Mercy and Edward Turner, Nov. 15, 1745.*
Miriam and Joseph Allin, Nov. 4, 1701.*
Moses and Sarah Tolman, Apr. 24, 1780.
Nahum and Abigail Bullard, int. Jan. 3, 1778.
Nathan and Abigail Adams, Apr. 18, 1799.
Nathaniel and Sarah Ellice, Mar. 3, 1703-4.*
Nathaniel and Mehittabel Hinsdel, Dec. 30, 1706.*
Olive and Samuel Cheney, May 15, 1766.*
Oliver and Rachel Clark, May 24, 1781.
Orion and Charlotte Adams, int. May 14, 1826.
Phebe and Elleazar Allen Jr., May 17, 1740.*
Ruth and Abraham Harding, Dec 2, 1715.*
Ruth and Samuel Fisher, Sept. 9, 1740.*
Samuell and Hannah Albie, Mar. 25, 1662-3.*
Samuell and Marie Pratt, May 12, 1687.*
Sarah and David Plimpton, Mar. 12, 1761.*
Sarah and Obed Hartshorn, July 22, 1790.
Seth and Sarah Prat, Mar. 10, 1740-1.*
Seth and Hannah Morse, Mar. 14, 1750-1.*
Seth Jr. and Mary Wight, Oct. 30, 1772.*
Silence, Mrs., and Daniel Adams, May 26, 1777.
Thankful and James Perrigo, Sept. 23, 1799.
Thomas and Lidia Peniman, Dec. [?] 7, 1665.*
William and Susana Bullard, Nov. 16, 1748.*


Silas W. of Dedham, and Caroline E. Bishop, int Apr. 17, 1842.


Emery A., 23, s. John and Mary, and Abby W. Newell, Apr. 6, 1848.*


Fanny of Mansfield, and Preston Boyden, int. July 6, 1823.
Joseph and Susannah Laurance, Nov. 15, 1710.*
William L., 23, b. Newport, R.L, s. William and Ann, and Lois S. Plimpton, Dec. 25, 1847.*


Almira of Marshfield, and Amos P. Kingsbury, int Aug. 11, 1833.

WILLSON (see Wilson)

Jered [int Jerud] and Cate Larwence, Apr. 22, 1784.
John of Dedham, and Joanna Morse, Dec. 25, 1729.*
Mary, Mrs. [int Wilson], and Nathan Clark, May 10, 1774.

WILSON (see Willson)

Elizabeth, Mrs., and Thomas Wells, Nov. 9, 1681.*
Michaell and Marie Hammon, Nov. 4, 1674.*
Susanna, Mrs., and Grindall Rawson, Aug. 30, 1682.*


Esther and Joshua Fisher, Apr. 23, 1674.*

WOOD (see Woode, Woods)

Hanna and John Harding, Nov. 28, 1665, in Watertowne.*
Hannah, Mrs., and Ebenezer Lyon [int Lion], Aug. 2, 1775.
Holland and Mrs. Mehitable Cheney, int Jan. 14, 1775.
Mehitabell and Joseph Morse, Oct 17, 1671.*
Milla Farrington of Franklin, and Charles Jordon, Feb. 4, 1828*
Sara and Thomas Bass, Oct. 4, 1660.*

WOODE (see Wood, Woods)

Mary and John Thurston, Oct. 4, 1660.*

WOODS (see Wood, Woode)

Alma L., 19, d. Reuben and Pamela, and Franklin Ellis, Oct. 17, 1849.*
Betsey B. and Lewis L. Sawin, int. Apr. 8, 1843.
Esther of Wallpole, and Elisha Turner, June 21, 1759*
James of Dedham, and Lucy Smith, Aug. 22, 1825.
John of Ashburnham, and Rebecca Draper, June 11, 1831.
Sarah [int adds H.] and Nathaniel Fairbanks, July 25 [1822].


Mary of Wrentham, and John Francis Quant, Dec. 8, 1785.*

Medfield, MA. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850. New-England historic genealogical society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903.

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