Prominent British Bakers, Past Generations

Last Updated on April 5, 2013 by

ALEXANDER BAKER: (1582-1638); Jesuit; b. in Norfolk; entered Society of Jesus, 1610; visited India as a missionary; left a manuscript in defense of the doctrine of regeneration by baptism as held by Catholics.

ANNE ELIZABETH: (1786-1861); philologist; assisted her brother, George Baker, in his “History of Northamptonshire”; published, “‘Glossary of Northamptonshire Woods”.

ANSELM: (1834-1885); artist; Cistercian monk at Mount St. Bernard’s Abbey, Leicestershire, 1857; executed rural paintings and designed heraldic and other illustrations for several publications.

CHARLES: (1617-1679); jesuit; entered English College at Rome, 1638; victim to the Oates plot persecution; arrested while praying to say mass, tried and condemned to death for the priesthood at the Monmouth assizes; executed at Usk, August 27.

DAVID: in religion, Augustine; (1575-1641); Benedictine monk; educated at Christ’s Hospital, London, and Broadgates; member of Lincoln’s Inn, and Inner Temple; spiritual director of English for Benedictine nuns at Cambrai, 1624; left collection for ecclesiastical history.

DAVID ERSKINE: (1730-1767); writer on the drama; grandson of Daniel Defoe; educated in the Tower as a royal engineer; joined a company of players; published “Companion to Playhouse”, 1764; wrote and translated dramatic pieces.
FRANKLIN: (1800-1867); Unitarian divine; educated at Glasgow; minister of Bank Street Chapel. His works include a history of nonconformity in Balton (1854).
GEOFFREY: (fl. 1350); chronicler; wrote two chronicles, of which the earlier and shorter extends from the first day of creation to 1326, and the second from 1303 to 1356.
GEORGE: (1540-1600); surgeon; member of Barber Surgeon’s Company; master, 1597; attached to household of Earl of Oxford; wrote and translated several works on surgery and medicine, 1574-97.

SIR GEORGE: (1722-1809); physician; educated at Cambridge; fellow, 1745; M.D., 1756; F.C.G., 1757; T.R.S. baronet, and physician to king and queen, 1776; published medical works, including a demonstration that the Devonshire colic epidemic was a form of lead-poisoning.

GEORGE: (1773-1847); musician; studied music in London, and performed in public; mus. B., Oxford, 1797; organist at Derby, 1810, and at Rugeley, 1824-47; his best work is “The Storm”.

HENRY: (1734-1766); author and lawyer; grandson of Daniel Defoe; left legal writings in manuscript; buried in the churchyard of St. Mary-leStrand; published “Essays Pastoral and Elegiac”.

HENRY: F.R.S.; (1698-1774); naturalist and poet; b. in Chancery Lane; wrote verse during early period of his life; later made a large fortune as a teacher of deaf and dumb by an original system; 1744 awarded the Copley medal for his microscopical experiments on the crystallisations and configurations of saline particles; property and manuscripts bequeathed to his s., William.

HENRY AARON: (1753-1836); Irish architect; secretary of Royal Hibernian Academy; teacher of architecture in Dublin Society’s School; gained first prize for a design for converting the Irish parliament house into a bank.

SIR HENRY WILLIAM: (1821-1877); hymn writer, s. of Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Loraine Baker; educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, vicar of Monkland, 1851; promoted and edited “Hymns Ancient and Modern”, 1861; translated Latin hymns.

HUMPHREY: (fl. 1562-1587); arithmetician and astrologer; published “The Wellspring of Sciences”, 1562, and other mathematical writings; translated from French a little book entitled “The Rules” touching the use of the common almanacs.

SIR JOHN: (d. 1558); lawyer; joint ambassador to Denmark, 1526; speaker of House of Commons, attorney-general and privy-councillor; chancellor of exchequer 1545-58.
JOHN: (d. 1745); vice-master of Trinity, Cambridge; M.A., Trinity College; D.D., 1717; rector of Dickleburgh, Norfolk; firm supporter of Dr. Richard Bentley.
JOHN: (1771); flower painter; decorated coaches; member of the Royal Academy.

JOHN WYNN: (d. 1775); agricultural and economist; connected with Dublin Society; established a factory for making implements of husbandry; promoted agriculture in Ireland; published works on rural and agricultural economy.

PACIFICUS: (1695-1774); Franciscan friar; discharged with credit the offices of procurator; twice elected provincial of English province; published many religious works.

PHILIP, D. D.: (fl. 1558-1600); provost of King’s College; b. in Devonshire; educated at Eton; held church livings and cathedral appointments; vicechancellor of Cambridge University; compelled to fly to Louvian owing to his Roman Catholic leanings, 1570.

SIR RICHARD: (1568-1645); religious and historical writer; studied law at London; traveled abroad; knighted, 1603; published religious writings and a chronicle of the kings of England from the Roman period to 1625.

RICHARD: (1741-1818); theological writer; M.A. Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1765; D.D. 1788; rector of Cawston-with-Portland, Norfolk, 1772; author of a number of books.

ROBERT: (fl. 1563); voyager; made two voyages to Guinea, of which he wrote accounts in verse, printed in Haklyut’s “Voyages”, 1589.

SAMUEL: (d. 1660?); divine; pensioneer of Christ’s College; D.D., 1639; prebendary of St. Paul’s 1636; canon of Windsor, 1638, and of Canterbury, 1639; sequestered from preferment by long parliament.

SIR SAMUEL WHITE: (1821-1893); traveler and sportsman; brother of Valentine; visited Ceylon, 1846 and 1848; established colony at Mewera Eliya; superintended construction of railway connecting Danube with Black Sea; travelled in Asia Minor, 1860-1; explored Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, 1861-2; received gold medal of Royal Geographical Society; knighted, 1866; published an account of expedition, 1866; accompanied Prince of Wales to Egypt and Nile, 1869; opposed slave trade; published “Ismailia”, 1874.

THOMAS: (1625-1689); mathematician, educated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford; vicar Bishop’s Nympton, Devonshire, 1681; published book on the solution of biquadratic equations.

THOMAS: (1656-1740); antiquary; educated at Durham; received living of Long Newton; resigned fellowship owing to non-compliance with abjuration oath, 1717, but resided in college as commoner master till death; left in manu script a very complete and accurate history of Cambridge, with other antiquarian writings.
SIR THOMAS: (1771-1845); vice-admiral; entered navy, 1781; captured Danish merchant vessels convoyed by frigate on suspicion that they carried contraband, and occasioned coalition of Russia and Denmark in armed neu trality; attached to channel fleet, 1803; colonel of marines, 1819; commanderin-chief of South America, 1829-33.

THOMAS BARWICK LLOYD: (1807-1886); founder of reformatory school system; entered Lincoln’s Inn, 1828; magistrate for Gloucestershire, 1833; high sheriff, 1847-1848; founded Hardvicke reformatory school; did much work in connection with prevention of crimes.

VALENTINE: afterwards known as Baker Pacha; (1827-1887); cavalry officer; served in Kaffir War 1822; entered Egyptain service and commanded police, 1882-7; published works on military subjects.

WILLIAM: (1668-1732); bishop of Norwich, Bangor, 1723; warden, Wadham College, Oxford.

WILLIAM: (1742-1785); printer; apprenticed and subsequently in business in London; linguist and classical scholar; published essays.

SIR WILLIAM ERSKINE: (1808-1881); general; lieutenant in Bengal engineers, 1826; captain, 1840; served in Sikh war; military secretary to India Office; K.C.B., 1870.





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