Sea Captains Olimore, Samuel to Prince, John

Olimore, Samuel

1798 Schooner “Robin.”

Oliver, Isaac

1743 Schooner “Salem.” R. Hooper’s Letter Book.

Orne, E.

____ “Hiram.” (Captured G. C.)

Orne, Joseph
Bpt. June 14, 1717.

1776 Seaman on Privateer Schooner “Rover,” Capt. Abijah Boden.
1798 Brigantine “Mars,” 15’2T. Wrecked on coast of Nova Scotia in 1802. (Essex Institute Records.)
1799 Brig “Essex,” 170T.
1804 Ship “Essex,” 256T.

Oct. 30, 1806. News that Capt. Joseph Orne in the Ship “Essex” had arrived at Mocha with $60,000.00 to purchase coffee; that Mahomet Ikle commander of an armored ship persuaded him to trade at Hadido, and to take on board 30 of his Arabs to help navigate her thither, while his vessel kept her company; that on the approach of night, and at a concerted signal, the Arabs attacked the crew of the Essex, and Ikle laid his ship alongside; the result was the slaughter of Capt. Orne and all his men. The “Essex” was plundered and burnt. (Felts’ Annals, Vol. 2, P. 360.)

Orne, Joshua
Bpt. Dec. 1, 1771.

1792 Brigantine “Mary,” 116T.
1810 Brig “Washington.”
1811 Schooner “Miriam.”
1820 Brig “Traveler,” 150T.
1823 Brig “Henrico,” 224T.
____ Ship “Aeronaut.”

Orne, William B.
Bpt. Sept. 10, 1769.

1805 Barque “Pompey.”
1810 Schooner “Betsy.” (Condemned in 1812, G. C.)
1810 Schooner “Hannah.”
1812 Sloop “Endeavor,” 9 IT.
1815 Schooner “Success.”
1818 Ship “General Knox,” 266T.
____ Brigantine “Hope,” 116T. (Captured in 1812, G. C.)

Capt. Orne while in the “Betsy” was captured in the war of 1812, by the Frigate “Guerriere” and was on board of her, when she was captured by the “Constitution.” (See in Roads’ History account of the engagement.)

Paramore, Robert

1743 Snow “Bilboa.” (R. Hooper’s Letter Book.)

Pattin, John
Bpt. Aug. 19, 1753.

1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment. Capt. Thos. Grant.
1789 Schooner “St. Peter,” 65T.
1791 Schooner “Industry,” 86T.

Pattin, John U.
Bpt. Mar. 9, 1783.

1806 Schooner “Union,” 82T.
1809 Schooner “Oriental,” 84T.
1810 Brigantine “Oriental,” 102T.

Pedrick, Knott Jr.
Bpt. Oct. 23, 1768.

1792 Schooner “Polly,” 65T.

Pedrick, Knott
Born Sept. 4, 1810

____ Ship “Pluto.”
____ Ship “Empire.”
1852 Ship “Emperor.”
1853 Ship “Troubadour.”
1854 Ship “Mercury.” Ship “National Eagle.”

Ship “Troubadour” was lost on Berry Island, one of the Bahamas in 1854. Peter Martin first mate, Jos. W. Snow, second mate.

Pedrick, John
Born April 15, 1780, or Sept. 4, 1787.

1804 Schooner “Polly,” 63T.
____ Schooner “Diligent.”

Schooner “Diligent” was captured in 1812 by Privateer Sloop “Polly,” and commissioned as a Privateer same year. (Essex Institute Records.)

Pedrick, John 4th.

Barque “Packet.” (Lost G. C.)
1804 Schooner “Polly,” 63T.

The Barque “Packet,” Pedrick of Marblehead, captured by Danish privateers was bought off by the Captain for $500, being the first tried, and the only one released of 25 sail of Americans, taken into Christiansand. (Salem Gazette, Aug. 22, 1809.)

Pedrick, John B.
Born Feb. 28, 1812.

Brigantine “E. Randall.”

Pedrick, Joseph
Born Oct. 16, 1776, or Oct. 5, 1777.

1805 Schooner “Success,” 83T.
1807 Schooner “Sally,” 69T.
1809 Brigantine “Joseph,” 161T.

Ship’s Protest Of The Brigantine “Joseph.”

By this public instrument of Protest be it made known to all whom it may or shall concern, that I, Joseph Pedrick, commander of the Brigantine called the “Joseph” of Marblehead in the State of Massachusetts, one of the United States of America, and sailed from Charleston, So. Carolina on the seventh day of May in the year 1810 for the port of Gottenberg in Sweden with a cargo of Sugar, Cotton and Logwood. Sometime after leaving the Pilot we experienced bad weather, and during the passage the vessel rolling considerably shipped many heavy seas, which cause we have reason to believe the – is damage, the date of the gails I cannot quite give as our Log Book is taken from us. On the Seventeenth of July made the Nase of Norway, bearing North North East; at five o’clock saw a boat coming of from the Land which hoisted Danish colours and fired a gun, on discovery of which the Deponent hove two. Being about 20 miles to the Westward of the Nase, wholy unsuspicious of any molestation or interruption more especially from subjects of her Majesty, King of Denmark, as the Deponent was bound to a Port in friendship with said nation and possessing every Document to Prove the Legality of the Voyage and Neutrality of the Property. On there boarding him he readily showed every Paper to the Captain, and although he acknowledged they appeared correct, yet said he must take him into port for further investigation; accordingly carried said Brig “Joseph” with the “Deponent” into the Port of Egwog where he was kept until July 20 that which time they removed said “Deponent” with his vessel to Fahrsund, when on the twenty-first day the “Deponent” with his mate were taken Before the Court for Examination, and on the next day the Second Mate and people attended the same place, for the same purpose, and on the 25th of July the usual inventory was made on Board By the Court. The only reason for our Detention is our Being Bound to Gottenberg a Port Blockaded by the British.

Now know ye all men that I, Joseph Pedrick, Commander of the Brig “Joseph” of Marblehead, as well in my own name as for and in the behalf of the name and names of all and every other person or persons whom this may or shall concern. Do hereby Protest that the Loss, Damage and injury of all and every kind whatsoever which already hath or may hereafter bee suffered or incurred. By the said Brig or vessel called the “Joseph” or which may have happened or shall hereafter happen to her cargo or any part thereof, it may not be insputable or chargeable to me or any of the Briggs Crew, but to the causalities of Wind and Weather, and Capture or any other accident herein Described and the unavoidable consequence thereof, and therefore that the said Damage or loss or injury may as in justice it ought to Be Borne paid and sustained by the Owners, Freighters, Insurances and all others concerned in the said Brig goods or Cargo Shipped on Board said Brig, the Captors, The Captain, Officers, Owners and Crew and all and every person or persons concerned in the privateer; Viz for Detention, Loss of Market, damage by water, fire. Pilferage or otherwise. And I do further Demand the Sum of One Hundred Spanish milled Dollars paid me Day by Day for Demurrage as Long as the Vessel is detained in any Port of Norway By the said Captors.

From Capt. Joseph Pedrick’s Note Book owned by the Marblehead Historical Society.

Pedrick, Richard
Born Feb. 8, 1772.

1803 Brigantine “Mentor,” P28T. (Jr.)
1816 Schooner “William,” 141T.
1820 Ship “William.” (See Philip C. Homan.)
1823 Brigantine “Washington,” 168T.
1827 Ship “Two Brothers.”

Log of the Ship “Two Brothers” from Boston to Mocha in the Red Sea.

Remarks. Wednesday, Jan. 24, 1827. Commences with light breezes and pleasant, standing in for the island (Tristan de Achuna), at 3 P.M., a boat come on board from the isle with a few fresh fish and potatoes; at 4 the boat went on shore with 3 casks for water then wore ship to the N. W., there is about 15 inhabitants with cattle on this isle. At midnight tacked ship in shore the island bearing by compass S S E ½ E dist. 9 leagues, at 7 A.M., the boat came on board with six casks of water and 15 bushels of potatoes and fowls, for which they received bread, beef, etc., at 10 A.M., left them. At meridian the island bore W ¾ S by compass.
Log Book in possession of Marblehead Historical Society.

Pedrick, Richard Jr.
Born May 7, 1712.

1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment, Capt. Joel Smith.
1796 Brigantine “Fox.”

Pedrick, Thos.

1800 Brigantine “James,” 136T.
1802 Schooner “Hawk,” 90T. (Lost G. C.)
1803 Brig “Olive Branch,” 120T.

Pedrick, Thomas
Born Sept. 26, 1790.

1826 Ship “President,” (C. P.)
1836 Schooner “Ceres.”

Pierson, William

Ship “Ranger.”

Pitman, John
Born Aug. 15, 1739.

1785 Schooner “Polly,” 71T.
1788 Brigantine “Peggy,” 167T.
1791 Schooner “Industry,” 120T.
Schooner “Industry” was altered to a brigantine in April, 1792.

Pitman, John
Born Nov. 22, 1789.

1812 Seaman Privateer Schooner “Dolphin.”
1824 Schooner “Hannah.”
1840 Schooner “Phoetus,” 105T.
1840 Schooner “William,” 80T.

Pratt, Asa

1821 Brigantine “Mary.” (S. P.)

Pratt, Cornelius

1821 Brig “Mary.” (S. P.)

Pousland, William
April 20, 1766, or Oct. 12, 1766.

1795 Schooner “Industry,” 86T.
1796-1797 Schooner “Wilham,” 123T.
Marblehead Marine Society, 1798.

Prentiss, John Bubier
Born Mar. 14, 1770.

1802 Schooner “Sally,” 74T.
1803 Schooner “Hannah.”
1803 Schooner “Alpha.”
1805 Schooner “Two Sons,” 88T.
1806 Schooner “Hiram,” 97T.
1810 Schooner “Ann.”
1817 Ship “Orris.”

Died at Point Petre Guadaloupe, master of Ship “Orris,” April 9, 1817. (M. V. S.)

Prentiss, John

1859 Schooner “Californian,” 50T.

Prentiss, Joshua
Born 1744

1799 Schooner “Harmony,” 82T.
1804-1833 Town Clerk.

Prentiss, Joshua Jr.
Born Sept. 26, 1766.

Drowned in New York Harbor in 1827.
1810 Brig “Good Intent.”
1822 Schooner “Midas,” 78T. (S. P.)

The Brig “Good Intent,” Prentiss, 84 days from Terragona, with brandy and wine, went ashore near Race Point on Tuesday eve, last; vessel somewhat damaged, but cargo and all hands saved. (Salem Gazette, Nov. 7, 1809.)

Prentiss, Joshua 3d.
Born Aug. 31, 1790.

 Died in Havana in 1817. (M. V. S.)
____ Ship.

Prentiss, Samuel H.
Born July 24, 1829.

1852 Barque “Glen.”

Prince, Henry Jr.

____ Ship “Oscar.”

Prince, John
Bpt. Jan. 4, 1762.

1782 Seaman on Ship “St. Helena.”
1790 Schooner “Hope,” 59T.
1791 Schooner “Catherine.”
1795 Schooner “Betsy.”
1795 Schooner “Philanthropist,” 92T.
1800 Brigantine “Philanthropist,” 113T.
1803 to 1810 – 1815 to 1821, 1823 to 1825 Selectman.

Affidavit of Capt. John Prince, June, 1839

I, John Prince, of Marblehead, in the county of Essex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, do on my oath testify and declare, that I am in the Seventy-eighth year of my age; that I took an active part in the War of the Revolution in the Revolutionary service and was also in a Corps of Volunteers in 1778 and marched to, and served for, a term in Rhode Island under the late Col. William R. Lee; that I, was nine cruises in the course of said War, on board of privateers and Letters of Marque, that I was also one of those prisoners of the British Sloop of War “Lively,” leader and adviser of them, who rose upon that vessel in November, 1782, and captured her, and carried her safely into the Havana where we sold her for $22,000. I was well acquainted with the character of many of the American Cruisers of the said War, and among the rest the Brigantine “General Gates, “John Skimmer, Esq., commander, and I have always understood and believed that the said Brigantine “General Gates” when commanded by said Skimmer was a public Continental Vessel, and I am fully persuaded of that fact, and have not the least doubt of it whatever.
Signed: John Prince.
Witnessed by James Gregory.

(Among papers sent to Washington, as evidence of the public character of the Brigantine “General Gates.” Now in possession of the Marblehead Historical Society, No. 3593.)


Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915


Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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