R Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records
* Intention not recorded. RANDALL Hanna and John Warfield, Dec. 26, 1671.* John and Marie Aldridg, Aug. 27, 1667.* RAWSON Edmund [int Edmond] of Uxbridge, and Rebeckah [int. Rebecca] Turner, Mar. 21, 1782. Grindall and Mrs. Susanna Wilson, Aug. 30, 1682.* REED Elisebeth of Dedham, and John Wight, Mar. 24, 1762.* RHOADES (see Rhodes) Joseph Jr. of Houghtonham, and Mrs. Mary Thebault, Dec. 30, 1773.* RHODES (see Rhoades) Mille [int. Milletiah Roads] of Walpole, and Benjmin [int. Benjamin] Plimpton, Sept. 5, 1784. RICE Elizabeth of Worcester, and John Swasey, int. Nov. 23, 1805. Thankfull of Brookheld, and Timothy Smith, int. … Read more