Sea Captains Bessom Phillip to Bridgeo, John

Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by Dennis

Bessom, Philip
Bpt. July 13, 1760.

Selectman in 1806-1807, 1808-1809, 1810-1814.
1790 Schooner “Peacock,” 64T.
1792 Schooner “Patty,” 7lT. (P. B. Jr.)
1795 Ship “Betsy,” 218T. (P. B. Jr.)
1798 Schooner “Hannah,” l0lT.
1811 Brigantine “Comet.”
1812 Ship “Catherine,” 281T.
1812 Private Brigantine “Alfred” and Schooner “Tomahawk.” (G. B.)
1814 Brigantine “Doris,” a captured prize.
1815 Brigantine “Legal Tender,” a captured prize.
1816 Ship “Elizabeth,” 352T. 1818 Brigantine “Dido.”
1822 Brigantine “Plant,” 208T.
1826 Brigantine “Perseverance,” 215T.
1828 Schooner “Ploughboy,” 98T.

Image Ship “Recovery” Capt. Francis Blacker
From a painting by Wm. Ward in 1799, loaned by Essex Institute

Blackler, Francis
Bpf. July 19, 1789.

1811 Schooner “Liberty,” 86T.
1816 Ship “Recovery.”
1817 Brigantine “Chance/’ 235T.
____ Ship “Shylock.”
1824 Ship “Java.” (S. P.)
1833 Ship “Bashaw.”
1835 Ship “Junior.”

The “Recovery” visited Mocha in 1798, and is said to have been the first American vessel to visit Arabia. Built in Salem in 1794. Sold to Boston owners in 1811.

1839 Ship “George Cabot.”

Ship “George Cabot” of Boston, Francis Bladder, Master, sailed from Matanzas, Aug. 22 last for Cowes, and has not since been heard from. Capt. B. and his first officer named Adams, belonged to Marblehead. The crew are supposed to have shipped in different distant ports, as the ship had been absent from Boston a long time. The G. C. cargo of 2400 boxes of sugar, on which, as well as upon the freight and vessel, there was insurance of $75,000. Also $5,000 on vessel in Marblehead.  Salem Register, May, 1840.

Blackler, John Chipman

1803 Brigantine “Ruthy,” 148T.
1815 Brigantine “Washington,” 168T.
____ Ship “Betsy,” 218T.

Blackler, Henry
Bpt. Sept. 25, 1791.

1811 Schooner “Hero,” 105 T.
1815-21 Brigantine “Ruthy,” 148T.
Died in Martinico, Capt. of Brigantine “Ruthy.”

Blackler, Samuel
Bpt. Oct. 8. 1786.

1826 Schooner “Alpha.” 1834 Ship “Bashaw.”
1838 Schooner “Echo.”

Blackler, Samuel R.
Born Nov. 17, 1805.

1830 Brigantine “Byron.”

Blackler, Ward

1804 Ship “Laurel,” 425T.
1808 Brigantine “Washington,” 168T.
1815 Schooner “Tyger.”
Died on Schooner Tyger in 1815, on passage to Martinico.

Blackler, William Jr.
Bpt. April 19, 1767.

1790 Schooner “Dolphin.”
1793 Schooner “Molly,” 47T.
1796 Schooner “John,” 111T.
1798 Brigantine “Cicero,” 139T.
1804 Brigantine “Washington,” 168T.
____ “Hero.” Condemned in 1815. (G. C.)

Blackler, William G.
Bpt. Jan. 1, 1804.

1829 Brigantine “Envoy.”
1831 Ship “Florence.”
1849 Selectman.

Blaney, William
Bpt. Dec.30,1744.

1776 Corporal in Capt. Nathaniel Lindsey’s Co., raised to reinforce the Continental Army.
1792 Schooner “Peacock.”
The Schooner “Peacock” was captured in Sept. 1793, on passage from Martinique, by the English Brigantine “Argus,” taken into a British port and condemned as a prize.

Boden, Benjamin
Bpt. June 20, 1742, or July 27, 1746.

Drowned on Passage to Bilboa, (M. V. S.)
1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment, Capt. Wm. Blackler.
1778 Seaman on Privateer “General Lincoln.”
1779 Capt. Letter of Marque “Freemason,”
1781 Seaman Ship “Grand Turk.”

In Nov. 1779, the Letter of Marque, “Freemason,” was captured by a British Sloop of War fifteen guns. Capt. Boden, the second mate and a boy were left on the Brigantine, “Robert Wormstead,” and the rest of the crew kept on the British Sloop, handcuffed and thrust in the hold. The next day they rose on the sloop, captured her, and bearing down on the “Freemason,” ordered her to surrender and strike her colors much to the delight of Capt. Boden. This being successful, Capt. Boden was made Prize Master and ordered into Gaudaloupe where she was sold, the crew of the British Sloop being sent to prison.

“Wormstead” in command of the privateer returned to Marblehead. See Road’s History.

Boden, John
Bpt. November 1,1772.

1804 Brigantine “Lydia,” 152T.
1810 Schooner “Miriam.”
1816 Schooner “Tiger.”
1819 Schooner “Joseph.”
____ Schooner “Bee.”
____ Schooner “Thorn.”
____ Schooner “Somers.”
____ Schooner “General Jackson.”
____ Schooner “Hope.”

Capt. Boden during the war of 1812 commanded a privateer owned by W. Gray of Salem, was captured and imprisoned in Dartmoor Prison.

While on his last voyage engaged aloft fixing a spar, he fell, breaking his leg, which was set by the mate. Putting into Dundee, Scotland, he left his vessel in charge of the mate and returned home.
Later he was an officer in the U. S. Custom House holding the position until the election of Andrew Jackson.

Boden, Samuel
Bpt. Dec. 13, 1761.

1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment; Capt. Nicholson Broughton.
1781 Seaman Ship “Grand Turk.”
1795 Schooner “Richard and Edward.”
1802 Brigantine “William and Henry.”

Bowden, John
Bpt. April 30, 1786.

Schooner “Meriam,” 82T.
This may be John Boden.

Bowden, Michael
Bpt. Feb. 6, 1780.

1805 Schooner “Sally,” 68T.
1807 Brigantine “Venus,” 137T.
1820 Schooner “Four Sisters.”
1821 Schooner “Romp.”

Boyles, Thomas
Bpt. Oct. 28, 1744.

1790 Schooner “Polly.”

Bray, Benjamin
Bpt. Jan. 15, 1775

1805 Ship “Harvard.”
Drowned off Braces Cove, coming from India. (M. V. S.)

Bray, Edmund

1792 Schooner “Prudentia,” 65T.
1794 Sloop “Despatch.”
1795 Brigantine “Mercury,” 119T.
1798 Schooner “Hannah,” 79T.
1803 Schooner “Eleanor.”
1805 Brigantine “Orient,” 187T.
1816 Brigantine “Elizabeth.”
____ “Constitution.” (Lost G. C.)

Bray, Edmund
Bpt. Nov. 6, 1798.

1820 Ship “Ganges.”
____ Ship “Columbus.”

Bray, Knott P.
Bpt. May 13, 1804.

1828 Brigantine “Hope.”
1831 Brigantine “Hindu.”
1833 Ship “Israel.”
1835 Ship “Samarang.”
1841 Barque ”Mary Broughton.”
1844 Ship “Chile.””
1801 Brigantine “C. H. Jordan.”

Bray, Daniel Jr.

1810 Brigantine “New Hazard.”
____ Brigantine “Canton.”
____ Snow “Mary.” Altered to a Barque of 189T in 1802.
____ Ship “Exeter,” 291T.

Bray, John
Born May I3, 1801.

1824 Brigantine “Otter.”

Bray, John Waite

Bpt. May 19, 1799. 16

Bridgeo, John
Son of Capt. Philip Bridgeo

____ Ship “Mary.”
____ Barque “Hellespont.”
____ Brigantine “Erie.”

Ship “Mary” Capt. John Bridgeo
Built in Marblehead in 1854. Picture painted by Wm. York, 1879

Forced to leave school at 13 years of age, going to the Grand Banks in a fishing vessel. At 22 was skipper of the Marblehead, in 1854 of the “John Phillips,” continuing in the fishing business until 36 years old, making trips in winter to Spain and West Indies, when he took command of the Ship “Mary,” built in Marblehead. He commanded this ship until the Civil War, when she was sold in London. While in the “Mary,” in 1858, struck on a coral reef on the Bahama Islands. The inhabitants of the Keys came off prepared to wreck the ship as was their custom, but Capt. Bridgeo and his crew succeeded in getting her off much against their opposition and attempt at bribery, taking her into New Orleans, receiving a handsome reward from the owners and under-writers for his successful work.
His next command was the Barque “Hellespont,” engaged in the African trade.

John Bridgeo, first mate of the Ship “Southern Cross,” 1855-56 lost on the Grand Banks.

A true type of old Marblehead stock Capt. Bridgeo possessed to a marked degree all those rugged qualities which have made the race famous. He died in Marblehead in 1895, aged 76. 


Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915

Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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