T Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

Last Updated on June 11, 2012 by Dennis

* Intention not recorded.


Peter of Uxbridge, and Elizabeth Cheney, Apr. 20, 1736*
Reuben of Mendon, and Sarah Steavnes, Apr. 13, 1819.*


Jabesh [? Jabez] and Deborah Turner, Nov. 18, 1668.*

TAYLER (see Taylor, Teyler, Teylor)

Mary and Benoni Smith, June 3, 1746.*
William and Marie Jonson, Nov. 15, 1671.*

TAYLOR (see Tayler, Teyler, Teylor)

Elizabeth of Stoughton, and Moses Bullard, Sept. 8 [1822].
Sarah and Ens. Edward Adams, Jan. 6, 1709-10.
Sarah and Eleazer Partridg, Apr. 11, 1715.*

TEYLER (see Tayler, Taylor, Teylor)

Hanna and James Lovett, Feb. 17, 1668-9.*

TEYLOR (see Tayler, Taylor, Teyler)

Hopestill and Mary Lovett, Feb. 17, 1668-9.*

THARE (see Thayer)

Huldah and Jacob Aldridg, June 25, 1675*
Jonathan and Elizabeth French, July 13, 1680.*


Sarah and Thomas Thurston, Dec. 13, 1655.*

THAYER (see Thare)

Elijah and Mary Hemenway, int. Dec. 10, 1825.
Emily and Hinsdale F. Bullard, int. May 26, 1839.
Frances P. of Boston, and Samuel Johnson Jr., int. May 10, 1839.


Ann, Mrs., and Elias Clark, Sept. 7, 1773.*
Joanna and John Craven, int. Sept. 9, 1778.
Mary, Mrs., and Joseph Rhoades Jr., Dec. 30, 1773.*

THOMPSON (see Thomson, Tomson)

Harriot and Willard Bullard, Mar. 22, 1812.*
Moses [int adds Lt.] of Medway, and Abigail Wight, Mar. 31, 1785
Sibbil and Henry Hatch, int July 18, 1807.

THOMSON (see Thompson, Tomson)

Abigail and Job Partridge, Oct. 8, 1724.*
Ebenezer and Dorothy Fairbank, May 11, 1713.*
Thomson, John and Sybiel [int. Sibil] Mason, Apr. 27, 1784.
Lemuel and Mrs. Nancy S. Thomson, int. Aug. 7, 1841.
Nancy S., Mrs., of Wrentham, and Lemuel Thomson, int. Aug. 7, 1841.


Charles and Lucinda Allen, int Jan. 21, 1828.

THURSTANE (see Thurston, Thurstun)

Hanna and Joseph Cheney, Mar. 12, 1667-8.*
Judith and Jonathan Treadway, Mar. 1, 1665-6.*

THURSTON (see Thurstane, Thurstun)

Daniel of Marlborough, and Miriam Allen, Oct. [torn], 1732.*
John and Mary Woode, Oct. 4, 1660.*
Mary and Seath Smith, Dec. 27, 166o.*
Thomas and Sarah Thaxter, Dec. 13, 1655.*

THURSTUN (see Thurstane, Thurston)

Daniel and Experience Warren, Dec. 28, 1699.*.
Daniel and Martha Allin, Oct. 15, 1705.*
Esther and Jonathan Boydon, Feb. 12, 1712-13.*
Mehettabel and Samuel Medcalf, Npv. 17, 1710.*
Sarah and Samuel Mors, Apr. 29, 1684.*
Thomas Jr. and Mehetabel Mason, July 23, 1685.* .


Eleazer P. and Catherine Smith, int. May 12, 1827.
Elizabeth Perry [int. Elisabeth P.] and Chancy Cloyes, Feb. 3, 1830.
Esther M. and Lowell Fisher, Nov. 20 [1823].
Hannah, Mrs., and Amos Kingsbury, Oct. 26 [1835].
Stephen of Stoughton, and Hannah Perry, Oct. 4, 1792.


Timothy, Ens., of Attleborough, and Ru[th] Partridge, May 27, 1730.*


Billings [int Tisdal] of Dedham, and Charlotte Ellis, Oct 25, 1780.
Elizabeth of Dover, and Moses Wadsworth, int. Oct 5, 1805.
James [int Tisdall], Capt, and Sybiel [int Syble] Clark, Jan. 30, 1785
Oileus Aurelius of Dover, and Louisa Harding, May 5, 1836.


Nehemiah of Wrentham, [and] Anne Barden, Feb. 10, 1755.*


Sarah of Nedham, and Moses Wight, Apr. 24, 1780.

TOMSON (see Thompson, Thomson)

Mehitabell and Samuell Howard, Nov. 28, 1666.*

TORIE (see Torrey)

Josiah and Mrs. Sarah Batt, May 5, 1680.*

TORREY (see Tone)

Abigail of Killingby, Conn., and Moses B. H. Bishop, int. May 14, 1843.


Esther and Ira Allen, Feb. 8, 1837.


Israel of Beverly, and Elisabeth Prentiss, int June 20, 1835


Jonathan and Judith Thurstane, Mar. 1, 1665-6*


Susan M. of Waltham, and Geo[rge] E. Allen, int. Mar. 23, 1844.


Eliab F. of Walpole, and Lucretia Mason, May 29, 1822.
Jeremiah of Wrentham, and Sarah Turner, May 24, 1792.


Phebe and W[illia]m Sayls, Apr. 21, 1817.*


Abner of Wallpole, and Abigail Smith, Nov. 14, 1754.*
Azube and Jesse Day, int. Sept. 4, 1778.
Bazeleel and Elisebeth Baker, May 10, 1747.*
Calvin and Sarah Adams, July 22, 1790.
Calvin, widr., 49, of Mendon, s. Calvin and Sarah A., and Isabella Adams, Apr. 4, 1849.*
Clarisa A and George E. Holbrook, Oct. 6, 1837.
Deborah and Jabesh [? Jabez] Tatman, Nov. 18, 1668.*
Ebenezer and Esther Clark, Jan. 23, 1715-16.*
Edward and Mercy Wight, Nov. 15, 1745.*
Edward of Walpole, and Hannah Fisher, June 7, 1763.*
Elisabeth of Boston, and Phineas Allen, int. Mar. 24, 1833.
Elisha of Wallpole, and Esther Woods, June 21, 1759.*
Elizabeth and Samuell Smith, Dec. 22, 1669.*
Esther, Mrs., and Simeon Hill, May 14, 1776.
George and Mrs. Ame Clark, Nov. 20, 1777.
Isaac and Rebeka Crafts, —- , 1682.*
Jacob and Lois Boyden, Jan. 23, 1783.
Jacob and Miriam [int Meriam] Morse, Sept. 29, 1791.
John and Sarah Adams, Jan. 10, 1677-8.*
John and Mary Fisher, Mar. 30, 1707-8.*
John and Esther Boyden, Sept 14, 1727.*
John of Sturbridge, and Silence Sm[ith], Dec. 10, 1750.*
John A. of Walpole, and Catharine Morse, June 23, 1829.
Joseph of Walpole, and [int. Mrs.] Jane Allen, Nov. 23, 1783.
Keturah [int Katurah] and Joseph Perry, Apr. 9, 1781.
Mary [int adds Mrs.] and Nathanael [Nathaniel] Stearns, Nov. 14, 1791.
Nathan of Walpole, and Mrs. [int omits Mrs.] Lydia Hill, June 19 [1823].
Priscilla of Wrentham, and Timothy Hamant, June 21, 1798.
Rachel, Mrs., and John Carpenter, Oct. 10, 1776.*
Rebeckah [int. Rebecca] and Edmund [int Edmond] Rawson, Mar. 21, 1782.
Rebekah and John Rockett, May 14, 1708.*
Samuel and Mary Rockett, Mar. 7, 1710-11.*
Samuel and Ruth Smith, June 25, 1752.*
Samuel and Lucinda Guile, int. Dec. 12, 1789.
Sarah and Jeremiah Tucker, May 24, 1792.
Seth and Mrs. Mary Cla[r]k, int. Mar. 17, 1775.
Simon of Wrantham [int. Wrentham], and Ame Cutler, Dec. 9, 1779
Steven and Judith Fisher, Nov. 22, 1712.*
Thankfull and David Clark, June 18, 1778.
Zilpha and Charles Hamant, int Apr. 12, 1807.

TWICHEL (see Twichell, Twitchel)

Abigail and Thomas Harding, Dec. 12, 1754.*

TWICHELL (see Twichel, Twitchel)

Benjamin [and] Marie White, Apr. 5, 1683.*
Bethiah and John Rockett, July 19, 1688.*
Elizbeth and William Allien, Feb. 15 [?], 1668-9.*
Hanna and Samuell Hill, Nov. 4, 1679.*
Marie and Josiah Rockett, May 9, 1677.*
Mary and Samuel Meuls [?], Feb. 3, 1684-5.*

TWITCHEL (see Twichel, Twichell)

Benoni and Hannah Allin, Apr. 18, 1705.*


Mary Elizabeth of Mendon, and Rev. Arthur Granger, int. Sept. 24, 1831.

Medfield, MA. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850. New-England historic genealogical society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903.

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