Sea Captains Salkins, John to Stacey, William

Salkins, John Adams
Bpt. May 23, 1783.

1805 Schooner “Molly.”
1808 Schooner “Ocean,” 131T.

Salter, Francis
Bpt. July 24, 1743.

1777 First Lieutenant Privateer Brig “Fancy,” captured and committed to Old Mill Prison, England. (Marblehead Historical Society, Paper No. 1447.)
1796 Ship “Nancy,” 246.T

Sargent, Francis
Born Mar. 21, 1779.

1805 Schooner “Alpha.” (Lost G. C.)

Searle, Curtis
Bpt. Mar. 8, 1747.

1807 Brigantine “Minerva.”

Selman, John

Captain of Company, Col. John Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment. Captain of the Schooner Franklin on the expedition to Quebec the first naval expedition of the Continental service.

The Ship “Snow” America, Capt. Archibald Selman
Original painting owned by Miss Mildred Bowden a great granddaughter.

Selman, Archibald
Born Oct. 4, 1747.

1795 Schooner “Deborah.”
1804 Brigantine “Ammy,” 157T.
1807 Brigantine “America.” (S. P.) Brigantine “America,” captured by the British Frigate “Shannon, crew imprisoned in Dartmoor Prison, England.

Drowned in Balboa River the 19th of August last by the upsetting of a passage boat, Capt. Archibald Selman of Marblehead commander of the Brigantine “America.” Salem Register Oct. 20, 1806.

Selman, Francis G.
Born July 7, 1782.

1806 Schooner “Adams.”
1807 Brigantine “America.” (S. P.)
1842 and 1843 Selectman.

Selman, Joseph
Born Jan 20, 1750.

1776 Private in Captain William Hooper’s Sea Coast Co.
1776 Matross in Captain Ed. Fettyplace’s Sea Coast Co.
1779 Second Lieutenant Brigantine “General Francis G. Selman Glover,” Capt. Samuel Houghton.
____ Prize Master Privateer Schooner “True Blue,” Capt. Wm Cole.
____ Lieutenant on Ship “Franklin.”
1790 Schooner “James,” 109T.
1790 Brigantine “Columbus.”

Shirley, Phares
Born Nov. 19, 1783.

1810 Schooner “Germantown.”
181 2 Schooner “Tom.”
1813 Schooner “Regulator,” 109T.
1813 Schooner “Rachel,” 71T.
1816 Brig “Mentor,” 128T.
1823 Brig “Hannah,” 53T.
1825 Schooner “John George.”
1826 Brig “Hardy,” 279T.

Shirley, Phares
Born May 30, 1813.

1832 Brig “Hardy,” 279T.

Skinner, Richard
Nov. 17, 1761.

1777 Seaman Brigantine “Massachusetts,” Capt. John Fisk.
1779 Seaman Brig “Phoenix,” captured and committed to Old Mill Prison, England.
1780 Seaman Ship “Mars,” Capt. Simeon Sampson.
1790 Schooner “Nancy,” 55T.
1790 Schooner “Tabby,” 72T.

Skinner, William
Born Mar. 11, 1763.

1780 Seaman Ship “Thorn,” Capt. Richard Cowell.
1801 Brigantine “Helen.”

Snow, John Picket
Bpt.July3, 1796

1821 Schooner “Cherub.”
Died in Gaudaloupe in 1821.

Ship “George West,” Capt. Jos. W. Snow, Jr.
Original painting owned by his son Win. B. Snow, Stoneham.

Snow, Joseph W. Jr.
Born April 12, 1829.

In 1853 Capt. Snow was mate of the Ship “Troubadour, Capt. Knott Pedrick, in 1854, mate of the Ship “Mercury,” Capt. Pedrick, making voyages between London, Akyah and Antwerp, in 1856 in the “Southern Belle,” Capt. F. Lewis. The ship caught fire on the Grand Banks, which landed him in New York with nothing but what he had on. His next voyage was in the “Belle of the Seas” built in Marblehead in 1857. In 1858 in the Ship “Gleaner,” Capt. Micajah Lunt remaining on her for ‘two years. In 1861, mate of the Ship “George West,” from Liverpool around Cape of Good Hope to Shanghai, returning via Singapore and Rangoon to Falmouth.

Taking command of the “George West” in 1862 in Holland, made a voyage to the East Indies, returning to Falmouth in 145 days, when it was decided to sell the ship on account of the risk from confederate cruisers. While on the passage to Liverpool to transfer the ship, ran deliberately into a deeply laden British East Indiaman to avoid being run down, snapping off her jib boom, leaving a jagged stump. Getting a tow into Liverpool the ship was transferred to British owners. In 1865, was first mate of the “Tennyson,” Capt. Edward Graves on a voyage to Calcutta and Bombay and Hong Kong. At Hong Kong he took command of the Barque “Zephyr,” lading with rice at Saigon for San Francisco, when she was sold. He then took command of the “Atlanta,” running up the coast with coal for Alaska, bringing back ice. He then made several voyages, bringing down lumber from Puget Sound.

In March 1870 Capt. Snow took the Barque “Sarah” to Honolulu, Phoenix, Ireland, and home around Cape Horn. While at Honolulu the American Guano Co., made him an offer to take charge of Baker’s Island, which he accepted; going back there and remaining a year. While there he came near being murdered by the natives, getting information in season from one of them, to enable him to escape.

He died in Newburyport, in 1911, age 81.

Snow, Samuel
Born Oct. 18, 1789.

1824 Schooner “Joseph,” 76T. (C. P.)

Smith, Francis
Bpt. Dec. 5, 1780.

Schooner “Mary.” 73T.
Schooner “Marblehead,” 106T.
Schooner “Hope.” (Condemned in 18H, G. C.)

Stacey, Benjamin
Bpt. Oct. 6, 1754.

1776 Private in Capt. Nathaniel Lindsey’s Co., raised to reinforce the Continental Army.
1807 Schooner “John,” 87T.
“Hannah.” (Condemned in 1818, G. C.)
“Good Intent.” (Condemned in 1812, G. C.)

Stacey, Elias H.
Born Feb. 15,1801.

1835 Schooner “Crescent.”
1836 Brig “Antares.”

Capt. Samuel Stacey’s Commission as Captain of the Privateer Schooner “Snow Bird” Original in possession of the Marblehead Historical Society

Ship “Sapphire,” Capt. Wm. Stagey
Cut loaned by Essex Institute

Stacey, Osman C.
Bpt. Sept. 13, 1795.

1836 Schooner “Crescent.”
Stacey, Richard
Representative in 1777.

Stacey, Samuel
Born Jan. 4, 1767.

1796 Schooner “Abigail.”
1796 Brigantine Sally,” 78T.
1800 Schooner “Rover,” 79T.
1803 Schooner “Catherine.”
1805 Schooner “Betsy.”
1809 Schooner “Hannah.”
1809 Schooner “Experiment.’
1810 Schooner “June,” 91T.
1810 Schooner “Germantown”
____ Privateer “Snow Bird.
____ Privateer Brig “Alfred.” (G. B.)

Stacey, William
Bpt. Aug. 27, 1797.

1812 On Privateer Brig “Alfred.”  (G. B.)
____ Ship “Elizabeth.”
____ Ship “Senator.”
1841 Brigantine “General Ryan.”
1849 Ship “Martha Cleaves.”
Ship “Sapphire.”

The Ship “Sapphire” for Apalachicola strikes in the dark, what is supposed to be a wreck in the Bahama Banks. The circumstance caused her to leak so badly that she was abandoned by her company the next day who took passage for Mobile. (Felt’s Annals, Vol. 2, P. 367.)

Capt Wm. Stacey like many another Marblehead boy. Was a sailor at a very early age, being on board a privateer during the war of 1812 only fifteen years of age; was captured by the English and taken to Dartmoor Prison and kept a prisoner for a number of years. At twenty-four was in command of a vessel, and continued for many years in that capacity in a number of ships.

Ship “Sapphire” Capt. Wm. Stacey, foundered in the West Indies, Mar.8, 1842 while on a voyage from Salem to Mobile.


Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915


Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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