Old Norfolk County Massachusetts Records

Last Updated on August 15, 2013 by Dennis

May 17, 1654, Jno Ward of Haverhill and wife Alice conveyed to Elizabeth Lilford of Haverhill (wife of Tho: Lilford) 4-acre house lot. Wit: Richard Littlehale and Rich: Ormsby. Ack. before Tho: Wiggin May 15, 1658.

April 22, 1659, Robert Swan of Haverhill and wife Elizabeth, for £r6, conveyed to John Jonson of Haverhill 6 acres of houselot I bought of Mathias Button, bounded by Theophilus Satchwell, etc. Wit: Richard Littlehale and Mary Littlehale. Ack. before Symon Bradstreet Oct. 13, 1661.

Oct. 12, 1661, Obadiah Eyer (his mark) of Haverhill and wife Hannah, for £5 l0s., conveyed to John Jonson of Haverhill 4 acres in flaggy meadow, bounded by Edward Clarke and Jno Eyer. Wit Richard Littlehale and Mary Littlehale. Ack. before Simon Bradstreet Oct. 13, 1661.

April 21, 1659, William Simons (also Simmons) (his M mark) of Haverhill and wife Elizabeth, for £8 10s., conveyed to John Jonson of Haverhill 3 acres of houselot I bought of Theophilus Satchwell, bounded by Daniel Ladd, etc. Wit: Richard Littlehale and Mary Littlehale. Ack. before Simon Bradstreet Oct. 13, 1661.

April 19, 1661, James Davis, sr., (his mark) and wife Cisley (her mark) of Haverhill, for £10, conveyed to George Brown of Haverhill 2 acres of my houselot on the side next grantee’s houselot. Wit: Richard Littlehale and Mary Littlehale. Ack. before Symon Bradstreet Oct. 17, 1661.

Thomas Barnet (signed Barnerd; also spelled Barnard) of Salisbury, husbandman, conveyed to Richard Currier of Salisbury, planter, 24 acres of upland in Salisbury new town, bounded by John Eyer, sr., now in possession of grantee, widow Willix (formerly wife of Tho: Hauxworth) and Merrimack river, April 5, 1662. Wit : Sam : Dalton and Willi White. Ack. in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

April 8, 1662, Tho: Carter (his mark) of Salisbury, planter, for 25s., conveyed to Anthony Stanian of Hampton, yeoman, my interest in the farm that Salisbury bought of Sam: Hall gent; and rights belonging to it, except 2 acres of meadow formerly granted to me within the bounds of said farm. Wit: George Broughton, Sam: Hall and Tho: Bradbury, jr. Ack. by grantor, his wife releasing dower, in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo 1662.

March 12, 1661-2, Robert Clements of Haverhill, cooper, and wife Elizabeth, for £30, conveyed to John Jonson of Haverhill house and lot I bought of Thomas Perrie, the houselot containing 3½ acres, bounded by John Williams, sr., Daniel Ladd, Bartholemew Heath and highway; 2½ acres in hether north meadow, bounded by goodman Satchwell and goodman Littlehale; 2 acres of meadow at Spickett, bounded by river; 5 acres of accommodations; the second division lying on the north side of the great pond being 20 acres; and the third division being 60 acres (probably bought of Mr. Juett or his executors). Wit: James Pecker and Joseph Davis. Ack. in court at Salisbury 8 : 2 mo : 1662. Robert Clements and John Carlton, both of Haverhill, bond to John Jonson of Haverhill to defend title against Jerrime Jewitt and Phillip Nelson, March 12, 1661-2. Wit: James Pecker and Joseph Davis. Ack. in court 8: 2mo: 1662

March 14, 1661-2, Robert Clements and wife Elizabeth of Haverhill conveyed to Willi: Deale of Haverhill 7 acres of upland, bounded by ye common, little river, etc., for two commonages said Deale bought of George Corlis. Wit: Theophilus Satchwell and Robert Swam. Ack. in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

Richard Currier of Salisbury, planter, conveyed to Tho: Barnard of Salisbury, husbandman, upland on Merrimack river in Salisbury April 5, 1662. Wit: Sam: Dalton and William White. Ack. by R. C., his wife Ann releasing dower, in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

James George (his E mark) of Salisbury, planter, for 45s., conveyed to Richard Currier 24 acres of upland in Salisbury new town, bounded by Jno. Hoyt, jr., William Osgood and Merrimack river, April 5, 1662. Wit: Sam: Dalton and Thomas ffowler. Ack. by grantor (his wife surrendering dower) in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

Jarrett Haddon (his mark) and wife Margerite (her mark) (called Mary also) of Salisbury, planter, conveyed to John Eyer of Haverhill, husbandman, 2 lots of sweepage, one of 3 acres and 66 rods, being formerly of Henry Brown, and bounded by Will: Sargent and Anthony Colby (formerly of Mr. Sam Winsley), the other of 2 acres and 16 rods, being formerly of Vallentine Rowell, and bounded by Jno. Dickison and Anthony Colby (formerly of Mr. Sam Winsley), April 9, 1662. Wit: Thomas Barnard and Henry Green. Ack. in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

April 8, 1662, widow Elliner Hooke of Salisbury, by Sam: Hall, her agent, for 34s., conveyed to Anthony Stanian of Hampton, yeoman, her interest in the farm that Salisbury bought of Sam: Hall gent, except 2 acres of meadow granted to her within the bounds of the farm. Wit: Georg: Broughton and Thomas Bradbury, jr. Ack. by Mr. Sam: Hall, agent for Mrs. Ellinr Hooke, in court in Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

March 6, 1661, Daniel Ladd, sr. (his mark) and wife Ann (her o mark) of Haverhill, for £25, conveyed to George Brown of Haverhill 5 acres of planting land in ye lower plain, bounded by John Williams, sr. Wit: Rich: Littlehale and Jon Dow (his &o: mark). Ack. in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

Vallentine Rowell (his mark) of Salisbury, carpenter, for £8, conveyed to Edward Woodman of Nuberie, merchant, two lots of salt marsh in ye last division of higledee pigledee lots in ye hoghouse marshes near fox island, bounded by Robert ffitts, Phillip Challis, and creek, 6 acres, April 5, 1 662. Wit: Tho: Bradbury and Sam: Hall. Ack. in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.

Theophilus Satchwell acquits John Jonson of all demands about Simons’ sale of Savage’s lot, in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662. Wit.(?) : Robert Clements and George Brown.

Whereas Joseph Jowett, late of Rowley, sold to William Compton of Norfolk house, barn, orchard and five acres of land in Haverhill, bounded by widow Eyers, Robert Eyers and street, and two commonages, his executors, Phillip Nelson, John Carleton (also Carlton) and Jerimee Jowett, now pass the title, for £40, 26: I: 1662. Wit : Sam: Appleton and Theophilus Wilson. Ack. in court at Ipswich March 25, 1662.

Thomas Webster of Hampton conveyed to John Cass of Hampton one share in great ox-common in Hampton April 4, 1662. Wit: John Barsham and Robert Tuck. Ack. before Tho Wiggin.

A planting lot of 30 acres was granted by Salisbury to John Eyer, late of Salisbury, deceased, up Merrimack river towards Haverhlll, at the place called Jaimeca, and half of it was resigned to the town, the other half said John Eyer gave to his son Robert Eyer, and now said Robert Eyer of Haverhill conveys it to Richard Currier of Salisbury new town, bounded by Merrimack river, land formerly granted to Mr. Winsley, and Daniel Ladd. March 25, 1662. Robert’s wife Elizabeth joins with him. Wit Sam: Dalton and Mary White. Ack. in court at Salisbury 8: 2 mo: 1662.
John Eyer releases his interest in above lot April 9, 1662.

John Hutchins (his I H mark) of Haverhill, for 200, conveyed to his son Joseph Hutchins of Haverhill my house and several lots of land in Haverhill and live stock April 29, 1661. Grantor’s wife Frances (her mark) joins with him. Wit: Tho: Eyer (his o mark), Will White and Will: Hutchen. Ack. before Sam: Symonds April 29, 1662.

Source: The Essex Antiquarian May 1899


Norfolk County MA,

Perley, Sidney. The Essex Antiquarian. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Antiquarian Monthly Periodical, published 1897-1909. Compiled into 13 volumes by Essex Antiquarian, and republished.

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